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2024-07-28 09:54:191208瀏覽




常見故障一:汽油消耗量過大是何原因?   1、機械因素:   汽車故障導致效率下降,請回廠檢修確定無故障。   汽車引擎磨損老舊:大修引擎。   2、胎壓不足:請常注意輪胎狀況,維持胎壓,不但省油且成長使用壽命。   煞車咬住:可自行作慢速空檔滑行測試,確定煞車無此狀況。   3、人為操作因素:   溫車過久:在發動後至多30秒鐘,確認所有警示燈熄滅即可上路。   狂暴駕駛:急踩油門加速又緊急煞車,或飆至極速,除了耗油外,機械亦加速磨損,應盡量避免。   開冷氣睡覺或長時間等人而不熄火,除了耗油,且引擎容易積碳。   長時間使用不必要的電器,如除霧線、加強霧燈等,因為天下沒有白吃的午餐,電力的消耗也會轉嫁於汽油消耗。 空調冷卻效率下降4、交通因素:   短程使用:引擎可能尚未加熱至正常工作溫度,即抵達目的地,由於冷機效率低,燃料大半消耗於將發動機及冷卻水加溫,耗油是不可避免的,此種用車狀況亦會導致引擎積碳。   市區行車:市區行車因塞車及紅綠燈,停停行耗油量甚至數倍於高速公路行車。   5、其它因素:   車上如放置過多的雜物長期下來也會導致耗油量增加。   常見故障二:排氣管冒黑煙是什麼原因?冒白煙是什麼原因?冒藍煙是什麼原因?   1、排氣管冒黑煙:   說明引擎混合氣過濃導致燃燒不充分。當空氣濾清器過髒、火星塞不良、點火線圈故障等,均會造成引擎冒黑煙。 2.排氣管冒白煙:   說明噴油嘴霧化不良或滴油使部分汽油不燃燒;汽油中有水;氣缸蓋和氣缸套有肉眼看不見的裂紋,氣缸墊損壞使氣缸內進水;機溫太低。可透過以下方法解決:清洗或更換噴油器,調整噴油壓力;清除油箱和油路中水分;不買低價劣質油;更換汽缸墊、汽缸套、汽缸蓋.   3、排氣管冒藍煙:   說明機油進入燃燒室參加燃燒,活塞環與氣缸套未完全磨合,機油從縫隙進入;活塞環粘合在槽內,活塞環的錐面裝反,失去刮油的作用;活塞環磨損過度,機油從開口間隙跑進燃燒室;油底殼油面過高;氣門與導管磨損,間隙過大。可以透過以下方法解決:新車或大修後的機車都必須按規定磨合發動機,使各部零件能正常嚙合;看清楚裝配記號,正確安裝活塞環;調換合格或加大尺寸的活塞環;查清油底殼油面升高的原因,放出油底殼多餘的機油;減少濾清器油盤內機油;更換氣門導管。   常見故障三:動力轉向變沉重是何原因?   1.輪胎氣壓不足,尤其前輪氣壓不足,轉向會比較吃力。   2、輔助轉向液不足,需添加輔助轉向液。   3、前輪定位不準,需進行四輪定位檢測。   4、轉向機或轉向球節磨損嚴重,需要維修或更換。   常見故障四:車輛油耗增加應怎樣判斷和修理? 如果您感覺到車輛油耗增加了,首先應到維修中心進行發動機電子數據的監查和車輛廢氣的檢測,並且按以下思路進行診斷:   1)、輪胎充壓力:如果輪胎虧氣將導致行駛阻力增加,造成油耗上升;相反,如果在輪胎氣壓規定值內適當增加輪胎氣壓,將有利於降低油耗。   2)、輪胎花紋:不同類型花紋的輪胎的燃油消耗率不同,選擇折線花紋輪胎有助於節省燃油。   3)、四輪定位:始終保持車輪定位值正確,可確保較低的燃油消耗率。   4)、行駛環境:車輛行駛中怠速和低檔位對於整個行駛週期的時間佔用率越低,越有利於降低油耗。所以在市區壅塞路面油耗居高不下。   5)、道路狀況:路面阻力越大,上下坡路況越多,燃油消耗率越高。所以盡量選擇鋪好的、平坦的大路行駛。   6)、車輛載重:盡量減少車內及行李箱內不必要的物品,有助於降低油耗。   7)、平穩加速:急加速時的瞬時燃油消耗率比平穩加速時高一半,所以我們應盡量避免急加速、避免緊急煞車。   8)、車速適中:明確經濟車速,車速過高於過低都將使車輛燃油經濟性變差。   9)、引擎技術狀況:如果引擎的技術狀況不良,將導致引擎功率向下降,造成大量燃油的浪費。   10)、自排變速箱:確保自排變速箱換檔正常。   11)、傳動系統:定期檢查傳動軸、差速器、半軸、輪箍軸承等零件旋轉阻力是否正常。  12)、煞車系統:檢查確保煞車系統無拖曳現象。   13)、齒輪油的黏度:在氣溫比較低的環境,將手排變速箱和差速器中的齒輪油更換為黏度較低的標號,有助於與節油。   14)、風阻係數:若車輛外觀受損,打開車窗,或因不正當改裝等變大的因素。   常見故障五:如何判斷和維修雨刷和玻璃噴洗器故障?   1、雨刷常見的故障現像有:   1)、完全不工作。   2)、無間歇檔或間歇時間不對。   3)、無低速檔。   4)、無高速檔。   5)、關閉開關後雨刷不能自動回位。   維修技巧:對於此類常規電氣系統故障,應先檢查系統電源電路,此類故障大部分由於保險絲燒斷或接地點不良導致。   2.玻璃清洗器的常見故障有:   1)、完全不工作。沒有清洗液或馬達損壞。   2)、噴出的清洗液量不足。管路有堵塞。噴頭出水口被灰塵、泥土堵塞,可用大頭針等物品疏通,   3)、清洗液的噴射方向不對。調整正確噴射角度。   常見故障六:煞車為什麼會軟綿綿的?   煞車作為汽車安全行駛的關鍵部分,每位駕駛者都應特別重視。每次駕駛前,可以試驗煞車踏板的工作狀態。在未啟動引擎之前煞車踏板會很硬,引擎正常啟動後,煞車踏板會輕微下沉一點,這是正常的。   有時我們踩下踏板會感覺煞車軟綿綿的,煞車距離明顯加長,煞車無力。這種情況必須加以重視,一般情況下,原因有以下幾種:不同品牌煞車油混合使用,造成煞車效能下降,超過廠商規定更換期限繼續使用煞車油造成煞車油變質,沸點下降。制動液內含有氣體。煞車軟管外表橡膠破損或起包造成洩壓。煞車總泵和分泵滲油,密封不良等等。除此之外,也要檢查一下,煞車片是否為原廠產品。   常見故障七:駕駛中水溫過高怎麼辦?   行駛過程中冷卻液沸騰(開鍋了)時的處理方法如下:   1)、應立即將車停到安全的地方。   2)、關閉空調系統,打開引擎機艙蓋,使引擎怠速運轉。 (在這個過程中註意,千萬不要試圖打開冷卻液的加註口蓋。在冷卻液沸騰時加註口蓋一旦打開,冷卻系統中的液體會噴出,造成人身傷害。)   3)、檢查散熱器風扇的運轉是否正常,如不動。應同經銷店聯繫。   4)、水溫錶指針下降後,將引擎熄火。   5)、待引擎冷卻後,將水箱蓋打開,檢查冷卻液的液位。   6)、如缺液應補充。   7)、如水溫表指針一直沒有下降的趨勢,則立即將引擎熄火。同經銷店聯繫。   建議:當出現冷卻液沸騰的故障時,建議應同經銷店聯繫,獲取指導,最好不要擅自處理。   常見故障八:蓄電池沒電了怎麼應急?   蓄電池電力不足表現為下列幾種情況:   1)、起動機不轉或轉動微弱,無法啟動引擎。   2)、頭燈比平時暗。   3)、喇叭音量小或不響。   如遇上述問題可透過下列方法應急:   1)、連接跨接電纜   跨接電纜按照以下順序連接:   ①將沒電的蓄電池的正極端子與救援車電池的正極端子連接。   ②將救援車電池的負極端子與沒電汽車的蓄電池負極端子或發動機室內的金屬部分連接(接地線)。   2)、緊急充電並起動發動機   起動救援車的發動機,稍微提高發動機的轉速,約5分鐘後,可向沒電的蓄電池應急充電。   3)、取下跨接電纜與連接跨接電纜的順序相反。






1. 檢查硬體連接


2. 檢查電源


3. 進入安全模式


4. 檢查軟體


5. 掃描病毒和惡意軟體


6. 檢查硬體問題


7. 尋求專業協助































Understand failure modes and types. Failure is a state in which equipment or components lose their specified functions.

Common failure modes include the following categories:

Failures related to material properties of mechanical parts, including fatigue, fracture, cracks, creep, excessive deformation, material deterioration, etc.

Faults related to abnormal chemical and physical conditions, including corrosion, grease deterioration, insulation deterioration, conductive and thermal conductive deterioration, evaporation, etc.


Methods and steps of fault diagnosis

7. How to diagnose speed switch fault?

Speed ​​regulating switch principle

Principle: Change the duty cycle of the output square wave to adjust the average current power on the load to change between 0-100%, and thereby change the load and light brightness/motor speed . Use pulse width modulation (PWM) to achieve dimming and speed regulation.

1. When checking the speed control switch, first check whether the connection between the speed control switch and each wire is good, and then check whether the reset spring elastic force of the speed control switch has failed

  2. If the speed control switch and the wires are desoldered or If there is a phenomenon such as weak soldering, you can use a soldering iron to re-solder it; if the elastic force of the return spring fails, you need to replace the return spring with the same elastic force. In order to replace the new return spring, and after the replacement is completed, the fastener must be re-reinforced to prevent the spring from being weakly fixed and easy to fall off after the new return spring is replaced.

 3. Check whether the speed switch control knob is worn. If the control knob is worn, just replace it. Then disassemble the speed control switch and check whether the internal control rod and bevel are deformed or severely worn. Then check whether the rotating shaft is broken. If the internal parts of the speed control switch are damaged, replace them. Yes, if the control lever becomes deformed, it can simply be re-aligned.

 4. Check again whether the moving piece of the speed control switch is deformed and whether the stator piece is severely worn or loose. If the moving piece is deformed, it can be corrected with needle-nosed pliers; if the stator is loose, it needs to be refixed; if the stator is severely worn, it needs to be replaced. Among them, the speed control switch also includes a rotating elastic device. Check whether the spring elastic force in the rotating elastic device has failed or has cracks.

8. How to diagnose car air-conditioning faults?

The main diagnostic methods include first sight, second listening, third touch and four tests. Through the above methods, only abnormal phenomena can be discovered and first-hand information can be obtained. For final diagnosis and troubleshooting, it is still necessary to use relevant instruments for testing and repair. It is recommended to go to a 4S store.

9. How to diagnose PCB repair faults?

1. Appearance inspection:

When an abnormality or malfunction is found in the equipment, a visual inspection should be carried out first. Check for obvious cracks, burnt or melted solder joints. At the same time, check whether the device is tilted, fallen off or damaged.

2. Power-on test:

Power-on test is a common and effective PCB troubleshooting method. Test the board with the correct power supply by using a multimeter, oscilloscope, or other test equipment. At this time, we need to test the working status and values ​​of key components on the circuit board (such as resistors, capacitors, and diodes) to detect whether there is a fault.

3. Line tracing:

The lines on PCB are usually very complex. When a fault occurs, we need to find the specific fault location through line tracing. By studying the schematic and PCB layout, we can determine the direction of the signal and power lines and use tools such as short circuit detectors or signal generators to detect whether the line connections are good.

4. Thermal infrared image:

Using thermal infrared image technology, abnormal temperature changes on the PCB can be found very intuitively. When a device is operating abnormally, it may generate higher or lower temperatures. By using thermal infrared cameras, we can quickly locate faulty components without touching the circuit board.

5. Component replacement method:

If you still cannot find the cause of the fault through the above methods, you can consider replacing key components. Replace the suspected faulty component with a functioning component and see if this resolves the problem. This method is often used to troubleshoot faults caused by damaged components.

6. Segmented testing method:

For large and complex PCBs, the circuit board can be divided into several pieces for testing to gradually reduce the scope of the fault. By continuously eliminating the parts that work normally during the test process, the scope of the fault is gradually narrowed, and the specific location of the fault can eventually be found.

The editor of Xinfeng Huihe would like to remind you that when troubleshooting PCB, please be careful to avoid secondary damage to the circuit board and peripheral devices. If you do not have sufficient experience or skills, please seek professional technical support. At the same time, pay attention to safety and anti-static measures to ensure the safety of yourself and your equipment.

Through the above troubleshooting methods, we can find the crux of the PCB failure more quickly and make corresponding repairs and improvements based on the test results. Through reasonable troubleshooting methods, we can ensure the normal operation of the circuit board and improve the reliability and stability of the equipment.

10. Diagnosis and troubleshooting of common faults of air suspension system?

1. The airbag cannot be inflated

Fault and cause analysis:

1. The airbag is damaged or leaking;

2. The air pipeline system is abnormal;

3. The height valve is damaged or improperly installed;

4. The pressure protection and limiting valve are faulty.

Troubleshooting methods:

1. Replace the air bag;

2. Check and repair the air pipeline system;

3. Replace or adjust the height valve;

4. Adjust or replace the valve body.

2. The airbag is damaged and the base is broken

Fault and cause analysis:

1. Hard foreign objects such as gravel are involved in the friction between the airbag and the lower piston (base);

2. Hard foreign objects penetrate the airbag;

3. Improper adjustment of H value (installation height);

4. Severe overloading;

5. Improper installation of suspension and beams;

6. Tires or brake system components friction with air bags;

7. Brake air The chamber rubs against the air bag.

Troubleshooting method:

1. Replace the damaged parts, check and clean the airbag frequently;

2. Replace the airbag;

3. Replace the damaged parts and readjust the H value;

4. Replace the damaged parts according to the rated load Bearing;

5. Replace damaged parts, adjust or reinstall the suspension;

6. Replace the air bag, check the gap around the air bag, if it is too small, reinstall it;

7. Replace the air bag, change the installation position of the air chamber or turn the clamp to increase the gap.

