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2024-08-09 21:36:46917瀏覽

組裝電腦高配置清單,一覽頂級效能組裝一台高配置的電腦需要考慮眾多因素,從處理器到顯示卡再到記憶體。 php小編新一將為您提供一份詳盡的高配置組裝清單,讓您了解當前市場中的頂級硬體。透過本文,您將獲得所需的知識,以打造一台滿足您所有需求的性能機器。




推薦英特爾(Intel)i3 8100 酷睿四核心CPU,雖然它的核心數不算最多,但是速度和快取都是排在前面的。它在VR、3D遊戲和4K超高清視訊方面都是特長,而且還具有雷電3和USB-C接口,在外接擴展方面都有優勢。



推薦英特爾(Intel)i3 8100 酷睿四核CPU,雖然它的核心數不算最多,但是速度和快取都是排在前面的。它在VR、3D遊戲和4K超高清視訊方面都是特長,而且還具有雷電3和USB-C接口,在外接擴展方面都有優勢。


推薦微星(MSI)Z370-A PRO主機板。除了常規主機板所具有的功能、插槽和品質外,這個主機板使用的都是非常專業的電容,在音頻處理方面具有優勢,特別是它使用第5代電競組件,確保電腦在嚴苛的遊戲環境下運作得更穩定。


推薦金士頓(Kingston) DDR4 2666 8GB駭客神條 Fury雷電系列。這是目前性價比很高的記憶條,它有即插即用的自動超頻功能,用著很省心,主頻夠快。可以配兩條,用上主機板的雙通道功能,玩遊戲時會有很好的表現。


推薦華碩 (ASUS) TUF-GeForce GTX1660-O6G-GAMING顯示卡。我推薦這款顯示卡的原因主要是它的性價比很高,另外,華碩的品質還是讓人放心的,特別是它用了IP5X認證等級防塵風扇,雙滾珠軸承,還有強化的背板等,經得住各種遊戲的考驗。


推薦希捷(Seagate)2TB 128MB 7200RPM 企業級硬碟銀河Exos 7E2系列。這個硬碟的品質不用多說,企業級的,家用一定沒問題。而且2TB的容量,夠用幾年的。另外,快取和速度比較佔優勢,正適合玩遊戲。


推薦三星(SAMSUNG)27吋曲面可壁掛 HDMI介面的C27F390。在尺寸上不是過大,適合近距離觀看,同時曲面螢幕給你沉浸式視覺感受,這在玩遊戲時也是非常好的體驗。另外,這個畫面在靜態對比和反應時間上也都是表現不錯的。




i5 12400F配RTX3060 12G獨顯主機方案:

處理器:intel 12代酷睿i5-12400F(散),

散熱器:TT 水星S400 RGB 風散熱器

:B500F160M500 RGB 微熱精靈G DDR4,

記憶體:威剛XPG 遊戲威龍Z1 DDR4 3200 16G(8G*2根),

固態: WD SN570 500G M.2 NVME藍盤固態硬碟,🟎570 ,

機箱:Tt 啟航者F4 MATX 黑/白可選

電源:TT SMART 500W 80PLUS認證,



以下是我的回答,組裝電腦配置清單高配的,可以參考以下方案:處理器:AMD Ryzen 7或Intel Core i7,主頻較高,多核心性能強勁,適合處理多任務和高負載工作。主機板:選擇一款與處理器相容的主機板,支援大容量記憶體和高速儲存設備,具有足夠的介面和擴充槽。顯示卡:NVIDIA或AMD的高階顯示卡,顯存大,效能出色,支援4K影片播放和高階遊戲。內存:16GB或更高容量的DDR4內存,速度為3000MHz或更快,可滿足高效能需求。硬碟:512G​​B或更大的固態硬碟(SSD),讀寫速度快,提升系統反應能力。機箱:選擇一款結構合理、散熱良好的機箱,確保內部組件穩定運作。電源:80 Plus金牌或更高效率的電源,確保能源高效利用和系統穩定性。以上是一份高配組裝電腦的配置清單,可以依照自己的需求和預算進行調整。同時,建議選擇品質可靠的品牌產品,並注意整體相容性。


首選 1 : intel G1620 雙核心 +H61M 主機板。 ( 價格低廉性能不弱,超值!)

  首選 2 : intel G1840 雙核心 +H81M 主機板。 (核心顯示卡效能比 G1620 更強)

  2 、中級機型建議:

  首選 1 : intel G3250 雙核心 +H81M 主機板 +GT740 獨顯。

 Preferred 2: AMD The stability of long-term operation is lower than that of Intel. Secondly, the price of the matching interface motherboard is higher.

 Although the X4 860K uses a new core, the process has been improved, and the power consumption has been reduced, but due to the lower frequency and the new core has no essential improvement, the performance is weaker than the X4 760K (but the margin is very small, less than 3% , so they can basically be regarded as having the same performance)

 Preferred APU: A8-6600K+A85/A88 (not suitable for independent graphics)

 A8-6600K is a cost-effective processor, and the current price is much lower than A10 -7700K (To your surprise, the CPU performance of the latter is even lower)

 Note: One of the latest models of APU is A10-7850K. The built-in APU performance is equivalent to GT630, so the price/performance ratio is not good, so it is better to buy it X4 860K plus a GT740 independent graphics.

6. A list of computer configurations for beginners to assemble?

1. Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3500× 6-Core six-core

2. Motherboard ASUS: TUF B450M-PRO GAMING (cpu set 1499 yuan)

3. Memory: 8GB (Kingston DDR42666MHz) (317 yuan) )

4. Main hard drive: Samsung MZ7LN256HCHP-000L7 (256GB/national hard drive) (calculated at 359 yuan based on the same type)

Secondary hard drive Barracuda 320G, the SSD of an old computer was disassembled from the original notebook

5. Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX1650 (4GB/Colorful) (1011 yuan)

6. Monitor: TPV AOC240124B1W1 (24 inches 659 yuan)

7. Power supply: Antec VP450W (259 yuan)

8. Chassis: Jinhetian (120 Yuan)

7. Assemble your own computer configuration list?

Preferred 1: intel G1620 dual-core +H61M motherboard. (Low price, good performance, great value!)

 Preferred 2: Intel G1840 dual-core +H81M motherboard. (Core graphics card performance is stronger than G1620)

 2. Recommendation for mid-level models:

 Preferred 1: intel G3250 dual-core + H81M motherboard + GT740 independent graphics.

 Preferred 2: AMD , the stability of long-term operation is lower than that of Intel. Secondly, the price of the matching interface motherboard is higher.

 Although the X4 860K uses a new core, the process has been improved, and the power consumption has been reduced, but due to the lower frequency and the new core has no essential improvement, the performance is weaker than the X4 760K (but the margin is very small, less than 3% , so it can basically be regarded as the two have the same performance)

8. DIY assembly computer configuration list?

Preferred 1: intel G1620 dual-core +H61M motherboard. (Low price, good performance, great value!)

 Preferred 2: Intel G1840 dual-core +H81M motherboard. (Core graphics card performance is stronger than G1620)

 2. Recommended for mid-level models

  First choice 1: Intel G3250 dual-core + H81M motherboard + GT740 independent graphics.

 Preferred 2: AMD , the stability of long-term operation is lower than that of Intel. Secondly, the price of the matching interface motherboard is higher.

 Although the X4 860K uses a new core, the process has been improved, and the power consumption has been reduced, but due to the lower frequency and the new core has no essential improvement, the performance is weaker than the X4 760K (but the margin is very small, less than 3% , so it can basically be regarded as the two have the same performance)

9. Assembling computer configuration list 3000?

  CPU AMD Ryzen 7 1700

 Motherboard Maxx MS-Challenger B350M

 Memory Jinbaida 8GB DDR4 2400 2

 Hard drive Western Digital 1TB 5400 rpm 128MB SATA3 blue disk (WD10SPZX)

 SSD Borui MII500 (120GB )

Graphic card SPARKLE RX 580 4G 2048SP Standard Edition

Chassis Fushannengzhengtu

Power supply Great Wall Dual Card King GW-7000D (80+)

Radiator Polar Bear Wind I

Monitor Kaikomai H2360N

10. Assembly computer configuration list 2019?

Accessory name brand model reference price

Processor Intel Core i3 9100F (boxed) ¥699

Radiator Kyushu Fengshen Xuanbing Smart Edition radiator ¥59

Graphics card GALAXY gtx1650 4g Snapdragon or Sapphire RX580 2048SP 8G D5 platinum Version OC¥1099

Motherboard MSI B360M GAMING PLUS motherboard¥559

Memory Kingston DDR4 2400 8G Memory¥259

Hard drive Kingston A400 series 240G solid state drive¥269

Chassis Xingu Guangyun 7PLUS chassis ¥169

Power Great Wall HOPE -4500DS power supply (rated 350W)¥199

Monitor user’s choice--

Keyboard and mouse installation user’s choice--

The total price is 3312 yuan

