如果您傾向於在 Windows 11 中建立系統映像,這可能是個好主意 備份你的整個 系統,包括您的作業系統、程式、個人化設定和個人檔案。這可能會有幫助 在系統故障、惡意軟體感染或其他可能需要您復原的問題中 系統恢復到之前的狀態。現在,讓我們開始學習建立系統鏡像吧!
WBAdmin是Windows中的命令列工具,可讓您管理備份和復原 選項。 有了它,您可以執行各種備份和復原任務,例如創建 檔案、資料夾、磁碟區和系統狀態;恢復備份;列出可用的備份版本; 等等
第2步:點擊是允許程式對您的裝置進行更改,然後您將 使用權 Windows PowerShell。
第3步:輸入wbadmin開始備份 -backuptarget:E: -include:C: -allritic -quiet 並點擊 輸入創建C盤的系統鏡像存放在E盤上。備份狀態將為 顯示在面板上。
第四步:當出現以下內容時程式已成功建立系統鏡像 資訊.
第五步:開啟E盤,你會在根目錄看到WindowsImageBackup資料夾 目錄.
iSumsoft Cloner,優秀的磁碟複製軟體 對於 Windows 11,用於複製或 複製 Windows 作業系統、資料分割區,甚至整個硬碟。該軟體不僅具有 人性化的介面設計,可以輕鬆有效地備份系統,而且還具有 A 成功率高。
Step 1: Download iSumsoft Cloner and launch it, then click Backup option in the home page.
Step 2: Select the C drive (system drive) to back up.
Step 3: Click Choose button to select a path to store the backup file.
Step 4: Click Start button to begin backing up and select Yes to confirm your selection.
Step 5: Wait for the backup process to complete. Then click OK button when a Tips box appears. (This usually takes about 15 minutes to finish, depending on the size of the data being backed up.)
Wimlib, an open-source library, is a powerful and flexible tool for working with Windows disk images. Whether you need to create custom Windows installations, modify existing images, or extract individual files and folders, it provides a robust set of features and options to help you get the job done.
Step 1: Download wimlib v1.13.5 Windows binaries (64-bit) and place it in the root directory of the D drive.
Step 2: In D volume, right-click on the downloaded file and select Extract All » Extract sequentially.
Step 3: Rename the extracted file wimlib.
Step 4: Right-click on the Windows icon and then select Windows Terminal (Admin) from the options.
Step 5: Enter Yes when a dialog box appears to launch Windows PowerShell.
Step 6: Type D:wimlibwimlib-imagex capture C: D:win11bk.wim --check --snapshot, then press Enter. This command will back up the system drive, generating a portfolio named win11bk.wim in the D drive.
Step 7: Completed successfully.
Step 8: You can see that the file is on drive D.
以上是[Windows 11] 如何建立系統映像的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!