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在不遺失資料的情況下返回到先前版本的 Windows 10 的 4 種方法

2024-08-02 10:04:54888瀏覽

為了維護電腦的系統安全性或為 Windows 帶來新功能,Windows 每月都會自動更新。但是,新版本可能會導致與舊程式衝突或其他問題。為了避免這種情況,您可以在 Windows 中啟用或停用自動更新。如果 Windows 更新後您的電腦出現問題,建議您解除安裝 Windows 更新,以便回到先前版本的 Windows 10 而不會遺失資料.

  • 方法1.透過控制台卸載Windows更新
  • 方式 2. 透過 Windows 設定卸載 Windows 更新
  • 方式 3. 透過 Windows 故障排除工具解除安裝 Windows 更新
  • 方法 4. 透過命令提示字元 (CMD) 卸載 Windows 更新


要卸載Windows Update,最簡單的方法是直接在控制台中卸載。


4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data


4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

第 3 步:點選查看已安裝的更新

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data



4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

方式 2. 透過 Windows 設定卸載 Windows 更新

這樣,您可以在卸載之前了解每個Windows Update的內容。


4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data


4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

第 3 步:點選更新與安全性

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

第 4 步:在 Windows 更新 標籤中,按一下查看更新記錄

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data


4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

第 6 步:點選卸載更新

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data


4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

方式 3. 透過 Windows 故障排除工具解除安裝 Windows 更新



4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data


4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 3: Click Update and Security.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 4: Select the Recovery tab and click Restart now below the Advanced startup.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 5: After restart, click Troubleshoot.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 6: Click Advanced options.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 7: Click Uninstall Updates.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 8: Select a user and enter the password.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 9: There are two options on this page. We choose Uninstall latest quality update and then complete the simple operations according to the prompt.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Tips: Quality Update refers to maintaining the system security of the computer, which will be done every month. Feature Update will bring some new functions to your computer, which will occur twice a year. Generally, Quality Update is more likely to cause problems on your computer but not Feature Update.

Way 4. Uninstall a Windows Update via Command Prompt (CMD)

Is there a stubborn Windows Update that cann't be deleted on your computer? Worry not, this part tells you how to roll back Windows update using cmd.

Step 1: Repeat the Step 1 – Step 3 in Way to show the installed updates. Behind the name of every item, KBxxxx is the id of it. Find the version you want to delete and write down the id which will be used next.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 2: Enter cmd in the search bar, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator to open it.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 3: Enter the command wusa /uninstall /kb:xxxxxxx, press the Enter key, and then click Yes to close the confirmation dialog.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Tips: Replace xxxxxxx with the id you wrote down in Step 1.

If you are lucky, you will uninstall the update successfully. But it may prompts that it can't be uninstalled.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

So, how do I force a Windows Update to uninstall? Pease follow the steps below.

Step 4: Enter the command dism /online /get-packages | clip and press the Enter key. After that, the information of the Windows updates will be copied.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 5: Create a Text Document and press Ctrl + V to paste the content.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 6: Find the version you want to delete in the Text Document. You can press Ctrl + F and enter the date to find it quickly.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 7: After finding the update, select the content behind the Package Identity and copy it.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 8: Back to command Prompt, enter dism /Online /Remove-Package /PackageName:xxxxxxxx.

Tips: Replace xxxxxxx with the Package Identity you just copied.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 9: After entering the command correctly, the update will be uninstalled.

4 ways to go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data

Step 10: After complete, enter Y to restart the computer. And then you will go back to previous version of Windows 10 without losing data.

以上是在不遺失資料的情況下返回到先前版本的 Windows 10 的 4 種方法的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
