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儘管價格下跌,XRP 代幣鯨魚仍在累積更多代幣

2024-08-07 12:18:14556瀏覽

數據顯示,儘管代幣價格下跌,大型 XRP 錢包持有者仍在從交易所撤回代幣。據報道,一隻鯨魚將超過 2,600 萬枚代幣從幣安轉移到外部錢包。

儘管價格下跌,XRP 代幣鯨魚仍在累積更多代幣

眾所周知,加密貨幣鯨魚透過其大量交易在很大程度上影響了數位資產的價格走勢。隨著 XRP 代幣價格持續下跌,數據表明,儘管價格下跌,大型 XRP 錢包持有者仍在從交易所撤回代幣。

根據鏈上寶(鏈上數據瀏覽器)的數據,一頭鯨魚從幣安提取了超過 2600 萬個 XRP 幣,並將其轉移到外部錢包。該交易價值超過 1,200 萬美元,是過去 24 小時內記錄的最大 XRP 代幣轉帳之一。

數據顯示,隨著更多買家在價格下跌期間搶購 XRP 代幣,買家對 XRP 代幣的興趣增加。過去幾天,加密貨幣市場經歷了大幅拋售,所有數位資產價格均大幅下跌。

然而,據報道,隨著越來越多的鯨魚從交易所購買 XRP 並將其轉移到私人錢包,XRP 購買活動正在增加。

儘管價格下跌,XRP 代幣鯨魚仍持有更多代幣

數據表明,儘管加密貨幣市值下跌,XRP 鯨魚仍有興趣累積更多 XRP 代幣。

在經歷週一 24 小時內價格下跌 18% 後,XRP 於週二小幅回升,回到 0.5 美元上方的數月支撐位。在撰寫本文時,該代幣的交易價格為 0.52 美元。

儘管有所下降,但數據顯示大型 XRP 代幣錢包持有者不願出售其代幣。據報道,鯨魚正利用這個機會在各個交易所逢低買進。

Whale Alerts reported that major whales transferred substantial amounts of XRP from various exchanges to private and unknown wallets. The on-chain data analytics platform highlighted one particular transaction.

The transaction, valued at over $12 million, involved the transfer of XRP tokens from Binance to an unknown wallet. Whale Alerts also revealed that the transaction is part of a larger trend that illustrates a reluctance to sell the tokens.

In the past 24 hours, over $75 million worth of XRP tokens were moved to private addresses from major exchanges.

Whale accumulation could lead to XRP’s price increase

Whale Alerts also reported an accumulated 228.54 million XRP token transfer from various exchanges in the past 48 hours.

According to data from Santiment, whale accumulation of XRP tokens has increased significantly in the past few months. More wallets now hold between 10,000,000 and 100,000,000 XRP tokens than three months ago, Santiment revealed.

The on-chain data analytics platform also suggested that the increased XRP token accumulation by the whales indicated investors are preparing to re-enter the cryptocurrency market.

According to observers, the behavior illustrates optimism in XRP’s long-term performance amid the overall market price drop. They added that increased holding reduces selling pressure and is often followed by price gains.

This crash which pushed XRP to an oversold position was a result of the SEC’s lawsuit against Ripple. Despite this the contraction eventually resulted in an XRP upsurge to $1.96 in April 2021.

Zain Haider

Whale Alerts data also revealed contrasting trends, with more sell-offs in the past 24 hours. Over $15 million worth of XRP tokens were transferred from a private wallet to the exchange Bitstamp.

以上是儘管價格下跌,XRP 代幣鯨魚仍在累積更多代幣的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
