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使用 honeystone/context 建立多租戶應用程式

2024-08-10 22:30:421301瀏覽

不要與 Laravel 的新上下文庫混淆,該套件可用於建立多上下文多租戶應用程式。大多數多租戶庫本質上都有一個「租戶」上下文,因此如果您需要多個上下文,事情可能會變得有點麻煩。這個新包解決了這個問題。





Building a multi-tenant application with honeystone/context



為了保持這篇文章的簡潔,我不會解釋如何啟動你的 Laravel專案。已經有許多更好的資源可用,尤其是官方文件。我們假設您已經有一個 Laravel 項目,包含使用者、團隊和專案模型,並且您已準備好開始實作我們的上下文套件。


composer install honeystone/context

這個函式庫有一個方便的函數context(),從Laravel 11 開始,它與Laravel 自己的context 函數發生衝突。這其實不是一個問題。您可以匯入我們的函數:

use function Honestone\Context\context;

或只使用 Laravel 的依賴注入容器。在這篇文章中,我將假設您已匯入該函數並相應地使用它。



<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany;

class Team extends Model
    protected $fillable = [&#39;name&#39;];

    public function members(): BelongsToMany
        return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);

    public function projects(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(Project::class);



<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;

class Project extends Model
    protected $fillable = [&#39;name&#39;];

    public function team(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Team::class);




團隊和專案上下文都不是: app.mysaas.dev
僅團隊上下文: app.mysaas.dev/my-team
團隊與專案情境: app.mysaas.dev/my-team/my-project


Route::middleware('auth')->group(function () {

    Route::get('/', DashboardController::class);

    Route::middleware(AppContextMiddleware::Class)->group(function () {

        Route::get('/{team}', TeamController::class);
        Route::get('/{team}/{project}', ProjectController::class);

考慮到命名空間衝突的可能性,這是一種非常不靈活的方法,但它使範例保持簡潔。在現實世界的應用程式中,您需要稍微不同地處理這個問題,也許是 anothersaas.dev/teams/my-team/projects/my-project 或 my-team.anothersas.dev/projects/my-project。


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use function Honestone\Context\context;

class TeamContextMiddleware
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): mixed
        //pull the team parameter from the route
        $teamId = $request->route('team');

        $projectId = null;

        //if there's a project, pull that too
        if ($request->route()->hasParamater('project')) {

            $projectId = $request->route('project');

        //initialise the context
        context()->initialize(new AppResolver($teamId, $projectId));

首先,我們從路由中取得團隊 ID,然後忘記路由參數。一旦參數進入上下文,我們就不需要到達控制器。如果設定了項目 ID,我們也會提取它。然後,我們使用 AppResolver 傳遞團隊 id 和專案 id(或 null)來初始化上下文:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Context\Resolvers;

use App\Models\Team;
use Honeystone\Context\ContextResolver;
use Honeystone\Context\Contracts\DefinesContext;

use function Honestone\Context\context;

class AppResolver extends ContextResolver
    public function __construct(
        private readonly int $teamId,
        private readonly ?int $projectId = null,
    ) {}

    public function define(DefinesContext $definition): void 
            ->require('team', Team::class)
            ->accept('project', Project::class);

    public function resolveTeam(): ?Team
        return Team::with('members')->find($this->teamId);

    public function resolveProject(): ?Project
        return $this->projectId ?: Project::with('team')->find($this->projectId);

    public function checkTeam(DefinesContext $definition, Team $team): bool
        return $team->members->find(context()->auth()->getUser()) !== null;

    public function checkProject(DefinesContext $definition, ?Project $project): bool
        return $project === null || $project->team->id === $this->teamId;

    public function deserialize(array $data): self
        return new static($data['team'], $data['project']);


define( ) 方法負責定義正在解析的上下文。團隊是必要的且必須是團隊模型,專案被接受(即可選)且必須是專案模型(或為空)。

resolveTeam() 將在初始化時在內部呼叫。它傳回 Team 或 null。如果出現空響應,ContextInitializer 將拋出 CouldNotResolveRequiredContextException。

resolveProject() 也會在初始化時在內部呼叫。它傳回項目或 null。在這種情況下,空響應不會導致異常,因為定義不需要該項目。

解析團隊和專案後,ContextInitializer 會呼叫可選的 checkTeam() 和 checkProject() 方法。這些方法執行完整性檢查。對於 checkTeam(),我們確保經過驗證的使用者是團隊的成員,對於 checkProject(),我們檢查專案是否屬於團隊。

最後,每個解析器都需要一個 deserialization() 方法。此方法用於恢復序列化上下文。最值得注意的是,當在排隊作業中使用上下文時,會發生這種情況。

Now that our application context is set, we should use it.

Accessing the context

As usual, we’ll keep it simple, if a little contrived. When viewing the team we want to see a list of projects. We could build our TeamController to handle this requirements like this:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\View\View;

use function compact;
use function Honestone\Context\context;
use function view;

class TeamController
    public function __invoke(Request $request): View
        $projects = context(&#39;team&#39;)->projects;

        return view('team', compact('projects'));

Easy enough. The projects belonging to the current team context are passed to our view. Imagine we now need to query projects for a more specialised view. We could do this:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\View\View;

use function compact;
use function Honestone\Context\context;
use function view;

class ProjectQueryController
    public function __invoke(Request $request, string $query): View
        $projects = Project::where(&#39;team_id&#39;, context(&#39;team&#39;)->id)
            ->where('name', 'like', "%$query%")

        return view('queried-projects', compact('projects'));

It’s getting a little fiddly now, and it’s far too easy to accidentally forget to ‘scope’ the query by team. We can solve this using the BelongsToContext trait on our Project model:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Models;

use Honeystone\Context\Models\Concerns\BelongsToContext;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;

class Project extends Model
    use BelongsToContext;

    protected static array $context = [&#39;team&#39;];

    protected $fillable = [&#39;name&#39;];

    public function team(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Team::class);

All project queries will now be scooped by the team context and the current Team model will be automatically injected into new Project models.

Let’s simplify that controller:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\View\View;

use function compact;
use function view;

class ProjectQueryController
    public function __invoke(Request $request, string $query): View
        $projects = Project::where(&#39;name&#39;, &#39;like&#39;, "%$query%")->get();

        return view('queried-projects', compact('projects'));

That’s all folks

From here onwards, you’re just building your application. The context is easily at hand, your queries are scoped and queued jobs will automagically have access to the same context from which they were dispatched.

Not all context related problems are solved though. You’ll probably want to create some validation macros to give your validation rules a little context, and don’t forget manual queries will not have the context automatically applied.

If you’re planning to use this package in your next project, we’d love to hear from you. Feedback and contribution is always welcome.

You can checkout the GitHub repository for additional documentation. If you find our package useful, please drop a star.

Until next time..

This article was originally posted to the Honeystone Blog. If you like our articles, consider checking our more of our content over there.

以上是使用 honeystone/context 建立多租戶應用程式的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
