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2024-08-12 06:31:371044瀏覽

Lenovo laptop has system problems and needs to reinstall the system? Don't worry, PHP editor Yuzai brings you a tutorial on reinstalling the Lenovo laptop system. This article will introduce in detail the steps and precautions for reinstalling the Lenovo laptop system, guide you to easily complete the reinstallation, solve system problems, and make your laptop look brand new. Please continue reading below for detailed reinstallation instructions.


1. How to reinstall the Lenovo laptop system?

Answer: How to reinstall the system of Lenovo laptop:

1. Preparation

1. Download Lenovo win7 system

3. 4G or larger U disk, and then make a Dabaicai U disk boot disk

3. Settings BIOS boots to U disk

2. Step

1. After making the U disk boot disk, copy the downloaded Lenovo system iso file directly to the GHO directory of the U disk, insert the U disk into the Lenovo z470 laptop, and restart Then keep pressing the F12 shortcut key to open the boot menu.

If there is no response, press the Novo one-key recovery button in the shutdown state. After booting, enter the Novo menu, press the ↓ direction key to select the Boot Menu item, and press the Enter key

2 . In the startup item management window, select the USB HDD item and press Enter to boot from the U disk. Boot from the U disk to enter the main menu. Press number 2 or press the up and down arrow keys to select Enter to start the pe system. 3. New Computers generally need to be partitioned. If you need to repartition, you need to back up all files, then double-click to open it in the PE desktop, right-click the hard disk and select.

Set the number of partitions and the size of the partitions. The primary partition is 35G or above, and it is recommended to be 50G or above. If it is a solid-state drive, check "Align Partitions" to align it to 4k, and click OK to execute the hard disk partition process.

4. After partitioning, open it and select the Lenovo system iso image. The gho file will be extracted. Click the drop-down box, select gho, and then click "Restore Partition" to select the location where the system is to be installed.

Usually it is the C drive. Or select according to "Volume Label" and disk size, and click OK. A prompt box will pop up, check "Restart when complete" and "Boot Repair", and click Yes to start the computer restore.

2. Lenovo laptop system files are damaged?

If your computer system files are damaged or lost and need to be recovered, you can use (Top) File Recovery. USB flash drives, mobile hard drives, mobile phone memory cards, camera memory cards, etc. can all be recovered. Recover files emptied from the Recycle Bin, delete them directly with Shift+Delete, and recover files lost after software uninstallation. Formatted partitions, recovery of files lost by accidental ghost, etc.

3. Why can’t I download anything after reinstalling the Lenovo laptop system?

There may be several reasons:

1. The driver is not installed: After reinstalling the system, you may need to reinstall the corresponding driver to ensure that all hardware can be used normally. If the network adapter driver is not installed or configured correctly, it may result in an inability to connect to the Internet.

2. Network configuration problem: It may be a problem with network settings. For example, the IP address or DNS server address is configured incorrectly, or firewall settings restrict access.

3. Viruses or malware: When downloading files, you may be attacked by viruses or malware, causing the system to fail to work properly. If you have anti-virus or firewall software, it may block the download.

4. Browser setting problem: Maybe the browser setting blocks the download. Settings may vary between browsers, but you need to ensure that downloads are not blocked or restricted.


1. Confirm that all necessary drivers are installed.

2. Check the network settings and configuration to ensure that the IP address and other configuration items are correct.

3. Run anti-virus software to check whether the system is attacked by viruses or malware. Or try upgrading your antivirus software to better protect your computer.

4. Check your browser settings to make sure downloads are not blocked or restricted.

4. How to recover from a Lenovo laptop system crash?

You can go to the computer store to reinstall a system.

If your laptop system crashes and you can’t use it or log in, then you can take your laptop and go directly to the computer mall and find the person who specializes in system installation and ask him to help you build a system. Now it seems like It only costs 50 yuan. You need to install a similar one according to your computer system.

5. How to solve the problem of Lenovo laptop system damage?

If the operating system of your Lenovo laptop is damaged, you can try the following solutions:

1. Restart your computer: Sometimes, a simple restart can solve temporary system problems. Try restarting your Lenovo laptop and see if the problem resolves itself.

2. Enter safe mode: Try to enter the safe mode of Windows, which will start the operating system with minimal configuration and can help you identify and solve certain system problems. Press the F8 key or Shift + F8 key combination at startup and select the Safe Mode option.

3. 使用系統還原:如果您的筆記型電腦之前建立了系統還原點,您可以使用系統還原功能將電腦還原到較早的穩定狀態。進入安全模式後,開啟系統還原工具,並選擇適當的還原點進行復原。

4. 使用復原選項:聯想筆記本通常會提供預先安裝的復原選項,例如OneKey Recovery或Lenovo Vantage。您可以按照廠商提供的說明使用這些工具進行系統修復或恢復原廠設定。

5. 使用安裝媒體進行修復:如果您擁有Windows安裝光碟或USB安裝介質,您可以使用它們進行系統修復。將安裝媒體插入電腦,按下電源鍵啟動電腦,並根據螢幕上的指示選擇修復選項。

6. 重裝作業系統:作為最後的手段,如果以上方法都無法解決問題,您可以考慮重新安裝作業系統。確保您有作業系統的安裝媒體和相關的許可證金鑰,然後按照安裝過程中的指示進行作業系統的重新安裝。




此外,一些知名的軟體下載平台如微軟官方商店、蘋果App Store等也是安全可靠的下載來源,使用者可以在這些平台上找到符合自己需求的系統軟體。值得注意的是,為了避免下載到惡意軟體或病毒,使用者應避免從未經驗證的網站或第三方軟體商店下載系統軟體。


查看筆記本內存是否較滿,無法進行應用安裝 並適當的進行垃圾文件清理使內存充足





















7 、在手動搜尋驅動程式中,我們需要事先了解我們電腦的顯示卡類型,然後在顯示卡系列中選擇我們自己的風格;


9 、在語言清單中選擇「簡體中」;



12、安裝程式會自動偵測系統相容性,然後點選「同意並繼續」;🎜🎜13、這樣就成功的安裝顯示卡驅動了。 🎜

