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適合初學者的 10 個基本 Windows 指令

2024-08-12 07:02:32512瀏覽

您是否曾經覺得瀏覽 Windows 系統就像一場永無止境的尋寶遊戲?您點擊無數的選單和資料夾,只是想找到一個檔案或設定。這就是這些命令的用武之地。這就像有一條秘密的捷徑可以更快地完成工作。掌握這 10 個基本 Windows 指令,您不僅可以簡化工作流程,還可以激發您內心的駭客精神。

本文所列的所有命令都可以在命令提示字元和 PowerShell 中使用。

1 cd:輕鬆更改目錄

瀏覽 Windows 檔案系統不一定是迷宮。 cd(更改目錄)指令可以輕鬆地在目錄中移動。

要使用該命令,只需鍵入 cd ,然後鍵入要導航到的目錄。需要從主目錄快速跳到「文件」資料夾?輸入此命令:

cd Documents
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

或者也許您想升一級;您可以輸入 cd .. 這將使您返回到上一個目錄。如果您需要快速瀏覽不同的目錄,這會很有用。

10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

您也可以透過提供從根目錄開始的完整路徑來導航到特定路徑,無論您身在何處。請記住使用正確的語法和拼字。要導航到 System32 目錄,請鍵入以下命令:

cd C: WindowsSystem32
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

這一切都是為了讓您的檔案系統更容易存取。若要更深入地了解在 Windows 上變更目錄,請了解如何在 Windows 10 上的命令提示字元中變更目錄。

2 dir:列出目錄內容

您想在不開啟資料夾的情況下查看資料夾內的內容嗎? dir(目錄)指令就是您的答案。它列出了終端機中的所有檔案和目錄。只需輸入 dir 即可取得目前目錄中所有內容的清單。

10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

如果您輸入 dir /a 您可以看到目錄中顯示的所有檔案和資料夾,包括隱藏的檔案和資料夾。

10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

在輸入指令時使用 Tab 鍵自動補全檔案和目錄名稱,節省時間並減少錯誤。

3 mkdir:建立新目錄

使用 mkdir(建立目錄)指令快速組織檔案。在任意位置建立新資料夾。建立新資料夾就像鍵入以下指令一樣簡單:

mkdir NewFolder
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners


如果你想要一次建立一個巢狀的目錄結構,可以使用 mkdir abc 指令。該指令將建立目錄“a”,並在“a”內建立目錄“b”,並在“b”內建立目錄“c”。這是使用單一指令設定多層目錄的便捷方法,而不必單獨建立每個目錄。

10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

4 rmdir:刪除目錄

你有不需要的空白資料夾嗎? rmdir(刪除目錄)指令會處理它。但如果它不為空,則需要採用不同的方法。若要刪除空白目錄,只需鍵入:

rmdir NewFolder
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

若要刪除目錄及其中的所有內容,請使用 rmdir /s NewFolder 指令。

10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners


使用 mkdir 或 rmdir 指令時,如果操作成功,您將不會看到任何確認訊息。若要確保目錄已建立或刪除,可以使用 dir 指令列出目前目錄的內容。如果操作成功,新目錄將會相應地從清單中出現或消失。

If you need more information on a specific command, simply enter help followed by the command. For example, if you need more information on the rmdir command, type the help rmdir command.

5 del: Delete Files

Do you need to delete a file? The del command will do it. Use it wisely because once it's gone, it's gone (sort of). Deleted files on hard drives aren't immediately erased, while on solid-state drives, the data may be wiped more quickly.

To delete a file, type the command del followed by the file(s) you want to delete. For example, to delete file.txt, type this:

del file.txt
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

It’s a powerful command, so handle it with care.

The del command doesn't print anything in response to its use, which might surprise you. Once you run the command, the file will be deleted silently. You can verify that the file has been deleted by using the dir command to check the contents of the directory where the file was located.

6 copy: Copy Files to Another Location

Do you want to back up your files? The copy command makes duplicating files a breeze. To copy file.txt to the C:Backup folder, type the following:

copy file.txt C:Backup
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

By using the wildcard symbol "*" followed by the file extension, you can copy all files with the same extension. For example, to copy all text files to the C:Backup directory, you use this command:

copy * .txt C:Backup
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

Press F7 to view and select from your command history. This allows you to easily re-run previous commands without retyping them.

7 move: Move Files to a New Location

Are you reorganizing your files? The move command lets you move files around on Windows without having to copy them to a new location. To move a file, use the move command followed by the filename and, finally, the location where you want it moved.

As an example, to move file.txt to the C:Backup folder, type this command:

move file.txt C:Backup
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

8 type: Display the Contents of a Text File

Do you want to peek inside a text file without opening it? The type command displays its contents right in the terminal. This can be done by entering type followed by the text file you want to read. To read file.txt, use this command:

type file.txt
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

The cls command clears all text from the terminal screen, giving you a clean slate to work from.

9 systeminfo: View System Information

The systeminfo command provides an overview of your Windows system, perfect for troubleshooting or satisfying your curiosity. It displays information such as the operating system version, processor type, and installed RAM. It also includes details about the computer's network configuration.

10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

10 tree: Display Directory Structure

The tree command displays a graphical representation of the directory structure of a drive or path. It's a handy way to see the layout of your files and folders. To see the structure of the Users directory, type this command:

tree C:Users
10 Basic Windows Commands for Beginners

So there you have it: 10 basic Windows commands for beginners that will make you feel like a computer whiz. Practice these commands, and you'll soon be navigating, managing, and troubleshooting your Windows system with ease. Keep exploring, keep experimenting, and watch your command-line skills grow.







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