使用 Scrapy 抓取網站時,您很快就會遇到各種需要發揮創意或與要抓取的頁面進行互動的場景。其中一個場景是當您需要抓取無限滾動頁面時。當您像社交媒體來源一樣向下捲動頁面時,此類網站頁面會加載更多內容。
本文假設您已設定並執行一個 Scrapy 項目,以及一個可以修改和執行的 Spider。
此整合使用 scrapy-playwright 外掛程式將 Playwright for Python 與 Scrapy 整合。 Playwright 是一個無頭瀏覽器自動化庫,用於與網頁互動並提取資料。
我一直在使用 uv 進行 Python 套件安裝和管理。
然後,我直接使用來自 uv 的虛擬環境:
uv venv source .venv/bin/activate
使用以下指令將 scrapy-playwright 外掛程式和 Playwright 安裝到您的虛擬環境:
uv pip install scrapy-playwright
安裝您想要與 Playwright 一起使用的瀏覽器。例如,要安裝 Chromium,您可以執行以下命令:
playwright install chromium
如果需要,您也可以安裝其他瀏覽器,例如 Firefox。
注意:以下 Scrapy 程式碼和 Playwright 整合僅使用 Chromium 進行了測試。
# settings.py TWISTED_REACTOR = "twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor" DOWNLOAD_HANDLERS = { "http": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler", "https": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler", } PLAYWRIGHT_LAUNCH_OPTIONS = { # optional for CORS issues "args": [ "--disable-web-security", "--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process", ], # optional for debugging "headless": False, },
對於 PLAYWRIGHT_LAUNCH_OPTIONS,您可以將 headless 選項設為 False,以開啟瀏覽器實例並觀察進程運行。這有利於調試和建構初始抓取器。
我傳入附加參數來停用網路安全並隔離來源。當您抓取存在 CORS 問題的網站時,這非常有用。
例如,可能會出現由於 CORS 導致未載入所需 JavaScript 資源或未發出網路請求的情況。如果某些頁面操作(例如單擊按鈕)未按預期工作但其他一切都正常,您可以透過檢查瀏覽器控制台是否有錯誤來更快地隔離此問題。
"PLAYWRIGHT_LAUNCH_OPTIONS": { "args": [ "--disable-web-security", "--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process", ], "headless": False, }
這是一個爬行無限滾動頁面的蜘蛛的範例。蜘蛛將頁面滾動 700 像素,並等待 750 毫秒以完成請求。蜘蛛將繼續滾動,直到到達頁面底部,滾動位置在循環過程中不會改變。
我正在使用 custom_settings 修改蜘蛛本身的設置,以將設置保留在一個地方。您也可以將這些設定新增到settings.py 檔案中。
# /<project>/spiders/infinite_scroll.py import scrapy from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider from scrapy.selector import Selector class InfinitePageSpider(CrawlSpider): """ Spider to crawl an infinite scroll page """ name = "infinite_scroll" allowed_domains = ["<allowed_domain>"] start_urls = ["<start_url>"] custom_settings = { "TWISTED_REACTOR": "twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor", "DOWNLOAD_HANDLERS": { "https": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler", "http": "scrapy_playwright.handler.ScrapyPlaywrightDownloadHandler", }, "PLAYWRIGHT_LAUNCH_OPTIONS": { "args": [ "--disable-web-security", "--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process", ], "headless": False, }, "LOG_LEVEL": "INFO", } def start_requests(self): yield scrapy.Request( url=f"{self.start_urls[0]}", meta=dict( playwright=True, playwright_include_page=True, ), callback=self.parse, ) async def parse( self, response, ): page = response.meta["playwright_page"] page.set_default_timeout(10000) await page.wait_for_timeout(5000) try: last_position = await page.evaluate("window.scrollY") while True: # scroll by 700 while not at the bottom await page.evaluate("window.scrollBy(0, 700)") await page.wait_for_timeout(750) # wait for 750ms for the request to complete current_position = await page.evaluate("window.scrollY") if current_position == last_position: print("Reached the bottom of the page.") break last_position = current_position except Exception as error: print(f"Error: {error}") pass print("Getting content") content = await page.content() print("Parsing content") selector = Selector(text=content) print("Extracting links") links = selector.xpath("//a[contains(@href, '/<link-pattern>/')]//@href").getall() print(f"Found {len(links)} links...") print("Yielding links") for link in links: yield {"link": link}
在頁面載入時,我等待資源載入和頁面渲染的時間稍長。 Playwright 頁面被傳遞到response.meta 物件中的解析回呼方法。這用於與頁面互動並滾動頁面。這是在 scrapy.Request 參數中使用 playwright=True 和 playwright_include_page=True 選項指定的。
def start_requests(self): yield scrapy.Request( url=f"{self.start_urls[0]}", meta=dict( playwright=True, playwright_include_page=True, ), callback=self.parse, )
該蜘蛛將使用 page.evaluate 和scrollBy() JavaScript 方法將頁面捲動 700 像素,然後等待 750 毫秒以完成請求。然後,將 Playwright 頁面內容複製到 Scrapy 選擇器,並從頁面中提取連結。然後,這些連結將被傳送到 Scrapy 管道以繼續處理。
It's also possible that the page may have an element that you can scroll to (i.e. "Load more") that will trigger the next set of content to load. You can use the page.evaluate method to scroll to the element and then click it to load the next set of content.
... try: while True: button = page.locator('//button[contains(., "Load more")]') await button.wait_for() if not button: print("No 'Load more' button found.") break is_disabled = await button.is_disabled() if is_disabled: print("Button is disabled.") break await button.scroll_into_view_if_needed() await button.click() await page.wait_for_timeout(750) except Exception as error: print(f"Error: {error}") pass ...
This method is useful when you know the page has a button that will load the next set of content. You can also use this method to click on other elements that will trigger the next set of content to load. The scroll_into_view_if_needed method will scroll the button or element into view if it is not already visible on the page. This is one of those scenarios when you will want to double-check the page actions with headless=False to see if the button is being clicked and the content is being loaded as expected before running a full crawl.
Note: As mentioned above, confirm that the page assets(.js) are loading correctly and that the network requests are being made so that the button (or element) is mounted and clickable.
Web crawling is a case-by-case scenario and you will need to adjust the code to fit the page that you are trying to scrape. The above code is a starting point to get you going with crawling infinite scroll pages with Scrapy and Playwright.
Hopefully, this helps to get you unblocked! ?
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以上是使用 Scrapy 和 Playwright 無限滾動抓取頁面的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!