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2024-08-14 10:41:30536瀏覽

The Wisdom of Avoiding Conditional Statements






2007 年,Francesco Cirillo發起了一場名為 Anti-if 的運動。

Francesco Cirillo 是發明番茄工作法的人。我現在正在「番茄鐘下」寫這篇文章。




當然,我們有一個「相反」的指標——程式碼覆蓋率,它顯示了測試覆蓋了多少程式碼。但是,這個指標以及我們程式語言中用於檢查覆蓋率的豐富工具是否證明忽略圈複雜度並僅基於「本能」散佈 if 語句是合理的?


幾乎每次我發現自己要將一個if 嵌套在另一個if 中時,我都會意識到我正在做一些非常愚蠢的事情,可以用不同的方式重寫- 要么沒有嵌套的if ,要嘛根本沒有if 。


我並沒有立即開始注意到這一點。如果您查看我的 GitHub,您會發現不只一個舊程式碼範例,它們不僅具有高圈複雜度,而且具有直接的圈複雜度。


破壞 if 語句的兩種神聖技術

  1. Padawan,將未知值的每個條件檢查移至該值已知的位置。
  2. 學徒,改變你的編碼邏輯思考模型,讓它不再需要條件檢查。

1. 讓未知為人所知



from typing import Optional

def process_age(age: Optional[int]) -> None:
    if age is None:
        raise ValueError("Age cannot be null")
    if age < 0 or age > 150:
        raise ValueError("Age must be between 0 and 150")




class Age:
    def __init__(self, value: int) -> None:
        if value < 0 or value > 150:
            raise ValueError("Age must be between 0 and 150")
        self.value = value

    def get_value(self) -> int:
        return self.value

def process_age(age: Age) -> None:
    # Age is guaranteed to be valid, process it directly


如果我們想刪除 Age 類別中的 if ,我們可以走得更遠/不同,也許可以使用帶有驗證器的 Pydantic 模型,甚至用斷言替換 if — 現在已經不重要了。

其他有助於擺脫同一元思想中的條件檢查的技術或機制包括用多態性(或匿名 lambda 函數)替換條件以及分解具有偷偷摸摸的布爾標誌的函數等方法。


class PaymentProcessor:
    def process_payment(self, payment_type: str, amount: float) -> str:
        if payment_type == "credit_card":
            return self.process_credit_card_payment(amount)
        elif payment_type == "paypal":
            return self.process_paypal_payment(amount)
        elif payment_type == "bank_transfer":
            return self.process_bank_transfer_payment(amount)
            raise ValueError("Unknown payment type")

    def process_credit_card_payment(self, amount: float) -> str:
        return f"Processed credit card payment of {amount}."

    def process_paypal_payment(self, amount: float) -> str:
        return f"Processed PayPal payment of {amount}."

    def process_bank_transfer_payment(self, amount: float) -> str:
        return f"Processed bank transfer payment of {amount}."

如果你用 match/case 替換 if/elif 也沒關係——都是一樣的垃圾!


from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class PaymentProcessor(ABC):
    def process_payment(self, amount: float) -> str:

class CreditCardPaymentProcessor(PaymentProcessor):
    def process_payment(self, amount: float) -> str:
        return f"Processed credit card payment of {amount}."

class PayPalPaymentProcessor(PaymentProcessor):
    def process_payment(self, amount: float) -> str:
        return f"Processed PayPal payment of {amount}."

class BankTransferPaymentProcessor(PaymentProcessor):
    def process_payment(self, amount: float) -> str:
        return f"Processed bank transfer payment of {amount}."



def process_transaction(transaction_id: int,
                                                amount: float,
                                                is_internal: bool) -> None:
    if is_internal:
        # Process internal transaction
        # Process external transaction

無論如何,兩個函數都會好得多,即使其中 2/3 的程式碼是相同的!這是其中一種場景,其中與 DRY 的權衡是常識的結果,使程式碼變得更好。

The big difference here is that mechanically, on autopilot, we are unlikely to use these approaches unless we've internalized and developed the habit of thinking through the lens of this principle.

Otherwise, we'll automatically fall into if: if: elif: if...

2. Free Your Mind, Neo

In fact, the second technique is the only real one, and the earlier "first" technique is just preparatory practices, a shortcut for getting in place :)

Indeed, the only ultimate way, method — call it what you will — to achieve simpler code, reduce cyclomatic complexity, and cut down on conditional checks is making a shift in the mental models we build in our minds to solve specific problems.

I promise, one last silly example for today.

Consider that we're urgently writing a backend for some online store where user can make purchases without registration, or with it.

Of course, the system has a User class/entity, and finishing with something like this is easy:

def process_order(order_id: int,
                                  user: Optional[User]) -> None:
    if user is not None:
        # Process order for a registered user
        # Process order for a guest user

But noticing this nonsense, thanks to the fact that our thinking has already shifted in the right direction (I believe), we'll go back to where the User class is defined and rewrite part of the code in something like this:

class User:
    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
        self.name = name

    def process_order(self, order_id: int) -> None:

class GuestUser(User):
    def __init__(self) -> None:

    def process_order(self, order_id: int) -> None:

So, the essence and beauty of it all is that we don't clutter our minds with various patterns and coding techniques to eliminate conditional statements and so on.

By shifting our focus to the meta-level, to a higher level of abstraction than just the level of reasoning about lines of code, and following the idea we've discussed today, the right way to eliminate conditional checks and, in general, more correct code will naturally emerge.

A lot of conditional checks in our code arise from the cursed None/Null leaking into our code, so it's worth mentioning the quite popular Null Object pattern.

Clinging to Words, Not Meaning

When following Anti-if, you can go down the wrong path by clinging to words rather than meaning and blindly following the idea that "if is bad, if must be removed.”

Since conditional statements are semantic rather than syntactic elements, there are countless ways to remove the if token from your code without changing the underlying logic in our beloved programming languages.

Replacing an elif chain in Python with a match/case isn’t what I’m talking about here.

Logical conditions stem from the mental “model” of the system, and there’s no universal way to "just remove" conditionals entirely.

In other words, cyclomatic complexity and overall code complexity aren’t tied to the physical representation of the code — the letters and symbols written in a file.

The complexity comes from the formal expression, the verbal or textual explanation of why and how specific code works.

So if we change something in the code, and there are fewer if statements or none at all, but the verbal explanation of same code remains the same, all we’ve done is change the representation of the code, and the change itself doesn’t really mean anything or make any improvement.

