首頁 >科技週邊 >IT業界 >消息指出「共享充電寶老大」怪獸充電全面轉向代理商加盟,直營業務只剩運維


2024-08-13 13:51:52409瀏覽





目前,怪獸充電商業模式主要以「直營 + 代理」為主。



「目前除在上海和成都兩地還留有直營團隊做設備運維外,其他地區的直營業務,基本上都在打包出售,其中大部分轉賣給了當地的區域代理商,少部分沒賣出去的還在運維並出售中。必爭之地,所以這兩個城市還有一些維護人員。 同時,另一位


代理商則指出,目前成都地區也不穩妥,也已開始打包出售。 對於不再拓展新的直營點位一事,代理商給出的解釋是:「本地代理商對當地門市的把控,或者說當地關係的理解,一定是比我們要強得多的,所以現在轉向了代理模式。快速進入市場的方式,或許能夠快速見效。

據艾瑞諮詢《2024 年中國共享行動電源產業研究報告》,目前,國內共享行動電源產業集中度較高,前五大品牌佔比 96.6%。其中,怪獸充電的市佔率最高,達 36%。從交易規模角度來看,


GMV 超過 40 億元,位居業界第一梯隊。

1. 但是,怪獸充電雖為共享充電寶“老大”,但在營收及淨利潤表現方面卻差強人意。

消息指出「共享充電寶老大」怪獸充電全面轉向代理商加盟,直營業務只剩運維據怪獸充電 2024 年第一季財報,怪獸充電營收 3.972 億元(5,500 萬美元),比 2023 年同期下降 51.7%。其中,減少的主要原因是 ——


  1. 值得注意的是,這不是怪獸充電首次季報營收下滑。根據新浪科技不完全統計,自 2023 年第二季以來,怪獸充電已經連續三個季度出現營收年比負成長,淨利潤環比連續下降的情況。
  2. 消息指出「共享充電寶老大」怪獸充電全面轉向代理商加盟,直營業務只剩運維事實上,怪獸充電業務模式調整的情況,透過最新財報表現,也可窺見一斑。根據怪獸 2024 年第一季財報,在公司營收下滑且網路合作夥伴的合約安排發生變化的同時,公司全國代理點位佔比,卻由 2023 年底的 72.8% 提升到了 79.7%。

    In this regard, Cai Guangyuan, CEO of Monster Charging, explained: "While maintaining the core points of the direct operation model, we strategically adjust resources to develop the agency model." Xin Yi, CFO of Monster Charging, further stated: "Although the adjustment of the operating model will result in one-time costs, it is of great significance to the company's long-term financial health."

    The core leader of Monster Charging did not specify the details of "optimizing" the direct business, but clearly conveyed The company’s development ideas towards the agency model were revealed. But for Monster Charge, while fully developing the agency model, excessive profits are being made to agents, which is also causing the company to fall into a situation of declining revenue and net profit.

    The phenomenon of arbitrary charging is serious and agency disputes are prominent

    In fact, the problems of arbitrary charging and overcharging caused by vigorously developing agents, as well as dealer losses caused by market misjudgment, are also becoming obstacles to the long-term development of Monster Charging key.

    On the one hand, because Monster Charging has opened up the authority for dealers to freely set operating prices, this has led to differences in the pricing models of merchants in different regions. Some users often find that the deduction amount exceeds expectations only after consumption, resulting in a large number of large amounts. Rights protection and complaints about deductions. On the Black Cat complaint platform, there have been 280 complaints about Monster Charging in the past 30 days, a large number of which were complaints about excessive charges and agency disputes.

    On the other hand, the vigorous promotion of the agency model has led to business personnel over-promising, which ultimately led to agents being unable to install equipment after purchasing goods, which is causing a series of disputes.

    Recently, several Monster agencies in Harbin, Wuhan, Changsha and other places reported to Sina Technology that after they purchased hundreds of thousands of power bank equipment from Monster Charging, they found that the installation effect was not as good as the original Monster sales personnel promised. , but due to problems such as the disbandment of the laying team and the shirk of monster charging, the two sides are now in extreme tension.

    Gradually abandon direct sales and shift the focus of its shared power bank business to the agency model of Monster Charging. It is reducing its own assets and liabilities while accelerating its market layout. It is also mobilizing the funds in the pockets of agents to conduct market experiments for itself, and cooperates with Meituan Charging and Street electricity, small electricity and other peers compete.

    In this point coverage competition, it is still unknown who will win in the end. In communication with Sina Technology, a large agent in the power bank industry bluntly said: "In the future, there will only be two or three players in this industry. Although Monster currently has the highest market share, their business model is too single and weak in public perception." The status of Meituan power bank is not stable either. "

    This article comes from the WeChat public account: Sina Technology (ID: techsina), author: Zhou Wenmeng, the original title is "Shared power bank "boss is in danger": only direct business remains. Operation and maintenance, the agency model breeds serious arbitrary charging》

