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2024-08-01 07:21:53398瀏覽













與該人士所述一致的是,北京商報記者查詢該平台公告發現,早在6月19日,虎符就曾發布消息稱:「近期由於市場行情波動大,加上業內一些大型機構相繼發生被清算、流動性枯竭等問題加劇用戶的恐慌情緒。 ,提現審核時長可能會有24-72小時的延遲。此後,不同於先前的行銷廣告和獎勵活動,虎符發布的公告大都與提幣延遲、關停業務、下架交易等內容有關。




As of July 27, a Beijing Business Daily reporter personally tested and found that after entering your mobile phone number, setting a password, and entering the verification code, you can still register and log in to the Hufu platform normally.


Actually, except for Hu Fu, all currency trading platforms of all sizes are not peaceful recently.

Just ten days ago, the AEX (Anyin) trading platform, a veteran trading platform in the currency circle, also said that it would suspend platform-related services. The platform also fell into a liquidity crisis when virtual currencies collectively plummeted in June.

In addition, on July 26, foreign media reported that the US Securities Regulatory Commission was investigating the cryptocurrency trading platform Coinbase, investigating whether the latter improperly allowed Americans to trade digital assets that should have been registered as securities. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission scrutiny of Coinbase has increased since it expanded the number of markets it offers trading on, people familiar with the matter said.

“The biggest flaw of the major trading platforms currently on the market is that they cannot guarantee the security of users’ assets. Maybe the wallet assets you see on the most advanced trading platform are not your actual assets. No one can guarantee that they will not. It has been misappropriated, and there is no regulatory agency to regulate it." Cai Kailong pointed out that judging from the closure of multiple trading platforms, the shortcomings of the global trading platform have also been fully exposed.

Another person in the currency circle also confirmed this statement. He admitted frankly to a Beijing Business Daily reporter, “User digital assets are actually stored in the centralized wallet of the trading platform and are not on the chain. Although users will see the display of the corresponding digital assets on the platform, this is just a virtual transaction. Users have no way to tell whether the actual assets have been misappropriated."

There are countless large and small trading platforms currently operating in the market. Many senior people in the currency circle told reporters from Beijing Business Daily that at present, virtual currency trading platforms are all standardized trading platforms. From the perspective of the entire industry, asset power is concentrated. , Insufficient reserve mechanism, lack of risk control system and compliance system are basically common problems of currency trading platforms.

"Even if there are some foreign trading platforms that are under local supervision and rarely misappropriate customer asset investments, they will still be subject to scrutiny by local supervision for treating virtual currencies as securities. There will also be some policy risks overall." Cai Kailong said .

“This is just the tip of the iceberg of the collapse of faith in the currency circle. For most currency trading platforms, what they are afraid of is not the rise and fall of stocks, but concentrated cash withdrawals, just like a game with two lids on a cup. At this time As long as there is a small setback, the house will collapse in an instant." Pan Helin, co-director and researcher of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Institute of the **United Business School of Zhejiang University, also said that currency trading platforms are all private and centralized. , there is no supervision and no checks and balances on decision-making power. In fact, users focus on the price difference, and the trading platform focuses on the user’s principal.

“Especially in recent years, individuals can directly log into the trading platform through the code shell of the trading platform website. This low-threshold, private, and unregulated platform once became a tool for money trapping, and** What lifts the 'lid' is the user's withdrawal behavior," said Pan Helin.


Affected by multiple news aspects, the virtual currency market has continued to decline in the past two days. At 19:00 on July 26, Bitcoin was quoted at US$21,074, a 24-hour decrease of 4.43%; Ethereum was quoted at US$1,410, with a 24-hour decrease of 8.84%; and as of 18:00 on July 27, the prices of multiple currencies were still not obvious. rebounded, with Bitcoin quoted at $21,295 and Ethereum at $1,457.

Every time a trading platform collapses, it will teach platform users a lesson in blood and tears. For ordinary consumers, it is important to realize that in addition to financial security, these trading platforms also have policy risks and legal risks, which cannot be ignored.

Currently, multiple regulatory authorities are resolute in cracking down on virtual currencies. They have determined that virtual currency-related business activities are illegal financial activities, and virtual currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are not legally compensable. They have also emphasized that overseas currency trading platforms provide services to domestic residents. Providing services is also illegal.

But as of now, reporters from Beijing Business Daily can still find some advertisements for overseas trading platforms to promote marketing on some search websites and social platforms, and even launch new member benefits such as "100U, continuous opening rewards".

In this regard, industry insiders suggest that for high-risk currency-related institutional entities, it is necessary to continue to carry out penetrating crackdowns and rectifications within the country, increase monitoring and attention to currency-related institutions, and establish typical cases to shock the market.

In addition, under the surging undercurrent, there are still some consumers trying to take advantage of risks. In this regard, Pan Helin pointed out that the government has a clear policy on virtual currency, and users should clearly realize that the ten-year dream of virtual cryptocurrency is about to wake up, and they must not accept this stick.

Beijing Business Daily reporter Liu Sihong

2 The three major virtual currency trading platforms and the Beijing Exchange (the three major virtual currency trading platforms merged into the Beijing Stock Exchange) 16583

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