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Bybit 盤前交易:最新加密代幣正式發布前的交易指南

2024-07-31 21:05:31865瀏覽

Bybit Pre-Marketing Trading allows you to trade the latest crypto tokens before their official launches at your desired prices.

Bybit 盤前交易:最新加密代幣正式發布前的交易指南

Bybit Pre-Market Trading is an over-the-counter (OTC) tool that enables you to trade new tokens before they're officially released to the market. As a Maker, you can set up quotes, while Takers can match their trades accordingly to transact at their desired prices.

Getting started is simple. After creating a Bybit account, you'll need to upgrade to a Unified Trading Account (UTA). Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create, cancel, view and fulfill a pre-market order on Bybit.

How to Create a Pre-Market Order on Bybit

In Bybit Pre-Market Trading, there are two key roles: Makers and Takers. As a Maker, you'll either be selling or buying crypto in the pre-market. If you're selling, you'll need to pay a transaction fee and a collateral amount, based on the pledge rate. This rate is determined by various factors, such as the token's perceived risk and volatility. It's important to note that you'll lose all your collateral if you fail to deliver the token on time.

On the other hand, if you're a Taker buying a token in the pre-market, you'll be required to pay a transaction fee on top of the order amount. Once you're matched successfully with a seller, you'll receive the token at settlement time. If the seller fails to deliver the token on time, you'll receive 90% of the seller's collateral as compensation.

To create a pre-market order on Bybit:

1. After logging into your Bybit account, simply hover your cursor over the Trade tab and click on Pre-Market Trading.

2. If you're a Maker, select the coin you wish to trade, click on Create Order and select Buy or Sell.

A pop-up window will appear. Enter your Price and Order Quantity, and then click on Confirm.

You'll see an order page with your order details and fees incurred. Confirm by clicking on Buy or Sell to proceed with your pre-market order.











作為賣家,為了履行上市前訂單,您需要在結算時間之前在 UTA 中準備好代幣以完成交付。為此,請按照以下兩個步驟進行存款:

1.將所需代幣存入您的 Bybit 帳戶。檢查儲值鍊和地址,確保您的資產不會遺失。或者,您也可以在Bybit現貨市場上架後購買所需的幣。


結論:Bybit 盤前交易

Bybit 盤前交易允許交易者在趨勢加密貨幣正式上市之前以他們想要的價格買賣它們。儘管仍然存在滑點的可能性,即報價可能與實際上市價不同,但交易者通常會以比發行後更優惠的價格購買代幣。此外,市場流動性得以維持(因為報價是提前設定的),並且買家在結算時間內未能交貨時可以獲得補償。


以上是Bybit 盤前交易:最新加密代幣正式發布前的交易指南的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
