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2024-08-14 21:50:08699瀏覽










安全性:軟體的安全性是首要考慮的因素。要選擇有良好口碑和信譽的軟體品牌,確保軟體不會有漏洞或後門。 功能性:除了基本的鎖定螢幕功能外,一些軟體還提供了定時鎖定螢幕、遠端鎖定螢幕、防窺螢幕保護等更多實用功能,使用者可以根據自己的需求選擇合適的功能。 易用性:軟體的操作介面應簡潔明了,易於上手操作,不需要複雜的設定就能實現基本的鎖定螢幕功能。 相容性:軟體應具有良好的相容性,能夠適應各種作業系統版本和電腦硬體配置,確保在各種情況下都能正常運作。



軟體A:功能強大,安全穩定,支援定時鎖定螢幕和遠端鎖定螢幕等實用功能。 軟體B:操作簡單,介面友好,適合不擅長電腦操作的使用者使用。 軟體C:相容性強,能夠適配多種作業系統和電腦配置,廣泛適用。 軟體D:擁有專業的安全加密技術,保護用戶隱私資訊不被竊取。



下載安裝:在官方網站下載軟體安裝包,按照提示進行安裝。 設定功能:依個人需求設定鎖定畫面時間、鎖定畫面方式等功能選項。 啟動軟體:完成設定後啟動軟體,軟體會在使用者離開電腦一段時間後自動鎖定螢幕。 解鎖螢幕:輸入設定的解鎖密碼或解鎖方式,即可解鎖螢幕恢復使用。








3、按住ctrl+shift+del 。




Ctrl+Alt+小鍵盤數字3下面那個點同時按下,然後找到掛機鎖的進程,結束進程就可以了。 :右鍵點擊——個人化——螢幕保護程式——更改電源設定——更改計畫設定——更改進階電源設定——平衡-喚醒是需要密碼設定的,就可以了。

4. Which is the lock screen key for hanging up the computer?

You can set a "screen saver". Right-click on the desktop, select "Properties", then select "Screen Saver". After selecting a screen saver, enter the waiting time in Wait, and then click "Restore" Check "Use password protection at all times" and click "Apply". More directly, when you want to leave the computer, just press the "win+L" key on the keyboard. The "win" key is the key between "ctrl" and "alt".

5. How to get the computer to hang up?

The solution steps are as follows:

1. First turn on the computer, find the hang-up lock icon in the computer and double-click it to start it.

2. Enter the password in the pop-up menu. The unlock password needs to be entered twice, and then click OK.

3. After entering the password in the password field, click to unlock.

4. If you forget the on-hook lock password, you must first click the restart button on the host. The password will disappear when you restart the computer. Or ask the network administrator to help you solve it.

6. How to open the computer hang-up lock if you forget the password?

If you forget the on-hook lock password on your computer, if this happens, you can handle it like this: Ctrl+Alt+press the point under number 3 on the small keyboard at the same time, then find the on-hook lock process and end the process. How to set the hang-up lock: right-click - Personalize - Screen saver - Change power settings - Change plan settings - Change advanced power settings - Balance-Wake requires a password to set, that's it.

7. How can I force entry into the Internet cafe by locking the computer?

1. Restart the host.

2. Press and hold alt+F4.

3. Press and hold ctrl+shift+del.

4. Properties"---"Screen Saver", check "Use password protection during recovery" and click "Apply".

8. How to protect computer security: The necessity of computer hang-up lock and How to use

Computer hang-up lock: What is it?

In today's digital age, we are increasingly relying on computers for work and entertainment. However, with the popularity of computer use, we are also facing more and more security issues. Threats. As a common security tool, computer hang-up lock plays an important role in protecting personal privacy and preventing data leakage

The specific role of computer hang-up lock

Computer hang-up lock is a physical security tool that can help users. Prevent others from accessing your computer when away from it. It usually consists of a lock and a cable. The user can fix the lock on the computer and then secure the computer by locking the cable to a table or other fixed object.

The most direct benefit of using a computer hang-up lock is to prevent others from illegally accessing the computer and stealing personal information. It is very important to repeatedly lock the data when you leave the computer temporarily. In addition, the computer hang-up lock can also effectively prevent the computer from being stolen. In public places, such as libraries and airports, or in the office, using a computer phone lock can provide effective protection

How to use a computer phone lock correctly

The following is essential for protecting computer security. Here are some basic steps for using a computer phone lock:

Choose a suitable computer phone lock: Choose a suitable computer phone lock according to your computer model and needs. Fix the lock head: Fix the lock head on the computer to ensure it is firm and safe. Fixed wire rope: Lock the wire rope to a table or other fixed object to ensure that the computer cannot be easily moved. Test security: Make sure that the computer hang-up lock is installed correctly and cannot be unlocked by simple operation.

Key points for selecting a computer hang-up lock.

There are several points to consider when choosing a computer lock:

Compatibility: Make sure the computer lock is compatible with your computer model Quality and Durability: Choose a good quality and durable computer lock to ensure it will work. Use for a long time. Easy to use: Choose a computer phone lock that is easy to use and avoid overly complicated operations. Extra features: Some computer phone locks may have additional functions, such as fingerprint recognition or alarm systems, which you can choose according to your needs. Summary

In today’s digital age, protecting personal privacy and data security is crucial. By using a computer lock, you can effectively prevent others from accessing and stealing personal information, and ensure the security of your data. Used correctly, it can provide an additional barrier to your computer security.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this article can help you understand the necessity and use of computer hang-up locks, thereby protecting your computer security.

9. How to set up a computer screen hang-up lock?

The setting method of computer screen hang-up lock (also called screen saver) is as follows:

1. Enter the "Control Panel" of the computer system.

2. Select "Appearance and Personalization" in Control Panel, then select "Screen Saver".

3. In the screen saver settings window, select the screen saver you want to set, such as "Matrix Code", "3D Text", etc., or select "Blank", or you can change the screen in the "Settings" option Protect program details.

4. Adjust the "waiting time" to the time you want, such as 5 minutes, so that when your computer is idle for 5 minutes, the system will start the screen saver.

5. Click "OK" to save the settings.

After this, your computer will automatically start the screen saver after the set time according to your settings. If you need to cancel the screen saver, just press any key or left mouse button to exit.

10. How to unlock the computer lock in an Internet cafe?

How to unlock the computer lock in an Internet cafe

The easiest way is to press the restart button and it will be done immediately. Internet cafe computer startup, restart, USB interface. They are all concentrated on the computer desk. It is led out of the chassis through a data cable and placed on the desktop. The start button should be larger and the reset button should be smaller. Which smaller reset button do you press? The on-hook lock is useless at all, it can be done with one click

