假設理解 Big O 表示法。 JavaScript 中有範例。資料參考 Gayle Laakmann McDowell 的《Cracking the Coding Interview》
鍊錶是一種表示節點序列的資料結構。 在單鍊錶中,每個節點都指向下一個節點。
head 是對列表中第一個節點的 引用。它很重要,因為它允許存取鍊錶的開頭。它有時充當哨兵節點(放置在實際頭節點之前),以便更輕鬆地進行操作,例如在頭部插入。尾部是對清單中最後一個節點的引用。它的下一個指標為空,表示列表的結尾。
與陣列相比,鍊錶在插入/刪除方面具有更高的記憶體效率,因為這些操作不需要「移動」元素。從鍊錶中的任意位置新增或刪除元素的操作需要 O(1) O(1)n)O(n🎜>
O(n🎜> O(n) 刪除:O(n🎜> O(n)
class ListNode { constructor(val, nextNode = null) { this.val = val; this.next = nextNode; } } class LinkedList { constructor() { // sentinel node for easy operations on head this.head = new ListNode(-1); this.tail = this.head; } // get the value at the specified index. get(index) { let curr = this.head.next; let i = 0; while (curr !== null) { if (i === index) return curr.val; curr = curr.next; i++; } return -1; } // insert a new value at the head of the list. insertHead(val) { const newNode = new ListNode(val); newNode.next = this.head.next; this.head.next = newNode; if (newNode.next === null) { this.tail = newNode; } } // insert a new value at the tail of the list. insertTail(val) { const newNode = new ListNode(val); this.tail.next = newNode; this.tail = newNode; } // remove the node at the specified index. remove(index) { let curr = this.head; let i = 0; while (i < index && curr.next !== null) { i++; curr = curr.next; } if (curr !== null && curr.next !== null) { if (curr.next === this.tail) this.tail = curr; curr.next = curr.next.next; return true; } return false; } // get all values in the list as an array. getValues() { const values = []; let curr = this.head.next; while (curr !== null) { values.push(curr.val); curr = curr.next; } return values; } // get the length of the list. length() { let length = 0; let curr = this.head.next; while (curr !== null) { length++; curr = curr.next; } return length; } }O(n🎜>
function ListNode(val, nextNode = null) { this.val = val; this.next = nextNode; } function LinkedList() { this.head = new ListNode(-1); // Sentinel node this.tail = this.head; } // get the value at the specified index LinkedList.prototype.get = function(index) { let curr = this.head.next; let i = 0; while (curr !== null) { if (i === index) return curr.val; curr = curr.next; i++; } return -1; }; // insert a new value at the head of the list LinkedList.prototype.insertHead = function(val) { const newNode = new ListNode(val); newNode.next = this.head.next; this.head.next = newNode; if (newNode.next === null) { this.tail = newNode; } }; // insert a new value at the tail of the list LinkedList.prototype.insertTail = function(val) { const newNode = new ListNode(val); this.tail.next = newNode; this.tail = newNode; }; // remove the node at the specified index LinkedList.prototype.remove = function(index) { let curr = this.head; let i = 0; while (i < index && curr.next !== null) { i++; curr = curr.next; } if (curr !== null && curr.next !== null) { if (curr.next === this.tail) this.tail = curr; curr.next = curr.next.next; return true; } return false; }; // get all values in the list as an array LinkedList.prototype.getValues = function() { const values = []; let curr = this.head.next; while (curr !== null) { values.push(curr.val); curr = curr.next; } return values; }; // get the length of the list LinkedList.prototype.length = function() { let length = 0; let curr = this.head.next; while (curr !== null) { length++; curr = curr.next; } return length; };O(n) JavaScript 實作 經典物件導向程式設計 函數式物件導向編程