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Cycle Network:無橋式連結所有區塊鏈

2024-07-31 01:40:26517瀏覽

Cycle Network:无桥式链接所有区块链


在Web3中,跨鏈交互依賴不安全或集中化的工具,缺乏統一的安全高效管理協議。這不同於Web2中應用透過標準化協定(如HTTP)進行的無縫安全通訊。 Web3的跨鏈互動通常需要橋接或集中化交易所,這增加了複雜性和潛在的安全風險。跨鏈橋涉及鎖定資產並在目標鏈上鑄造等值代幣,雖然促進了資產流動,但也引入了操作複雜性和安全風險,每年因跨鏈橋攻擊造成的損失不斷增加。這些操作的複雜性使新用戶望而卻步,也迫使現有用戶回歸集中化的鏈下應用。為什麼鏈與鏈之間必須依賴橋接的產品?


當 Cycle Network 於2022年10月成立時,鏈抽象的概念尚未被正式定義。 Cycle Network致力於解決多鏈割裂,資金碎片化的問題,希望提高用戶的鏈上體驗,為用戶提供更安全、高效的跨鏈解決方案。透過無橋技術,Cycle Network正努力實現一個更連通且用戶友好的區塊鏈生態系統,為未來的區塊鏈應用鋪平道路。


儘管去中心化機制是最安全的演算法,但因Web3 所需的複雜操作,去中心化機制並未得到廣泛採用。意識到這一點後,Cycle Team 正不斷朝著這個方向努力,而這些都發生在「鏈抽象」這個術語之前。

隨著鏈抽象概念的傳播,越來越多的計畫開始探索其潛力。各項目在鏈抽象解決方案上各有創新,有些提供通用帳戶系統,允許用戶透過單一帳戶存取多個區塊鏈,有些則使用跨鏈橋聚合器整合多個跨鏈橋協議。 Cycle Network團隊採用去中心化、無橋方案,無縫連接所有區塊鏈。隨著Layer 2解決方案和眾多鏈的湧現,這項創新確保終端用戶和開發者不再孤立或碎片化,能共享流動性、支付手續費並簽署交易,無需依賴傳統橋接。

Cycle Network的整合對終端使用者和開發者的影響至關重要。這兩者是Web3生態系統中最關鍵的參與者,Cycle Network的去中心化無橋交易流程為他們提供了極大的便利。

Decentralized Bridgeless Transaction Process

Cycle Network’s core technology utilizes a multi-layer architecture based on Verifiable State Aggregation (VSA), combining security layer, extension layer and Cycle layer to facilitate seamless cross-border transactions. chain transactions. The system uses zk-rollup technology to aggregate transactions into batches, which are then processed by zk-rollup nodes, generating zk proofs to verify transactions without exposing their details. A verifiable aggregate sorter sorts and packages these batches, ensuring efficient processing of transactions.

Next, the Omni State Channel Indexer (OSCI) performs decentralized indexing, ensuring the availability and verifiability of each transaction state. Verified transactions are recorded on the Cycle layer, making direct cross-chain data operations possible through a single SDK interface. Finally, updates to the Cycle layer are broadcast back to the respective chains, reflecting asset transfers or smart contract executions, ensuring that all nodes in the network have consistent and up-to-date information.

This approach not only improves security and integrity, but also reduces transaction fees and supports seamless interoperability between different blockchain architectures, including EVM and non-EVM chains as well as Layer 2 solutions. . The innovation of Cycle Network has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the blockchain ecosystem and promoted the widespread application of decentralized technology.

Cycle Network:无桥式链接所有区块链

Practical application of bridgeless solution

The decentralized bridgeless central solution seamlessly connects all blockchains, eliminating intermediary steps and reducing potential security risks . This approach provides significant benefits to emerging and existing blockchain platforms, end users, and developers.

Piggy Bank is a groundbreaking full-chain asset management platform that fully utilizes Cycle Network to provide a revolutionary asset management experience. As a flagship product, Piggy Bank simplifies the use of blockchain and becomes a crypto asset management tool accessible to everyone. It provides a bridge-less experience, leveraging Cycle’s full-chain liquidity sharing solution to automate and optimize investment strategies on multiple chains.

For end users

Full chain bridgeless user experience

Piggy Bank effectively eliminates the complexity of Web3 and Web2 users on different chains. Users can easily manage, trade, invest, and mint assets without having to worry about the intricate details of various chains, fuel tokens, or third-party bridging. This seamless experience allows users to manage their crypto assets as easily as they manage traditional financial products.

High-yield platform aggregates full-chain DeFi protocols

Piggy Bank uses Cycle Network to aggregate DeFi protocols from any network (such as L1, EVM, non-EVM, BTC L2, etc.). Through AI-driven analysis, Piggy Bank is able to evaluate safety, returns and stability and recommend personalized investment strategies. Users only need to select investment options with one click to obtain higher returns due to cross-chain aggregation and compound interest.

This innovation not only improves user experience, but also brings new possibilities for crypto asset management. The successful example of Piggy Bank demonstrates the importance of bridgeless solutions in promoting the development of the blockchain ecosystem and deserves high praise.

Diversified asset classes

Piggy Bank has demonstrated its leading innovation capabilities by integrating Cycle’s full-chain DeFi center to support multiple asset classes. Users can not only manage physical assets such as real estate and art, but also access various financial derivatives (such as options, futures, leveraged tokens), and perform asset lending and liquidity mining on all chains, reflecting its extensive Application scenarios.

For developers

Shared Liquidity Pool

Piggy Bank’s integration with Cycle Liquidity Aggregator consolidates dispersed liquidity resources into a shared pool, significantly enhancing overall liquidity and capital efficiency. This approach maximizes returns and simplifies liquidity management, providing strong support for developers.

Secure and low-cost

Cycle Network provides Piggy Bank with a unified interface and protocol, greatly simplifying blockchain operations and integration. The shared liquidity pool not only reduces the risks associated with single-chain financing, but also reduces the potential for fraud, highlighting its advantages in security and cost-effectiveness.

Example: Bridgeless Minting of NFTs

Piggy Bank’s highly anticipated Piggy Box event attracted over 246,000 accounts and nearly 190,000 assets were minted in a bridgeless manner. Users from any chain can mint assets with one click without leaving their home chain, demonstrating its seamless user experience. Transactions, fees and signatures are seamlessly processed on the user's preferred chain, greatly improving user convenience.

BEVM Partnership

The partnership with BEVM – the first fully decentralized EVM compatible with Bitcoin L2, using BTC as fuel – highlights the power of Cycle Network’s bridgeless solution. It attracted 40K new users in just three days, and they were able to seamlessly mint BEVM Genesis Boxes without having to deal with cross-chain operations or fees. This achievement demonstrates the advantages and ease of use of Piggy Bank in real-world applications.

Cycle Network:无桥式链接所有区块链


與IoTeX的合作同樣證明了Cycle Network的無橋式解決方案在實際​​應用中的強大功能。在最近的測試網 NFT 鑄造活動中,用戶能夠直接從各種區塊鏈鑄造IoTeX測試網資產,完成鑄造體驗後還收到了獨家 Genesis Boxes,解鎖了Cycle Network生態系統中的豐厚獎勵。在兩天內,透過Piggy Bank鑄造了5,000個NFT,允許任何鏈的用戶參與,消除了跨鏈互動的複雜性。

Cycle Network:无桥式链接所有区块链

基於這些成功的合作,Cycle Network的去中心化無橋信息傳輸已成功服務多個新興鏈,幫助應用程序擺脫特定鏈的限制,實現跨多個區塊鏈的無縫操作。這項能力對尋求擴大影響力和使用者基礎的開發者至關重要。目前,無橋SDK對任何EVM鍊和DApp開放,使開發者能夠為用戶提供無橋體驗,毫無手續費限制,展現了其在行業中的引領地位。


Cycle Network專注於透過無橋跨鏈解決方案實現鏈抽象,提供了一種安全且簡化的替代方案,有效應對了傳統跨鏈橋的互操作性挑戰。利用zk-rollup技術和聚合排序器,Cycle Network為開發者和使用者帶來了全新的跨鏈體驗,滿足了多樣化的跨鏈需求。


隨著區塊鏈技術的不斷進步和多鏈環境的成熟,Cycle Network在進一步發展鏈抽象和跨鏈技術方面展現了堅定的承諾,旨在克服現有的限制並探索新的應用領域。這種前瞻性的探索無疑將推動整個區塊鏈生態系統的發展。

以上是Cycle Network:無橋式連結所有區塊鏈的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
