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2024-08-07 15:42:35215瀏覽

印度財政部長潘卡吉·喬杜里(Pankaj Chaudhary)在給印度兩院制議會下議院的書面答覆中明確了這一點。




印度財政部長潘卡吉·喬杜里(Pankaj Chaudhary)在給印度兩院制議會下議院的書面答覆中明確了這一點。該國兩院議會下議院。

喬杜里的書面答覆回答了國會議員總經理哈里什·巴拉約吉(Harish Balayogi)提出的問題。這些問題旨在澄清有關印度加密貨幣的一些細節,包括政府是否對該國加密貨幣的狀況進行了任何研究。此外,Balayogi 還想了解印度公民持有的所有資產是否有總估值,以及是否有管理加密貨幣交易的計畫。他還質疑是否有計劃在該國建立一個監管機構來監管加密貨幣。

Chaudhary 的書面答覆回答了國會議員 GM Harish Balayogi 提出的問題。這些問題旨在澄清有關印度加密貨幣的一些細節,包括政府是否對該國加密貨幣的狀況進行了任何研究。此外,Balayogi 還想了解印度公民持有的所有資產是否有總估值,以及是否有管理加密貨幣交易的計畫。他還質疑該國是否有計劃建立一個監管機構來監管加密貨幣。



「目前,還沒有提議立法來規範該國數位資產的買賣。」 印度監管加密貨幣的現行法律

印度監管加密貨幣的現行法律 財政部長隨後補充說,一些現有機構具有涵蓋加密貨幣的監管職能:

財政部長隨後補充說,一些現有機構擁有涵蓋加密貨幣的監管職能: 「出於反洗錢(AML) 和打擊資助恐怖主義(CFT) 等特定監控目的,印度金融情報部門(FIU-IND) 已獲授權指定供應商虛擬數位資產服務(VDSAP)作為《2002 年預防洗錢法》(PMLA) 和《打擊資助恐怖主義法》(CFT) 規定的報告實體(RE),印度金融情報機構(FIU-IND) 已被授權指定服務提供者。年防止洗錢法(PMLA) 規定的報告實體(RE)。 Chaudhary 補充說,現有的法律規定授權執法機構打擊非法活動,這可以解釋為什麼沒有專門的加密貨幣執法部門。 Chaudhary 補充說,現有的法律規定授權執法機構打擊非法活動,這可以解釋為什麼沒有專門的電子貨幣執法部門。

As part of his response, the Finance Minister also added that India has adopted the “G20 Roadmap on Cryptoassets” along with the Consolidated Document from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) during the country's G20 Presidency last year.

As part of his response, the Finance Minister also added that India has adopted the “G20 Roadmap on Cryptoassets” along with the Consolidation Document from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Financial Stability Board (FSB) during the country's G20 presidency last year.

According to Chaudhary, the Compendium contains a “comprehensive and coordinated policy and regulatory framework” for cryptocurrencies, covering the full range of risks. Once adopted, all countries, including India, must assess the specific risks to their country and cooperate with relevant authorities for further measures.

According to Chaudhary, the Compendium contains a “comprehensive and coordinated policy and regulatory framework” for cryptocurrencies, covering the full range of risks. Following adoption, all countries, including India, must assess the specific risks to their country and cooperate with relevant authorities on further measures.

India is not the most crypto-friendly jurisdiction. Previously, the country imposed a ban on financial institutions conducting cryptocurrency business. In 2018, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) ordered financial institutions to stop providing cryptocurrency services to any individual or entity. Fortunately for the industry, the Supreme Court lifted the ban two years later, stating that the RBI could not produce evidence of losses suffered by regulated entities.

India is not the most crypto-friendly jurisdiction. Previously, the country imposed a ban on financial institutions conducting cryptocurrency business. In 2018, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) ordered financial institutions to stop providing cryptocurrency services to any individual or entity. Fortunately for the industry, the Supreme Court lifted the ban two years later, stating that the RBI could not produce evidence of losses suffered by regulated entities.

Recently, India banned several cryptocurrency exchanges for allegedly violating the country's money laundering regulations. Among the affected organizations are major exchanges OKX, Kucoin and Binance. The authorities sent show cause notices to these organizations last December.

Recently, India banned several cryptocurrency exchanges for allegedly violating the country's money laundering regulations. Among the affected organizations are major exchanges OKX, Kucoin and Binance. The authorities had sent show cause notices to these organizations in December last year.

India has now asked Binance to pay 7.22 billion Rupees ($86 million) in Goods and Services Tax (GST).

India has now asked Binance to pay 7.22 billion Rupees ($86 million) in Goods and Services Tax (GST).

According to reports, the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) has sent Binance a notice stating the fees the exchange collects from Indian trading fees. Some sources claim that Binance has earned 40 billion Rupees (476.8 million USD) from transaction fees.

According to reports, the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) has sent Binance a notice stating the fees the exchange collects from Indian trading fees. Some sources claim that Binance earned 40 billion Rupees ($476.8 million) from trading fees.

