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2024-07-27 19:29:52304瀏覽





2.記憶測試:memTest ,這個是目前公認比較好的測試軟體

3.電源測試: OCCT,這個當然也是公認的了




1. 記憶體故障:使用記憶體偵測工具,如Memtest86+,進行記憶體測試。可以透過下載軟體並將其燒錄到啟動磁碟中,然後重新啟動電腦進行測試。

2. 硬碟故障:使用硬碟偵測工具,如CrystalDiskInfo,檢查硬碟的健康狀況。可以透過下載軟體並安裝在電腦上進行測試。

3. 顯示卡故障:使用顯示卡廠商提供的顯示卡偵測工具,如NVIDIA的GeForce Experience或AMD的Radeon Software,進行顯示卡測試。

4. CPU故障:使用CPU測試工具,如Prime95或IntelBurnTest,測試CPU的效能和穩定性。

5. 電源故障:使用萬用電表或電源偵測器偵測電源輸出的電壓、電流和功率是否正常。

6. 主機板故障:檢查主機板上的電容、電阻等元件是否燒毀或損壞,如有問題需要更換。

7. 其他硬體故障:如鍵盤、滑鼠、音訊設備等硬體故障,可以嘗試更換對應的設備或使用其他電腦進行測試。


三、如何選擇適合的電腦硬體故障偵測軟體 | 電腦硬體故障偵測軟體推薦







功能全面性:選擇具備全面的硬體偵測功能的軟體,能夠滿足不同使用者的需求。軟體應該能夠偵測CPU、記憶體、硬碟、顯示卡等核心硬件,並提供詳細的故障診斷報告。 易用性:軟體介面友好,操作簡單明了,即使對於非專業用戶也能輕鬆上手。而且軟體能夠自動進行偵測和分析,無需使用者過多的干預。 相容性:軟體應該相容於各種型號和品牌的電腦,並支援不同作業系統,如Windows、Mac等。 使用者口碑:參考其他使用者的評價與推薦,選擇一款經過廣泛驗證的軟體。



1. AIDA64

AIDA64 是一款功能強大、被廣泛認可的硬體檢測軟體,它提供了詳細的硬體資訊和穩定性測試,能夠檢測CPU、記憶體、硬碟、顯示卡等多個硬體部件。

2. CPU-Z

CPU-Z 是一款輕量級的硬體資訊工具,它能夠提供詳細的CPU、記憶體、主機板等硬體信息,還能進行效能測試和溫度監測。

3. MSI Afterburner

MSI Afterburner 是一款專業的顯示卡超頻和監控軟體,它能夠幫助使用者調整顯示卡效能並監控顯示卡溫度、負載等參數。




4. How to use software to detect computer hardware failures


As an indispensable tool in modern life, computers often encounter various failures. Hardware failure is one of the more common problems. In order to detect and solve computer hardware faults in time, we can use some specialized software to detect them.

What is computer hardware fault detection software?

Computer hardware fault detection software is a tool that checks and evaluates the status and performance of computer hardware by running various testing and analysis programs. It can help users identify hardware problems and provide corresponding solutions.

Commonly used computer hardware fault detection software

The following are some commonly used computer hardware fault detection software:

1. CPU-Z: A free and powerful software used to detect the computer's central processing unit (CPU) and motherboard , memory and other hardware information. 2. GPU-Z: Used to detect the status and performance of the computer's graphics card and provide detailed graphics card parameters and statistics. 3. CrystalDiskInfo: Used to detect the health and performance of the hard drive and provide real-time reports on the hard drive's SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) information. 4. Memtest86: Used to detect memory module errors and failures, which can help users quickly discover memory problems that may cause computer crashes or instability. 5. Prime95: Used to test the stability and performance of the CPU and help users find possible hardware problems.

How to use computer hardware fault detection software?

Using computer hardware fault detection software usually requires the following steps:

Download and install the hardware fault detection software suitable for your computer system. Open the software, read the instructions and help documents provided by the software, and become familiar with the functions and operation methods of the software. Select specific hardware test items as needed, such as CPU, GPU, memory or hard drive. Run the test program and wait for the test to complete. Review the test results and reports and note any anomalies or errors. Take appropriate measures based on the test results to repair or replace the problematic hardware.


Computer hardware fault detection software is an important tool to help us discover and solve computer hardware problems. By using these software, we can detect potential failures in time and take appropriate measures to repair or replace problematic hardware parts. Choosing software that is suitable for your computer system and using it according to the correct steps will improve the stability and performance of your computer.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope this article can help you understand how to use software to detect computer hardware failures and solve corresponding problems.

5. What software is available for computer hardware testing?

1. CPU-Z: The well-known CPU detection tool is also the most well-known processor detection tool at present. It can detect the CPU model, main frequency, core, and thread number, and identify the authenticity of the CPU. 2. GPU-Z: Similar to CPU-Z, except that it is mainly aimed at graphics card detection. GPU-Z is a software used to detect and view graphics card information. The software is small and concise and can be used without installation. The interface is very clear and clear. 3. HD TUNE: HD Tune Pro is a compact and easy-to-use hard disk tool software. Its main functions include hard disk transfer rate detection, health status detection, temperature detection and disk surface scanning, etc. It can also detect hard drive capacity, serial number, whether it is 4K aligned, etc. 4. CrystalDiskMark: CrystalDiskMark is a computer hard drive testing tool. The simple and easy-to-operate interface can test storage devices at any time. You can choose the size and test number of the storage device, and you can also test the readable and writable speeds. 5. DisplayX (Display Test Wizard): DisplayX, Display Test Wizard is a compact display test software that can run on all Microsoft Windows operating systems. It can mainly detect screen quality and whether there are dead pixels, etc. 6. SuperPI: SuperPI is a software specially designed to detect CPU stability. SuperPI software makes the CPU operate at high load by calculating pi to test the computing power and stability of the CPU. It is a CPU performance testing software. 7. AIDA64: AIDA64 is a tool for testing software and hardware system information. Its predecessor was called EVEREST. This software supports detection of a variety of processors, motherboards, graphics cards, etc. 8. Cinebench: CineBench is a CPU graphics card benchmark testing software. It is a very convincing CPU and graphics card testing system. The latest one is the R15 version. 9. 3DMark: 3DMark is a well-known graphics card testing tool. It is the most popular computer performance benchmark testing software in the world. It is a testing software specially designed to measure PC game performance. It is mainly used to test graphics card running performance. 10. AS SSD Benchmark: AS SSD Benchmark is an SSD (Solid State Drive) evaluation tool developed in Germany. AS SSD Benchmark is the most commonly used SSD evaluation software on the market. It can test the performance of continuous read and write, 4K alignment, 4KB random read and write and response time, and give a comprehensive score. 11. Batterymon: BatteryMon is a computer battery management software that can detect the factory status, battery capacity, longest standby and other information of the battery. It is a green Chinese-language software that can easily detect battery-related parameters.

6. How to use computer hardware detection software to detect hardware faults

Computers are indispensable tools in our daily lives and work. Hardware faults may cause trouble to our normal use. In order to detect whether the computer hardware is damaged in a timely and accurate manner, we can use specialized computer hardware detection software.

There are many kinds of computer hardware detection software on the market now, some of which are free and some of which are paid. They can comprehensively detect the computer's hardware status, including CPU, memory, hard disk, graphics card, etc. We can obtain detailed information about the hardware through these software, such as performance parameters, temperature, power consumption, etc. At the same time, they can also detect whether the hardware is damaged or faulty, and provide corresponding reports and suggestions in a timely manner.

How to use computer hardware detection software

Using computer hardware detection software is very simple, just follow the steps below:

1. Choose the right software

Choose a computer that suits you according to your needs and preferences Hardware detection software. Generally speaking, software with high reputation and good reputation is more reliable, such as AIDA64, HWiNFO, PassMark, etc.

2. Download and Install

Download the software installation package on the official website or a trustworthy download platform, and follow the prompts to install. During the installation process, be careful not to install additional additional software or toolbars.

3. Run the software and perform detection

Open the installed software and select hardware detection. The software automatically scans the computer system and displays hardware details and status. At the same time, it will also conduct various performance tests and stress tests to more comprehensively evaluate the working status of the hardware.

4. Check the test results

The software will generate a detailed test report, including various parameters, temperature, power consumption and other information of the hardware, and also indicate whether there is a fault or damage. Based on the test report, we can determine whether the computer hardware is normal and make corresponding repair or replacement decisions.


By using computer hardware detection software, we can quickly and accurately determine whether the computer hardware is damaged and take corresponding solutions in a timely manner. This not only saves time and energy, but also avoids losses and unnecessary trouble caused by hardware failure. Therefore, it is recommended that you perform regular hardware testing when using your computer on a daily basis to ensure the normal operation of the computer and extend the service life of the hardware.

Thank you for reading. I hope this article can bring you some help in computer hardware detection.

7. How to detect computer hardware faults by yourself? | How to detect computer hardware faults

How to detect computer hardware faults by yourself?

When your computer is malfunctioning and you suspect a hardware problem, it will be very helpful to know how to detect computer hardware failure yourself. Not only can unnecessary expenses be avoided, but the problem can be resolved quickly before the root cause of the problem is found. This article will introduce several common and simple computer hardware detection methods.

1. Memory (RAM)

Faulty memory modules may cause computer freezes, blue screens and other problems. The easiest way to test your memory modules is to run the built-in Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool. Open Control Panel, type "memory" in the search bar and click "Diagnose your computer's memory problems." You will be given the option to restart and run the check now.

2. Hard drive

If your computer has problems such as file corruption and slow startup, then the hard drive may be the culprit. The Windows operating system provides a utility called "Error Detection" (chkdsk). Open a command prompt or Windows Explorer, right-click the hard drive you want to detect, select "Properties", and then click "Error Detection" in the "Tools" tab. Check the "Automatically fix file system errors" and "Scan and attempt to recover bad sectors" options, then click "Start". The system will detect the hard drive the next time it starts.

3. Processor

The processor is the brain of the computer. If it fails, it may cause system crash or performance degradation. In order to detect whether the processor is working properly, you can use some professional software, such as "Prime95" and "Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool". These tools can perform comprehensive stress tests and diagnostics on your processor to help you determine if there is a problem.

4. Graphics card

If your computer has screen flickering, image distortion, etc., the graphics card may be faulty. One way to detect problems with your graphics card is to use video stress testing software such as "FurMark" and "3DMark". These software push the graphics card to its limits to determine if it is within normal operating range.

5. Power supply

Computer failure to start or frequent crashes may be caused by power supply problems. An easy way to test your power supply is to use a tool called a "power tester." This little device can help you verify that your power supply's output is working properly.

