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2024-08-07 21:52:181035瀏覽

不少網友在選購電腦時,想要一台集美觀、性能和便利性於一體的設備,而一體機電腦憑藉其時尚的外觀和節省空間的優勢,成為許多人的選擇。但是,大家可能會有一個疑惑:網咖電腦普遍採用一體機,這種設計是否真的有優勢? php小編新一今天就來為大家解析網咖一體機電腦的優缺點,幫助大家在選購電腦時做出明智的決策。




電腦一體機是現在市場上比較流行的一種新型電腦,它結合了桌上型電腦和筆記型電腦的特點,將主機部分和顯示器部分整合在了一起。那麼很多朋友對於 電腦一體機 並不是很了解,今天我們就一起來看看電腦一體機有什麼優缺點吧。


  1 、無電池,使用交流電。便攜性差,不如筆記本便攜。

  2 、擴充能力差。不能插 pci 卡等外接設備。只能透過 usb 擴展。

  3 、性價比低,與品牌桌上型電腦相差不大,但與 DIY 組裝電腦相比,沒有性價比可言。

  4 、受空間限制,散熱方面存在不足,無法與桌上型電腦散熱比,所以長期大型遊戲應用方面佔劣勢。

  1 、外觀:在外觀方面,一體機摒棄了傳統電腦「拖家帶口」的笨重身體,以相當輕便簡潔的設計在外形上佔據優勢沒有雜亂的線頭,沒有無序的附件。使其外形美觀大方,方便擺放。家裡有一個普通的小桌子就能夠擺放自如。

  2 、功耗:在功耗上,由於採用的 LED 液晶屏和熱導管的散熱系統加上筆記本的結構設計使其具有更低的功耗。大約是正常桌上型電腦用電量的 3/1 。 ,舉三星A100 一體機電腦用測試軟體測試功耗峰值為例,結果僅有60W

  3 、性能:很多人可能會疑慮,在大大消減了機器的體積與附件的同時,一體機的性能會不會比不上普通的桌上型電腦呢? 一體機電腦採用的事和桌上型電腦一樣的零件。桌上型電腦具有的性能一體電腦一樣具備,可以擴展升級。並加上良好的散熱系統使其性能優異與同等的分離式電腦。

  4 、價格:從價格方面看,以聯想的 電腦一體機 為例:主題就是「只比同檔次的分體機貴 1 元錢」。可以見其價格方面的優勢。 ( 當然不能與雜牌機的價格比較 ) 。

  5 、便攜性:一體機電腦還具有良好的便攜性。由於其整合度高,把主機,音箱,攝像頭,麥克風等整合到顯示器後,使用時只需外接鍵鼠,電源和網路線就行,如果採用無線系列只需要一根電源線就都解決了。由於液晶一體機集合了主機、顯示器和音箱,因此,其體積和總的重量都要比一般的桌上型電腦小,只有十多公斤,大大方便了用戶移動機器。其內部整合化很高,各配件的連接直接由 PCB 引出,省去了過去的許多數據線纜,另外小巧的機身也省去了以往大的包裝和運輸成本。




1、簡單講一體機就是一台顯示器大小的電腦,他在功能上與普通電腦沒有區別,所以也不存在一體機在技術上有多大的領先。 cpu主機板硬碟等硬體和鍵鼠週邊都是一體機必須的,所以在性能上沒有什麼進步。



In short, the all-in-one machine is worthy of recognition in terms of space utilization and overall aesthetics, but its functions are a bit useless, and the performance is not very price-friendly. This makes the manufacturer’s efforts in the development of all-in-one machines useless. This is also That’s why I don’t recommend all-in-one machines.

4. Is the Great Wall all-in-one computer good?


Extended content: Great Wall Computer refers to the computer products with the registered trademark "Great Wall" produced by China Great Wall Computer Shenzhen Co., Ltd. After more than 20 years of development, the complete machine division has become a company integrating product development, design, production and manufacturing. , marketing and services. Its products include desktop computers, notebook computers, servers, digital printing order machines, karaoke karaoke machines, hotel all-in-one machines, etc. Its business scope covers the three major fields of independent brands, ODM and OEM. Great Wall desktop computers, Great Wall notebook computers, and Great Wall servers have all been recognized as "China Famous Brand Products."

5. Are Dell all-in-one computers good?

1. The advantages of the all-in-one computer are obvious. It has a simple and beautiful appearance. It is much prettier than a traditional desktop computer. It is especially suitable for placement in a clean and simple room.

2. Since the all-in-one computer integrates the host computer into the monitor, the internal space is very small, so it does not have very high-end configurations!! This can also be understood as sacrificing performance for appearance.

3. All-in-one computers are something between traditional notebooks and desktops. The configuration performance is lower than traditional desktops and slightly higher than notebooks. The heat dissipation is also a little worse than desktops, but better than ordinary notebooks. Be good.

6. Is it good to buy an all-in-one computer?

1 Buying an all-in-one computer is a good choice 2 Because the hardware performance of an all-in-one computer is better than that of a desktop of the same price, the operation is simpler, it takes up less space, and the appearance is more beautiful 3 In addition, some high-end The all-in-one machine is also equipped with a touch screen and a high-definition camera, providing a more convenient and high-quality use experience. However, it should be noted that the upgradeability of all-in-one computers is poor. If you need to replace the hardware, it may be difficult, so you need to make a choice based on personal needs and budget.

7. Are all-in-one home computers good?

Thank you for the invitation, I am honored to answer your questions

Is an all-in-one computer any good?

1. Choose the type of computer according to your personal needs

Lenovo’s sales of branded all-in-one computers currently on the market should be at the top of the list, Lenovo’s All-in-one computers are stylish and thin in appearance, easy to place and don’t take up space. If you don’t usually play games or run large software programs, you can choose it, because all-in-one computers have limited space and the hardware will be further compressed, including the size of the hardware. , the heat dissipation size will be in line with the notebook type. In fact, to put it bluntly, the internal hardware of this type of all-in-one machine is similar to that of a notebook, and it is highly integrated. Most Lenovo all-in-one machines are integrated with the motherboard and CPU processor. If you plan to use it later Just hardware upgrade is no longer possible.

2. The memory sticks of Lenovo all-in-one computers are also notebook-type memory sticks. It can be said to be universal, and the performance is really average, enough for ordinary users for daily audio and video entertainment. 3. All-in-one computers generally use integrated graphics cards. Since the size of the all-in-one motherboard is compressed, which also leads to the compression of the integrated graphics card, the performance must also be compressed at the same time. Therefore, it can be understood that the all-in-one machine is not developed for game users, and ordinary online games can handle it.

4. Heat dissipation problem. Due to the overall slim design of the all-in-one machine, it directly leads to insufficient internal space and limited heat dissipation volume. If the computer configuration is too high, the heat dissipation cannot be tolerated.

In summary, the all-in-one machine is only suitable for ordinary office work and audio-visual entertainment. , users who like to play games should not choose

8. I want to buy a computer, is an all-in-one computer good?

It is not good to buy an all-in-one computer. An all-in-one computer actually integrates the host computer into the monitor. As a result, the computer has less upgrade space and poor heat dissipation conditions, so it is not suitable for long-term use. 9. All-in-one computer play Is the game good?

1. If you play ordinary games, you can. But this is not the case for large-scale online games. Because the chassis of the all-in-one computer does not dissipate heat well, and it is designed to be lightweight and take up little space, it is not very good at playing games. Unless you buy a brand-name all-in-one machine with relatively top configuration. But the price is not cost-effective;

2. An all-in-one computer is a new form of computer that integrates the host part, the monitor part, and even the keyboard and mouse. The innovation of this product lies in the high degree of integration of internal components. Some manufacturers call it AllInOne, AIO computers or screen computers;

3. The configuration is relatively weak and can only meet some needs. Due to high integration and poor heat dissipation, DIY upgrades are limited;

4. All-in-one desktop computers are more Energy-saving and environmentally friendly, the power consumption is only 1/3 of a traditional split desktop (a split desktop consumes 1 kilowatt hour of electricity in 2 hours, and an all-in-one desktop consumes only 1 kilowatt hour in 6 hours), resulting in smaller electromagnetic radiation;

10. Do you think Philips all-in-one computers are good?

Philips all-in-one computers are good. The purpose of creating Philips all-in-one computers is to be an excellent computer with powerful configuration and thoughtful design. As Philips's force to enter the smart computer market, Philips all-in-one computers are in line with the mainstream of the market in terms of appearance and configuration. It achieves a slim and compact size yet has an intelligent core. Whether it is sound effects, visual senses, or entertainment experience, Philips has got it just right.

