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肇慶暴走 30000 步,沉浸式體驗努比亞 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

2024-08-10 21:34:17220瀏覽

你拍照時最喜歡的鏡頭是?我的答案是 35mm 定焦(以等效全片幅焦距計算,下同)。而在手機市場,配備原生 35mm 主拍攝的,只有努比亞這一家。

在各家都以" 影像旗艦" 自稱的時候,努比亞Z60 Ultra 領先版是我們今年用過的手機中最有相機感的,低畸變18mm 超廣角、35mm 人文主攝和85mm 長焦這三顆鏡頭素質都很不錯,配合滑動鍵可以快速開啟/ 關閉相機,很有卡片機的感覺。

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

因為這台手機很特別,所以這次體驗也會有點特別,我將用這台努比亞 Z60 Ultra 領先版,記錄在肇慶渡過的一個週末。

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力


暑期出遊是很讓人頭大的事,出行和住宿成本大幅增加,主要是到處都人滿為患,對於喜歡清淨的 "i 人 " 來說是種折磨。在刷了一個多月旅遊資訊後,最後我們還是決定選擇靠近珠三角的肇慶作為目的地,一是因為距離近,週末來回很輕鬆,


 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

至於景點,我們佛系青年早就想開了,都是那片天、那些山和那些水,也早已過了要拍照打卡的年紀,只是想找個地方" 荒廢" 一下罷了。

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

同樣是氣溫接近 40 ℃的夏天,在辦公室看和在高鐵上看會有什麼不同嗎?大概是心情不同吧。上面這兩張圖都是比較大光比的場景,努比亞 Z60 Ultra 領先版的 85mm 長焦表現不錯,亮部和暗部過渡自然,高光部分的雲朵和陰影的瓷磚都保留了很多細節。

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

35mm 獨有的天空視角,剛好能拍到天空和一點點樹梢。如果是廣角就會拍到擁擠的人群,長焦的話只能拍到雲。這張照片是使用街拍模式下的 FJ100 濾鏡拍的,模擬的是富士膠片,偏冷的色調和藍天白雲很搭。

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

這就是廣東四大名山之一鼎湖山的" 鼎",名為" 九龍寶鼎",重達16 噸,結合傳統工藝與現代科技於2000 年鑄成,曾經是世界上最大的鼎。由於它真的能裝東西,景區順勢開發了投擲許願球祈福許願的玩法,比起其它景區許願池裡的石頭烏龜,要把許願球丟進這個6 米多高的大傢伙,好像更難一點。

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

努比亞Z60 Ultra 領先版這顆85mm 長焦支援AI 長焦超分功能,可以在85mm 的基礎上裁切到170mm 和350mm,實測這個功能對於文字和材質紋理的還原比較出色,關鍵時刻當望遠鏡用也還不錯。

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

這顆超廣角的畫質很喜人,在拍攝蝴蝶谷全景的時候也能做到這種 " 橫平豎直 " 的效果,畸變控制非常優秀。如果不是畫面四角輕微的拉伸,很難相信這是 18mm 鏡頭出來的效果。

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

作為最早在手機相機上引入專業模式的品牌之一,努比亞的相機互動有自己的思考,用起來也很順手。照片模式簡單易上手,對應的鏡頭直接標註了焦距,不像其​​他廠商那樣使用1x、2x、3x 這種標示;專業模式則提供了豐富的可調選項,點擊、滑動就能調節,輔以細膩的振感,操作起來很順手。


 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

The Feiqiao Bridge under the 35mm lens. This bridge is about 50 meters long and is a road bridge leading to Qingyun Temple. Regarding the purpose of the wooden piles under the bridge, a passing child said that they were used by immortals to practice martial arts. Later, I asked an uncle and found out that it used to be a swimming pool, and the part surrounded by the wooden piles was the water entry platform, and the outside of the wooden piles It's deep water.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

This is Lingxu Bridge, adjacent to Feiqiao Bridge. After the water from Tianhu Lake flows through Butterfly Valley, it flies down from here, forming a series of small waterfalls. The 35mm lens is very suitable for expressing this kind of scene. The picture is compact and can just show the front, middle and back scenes. There is no distortion caused by wide angle, and the story is full.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

After recognizing flowing water, the camera will recommend turning on the electronic aperture mode. Once turned on, you can take photos of this delicate flowing water effect. It is recommended to use it with a tripod. It is still too difficult to hold it handheld.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

You can see Xiangshuitan along the mountain road. Due to the low drop, this waterfall is relatively small, and because the surrounding valley is relatively narrow, the sound of the water becomes very loud in the echo. However, the area was not currently open and the group of naughty young people were quickly chased away.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

This is the famous Feishuitan Waterfall. It is estimated that 80% of the people who come to Dinghu Mountain come here. The small pool is packed to the brim. To be honest, all the way down from here, there are streams and mountain roads. There were people all over the place, and i people could only run down the mountain to escape.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

It was almost 6 o'clock when we returned to downtown Zhaoqing. The Xinmao Bell gave people a sense of tranquility under the setting sun. I heard from uncles and aunts that in the early 1990s, many people did not have watches and relied on this big clock to tell time. Later, the mall closed down and the clock was left unmaintained and shut down for a long time. It was later repaired and restored to normal operation only after it was upgraded and renovated in 2018.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

I wanted to go out and feel the summer night breeze, but there was no night breeze tonight, only still hot air. Qilou Street has a history of hundreds of years. It was once a commercial and trade center. Later, it gradually fell into desolation with the rise of large shopping malls. At the end of 2023, the renovated arcade street will welcome tourists again and transform into an Internet celebrity attraction. I heard that it is very busy until the early morning.

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Like all attractions known as "Internet celebrity", the renovated arcade street is filled with various routine shops and decorations to attract young people who are keen to check in. My local friends who were traveling with me complained about this. Many of the shops I helped with when I was young are no longer there. Except for the old site of the cinema, there is nothing else to miss. Moreover, after the renovation, the original simple style was lost, and the new decoration It looks out of place and looks no different from other internet celebrity attractions.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

Since I walked more than 20,000 steps on the first day, I chose the more leisurely Qixingyan Scenic Area on the second day. I walked in from the south gate and went out from the north gate to take the urban rail back to Guangzhou.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

For this kind of scene, the 35mm lens is really suitable. The viewing range is just right. If you use a wider lens, you will be able to capture the trees on the shore. If you use a longer focus, you will not be able to capture the reflection of the sky. I really I haven’t been so keen on taking photos with my mobile phone’s main camera for a long time.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

From the comparison of the three focal lengths of this group of cameras, we can see that the colors of these three lenses are relatively uniform. The image quality of the ultra-wide angle and main camera is very solid. Compared with the telephoto lens, the image quality is very solid. It's a bit meatier, but it's not bad compared to flagships of the same level.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

The Qixingyan area was first recorded in writing in 460 AD. It has been developed artificially since the 1570s. After hundreds of years of development and maintenance, it has finally become what we see today. Therefore, there are not many famous and ancient trees in the entire scenic area, and an ordinary tree may be over a hundred years old.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

There are many children trying to name each mountain, but those of us who are close to 30 years old just want to relax on the weekend and don’t want to think. So what should this mountain be called?

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

After looking at a series of stones and water, I suddenly looked back and found that the Beiling Mountain in the distance was also very beautiful. The mountains, the blue sky and the white clouds, rounded up, it could be considered Atele, Guangdong. The difference is that in Guangdong's summer when there is no wind, the air is hot, and the light is scattered when passing through the air, creating this opaque feeling.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

Normally speaking, the algorithm should optimize this sense of opacity, but Nubia has chosen to restore it realistically. Whether it is good or bad depends on personal preference. According to data from the Meteorological Observatory, Guangdong was just a few tenths of a degree away from breaking Guangzhou’s highest temperature record this year. When I look back at this photo in the future, I will probably never forget the heat of that day.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

The above set of photos were taken with the phone in an upright position. 18mm and 24mm will always give people a feeling of looking up, while 35mm can show a feeling of looking straight up, which can show both The tall cypress trees can express the depth of the trail, which is why I love the 35mm.

An imaging flagship with distinctive personality

Today’s mobile phone market, especially the high-end flagship models, are all models with sufficient configuration and comprehensive functions. They are all excellent, but it is difficult to say that they have individuality.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

Take imaging as an example. Most of the major imaging flagships are a combination of periscope telephoto + outsole wide angle + ultra wide angle. The most luxurious configuration is usually a wide-angle lens of about 23mm, while the telephoto is usually 70mm and above. . But in daily use, I usually only use the 2x crop of the main camera, which is about a focal length of about 50mm, because in the lives of ordinary people, there are not so many big scenes, and there are not so many distant places. The most is the daily life in front of us.

In other words, how many people don’t switch to 2x cropping as soon as they open the super luxurious wide-angle main camera that mobile phone manufacturers have worked hard to build.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

The 35mm main camera is the personality of Nubia. Now it is the third generation. It is very good in all aspects and is unique in the market. From a technical point of view, the difficulty of building such a main camera is no lower than that of building a super wide-angle main camera. "Retrogrades" often have to pay more.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

Looking from the outside, Nubia is also full of personality. The sixth-generation under-screen camera is almost invisible. Coupled with the narrow bezel, this is a true full-screen! As for other aspects, such as performance, battery life, fast charging, AI, IP68, etc., Nubia did not fall behind. Even after using it outdoors for 2 days at nearly 40°C, it did not encounter overheating or frequency reduction or brightness reduction. , after a day of intensive use, it can still have 50% of the power at night, and it supports 60W PD fast charging, which has good compatibility. Using the original charger, it can reach 80W fast charging.

 肇庆暴走 30000 步,沉浸式体验努比亚 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力

In general, after using it for the past few days, I feel that the Nubia Z60 Ultra leading version is generally very good, but the weight of 246g is indeed a bit stressful to take out. The image quality is eye-catching, especially the focal length design, which is very easy to use. But in terms of imaging style, Nubia is still relatively clear and does not have a strong style. This still depends on personal preference.

For users who like photography, Nubia Z60 Ultra Advanced Edition is a rare "photographer's machine".

以上是肇慶暴走 30000 步,沉浸式體驗努比亞 Z60 Ultra 影像魅力的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
