首頁 >網路3.0 >分散式 AI 算力平台 DSC 將於 7 月 28 日 8: 00 (UTC+8) 啟動 LP 質押百萬獎池活動

分散式 AI 算力平台 DSC 將於 7 月 28 日 8: 00 (UTC+8) 啟動 LP 質押百萬獎池活動

2024-07-27 09:19:581024瀏覽

分布式 AI 算力平台 DSC 将于 7 月 28 日 8: 00 (UTC+8) 启动 LP 质押百万奖池活动


在這一背景下,DSC專案憑藉其創新的分散式算力平台和出色的市場表現,迅速贏得了投資者的廣泛認可。自6月26日在MEXC抹茶交易所全球首發以來,$DSC代幣價格一度實現了2000%的驚人漲幅,展現了強勁的市場表現和投資者的高度信心。近期,DSC計畫發布了第三季工作規劃,並於7月28號早上8:00(UTC➕8)正式啟動$DSC-USDT LP質押百萬獎池活動,首期提供100萬枚$DSC激勵獎池。

LP 質押百萬獎池瓜分


  1. 時間:7月28日8:00 (UTC
  2. 時間:7月28日8:00 (UTC➕85 8)
獎金池:1,000,000 $DSC







Basic concept and operation of LP staking mining

LP staking mining is a common mechanism in DeFi that allows liquidity providers to stake the LP tokens they obtain in liquidity pools to obtain additional income. When users provide $DSC and USDT liquidity to Pancake, they receive $DSC-USDT LP tokens representing their share of the liquidity. By staking these LP tokens into designated staking pools, users can earn more $DSC token rewards.

LP staking mining inspires users to lock in multiple benefits

-increased returns

By staking $DSC-USDT LP tokens, users can not only benefit from the transaction fees of the liquidity pool, but also Get additional staking rewards. This dual benefit mechanism greatly improves the return on investment.

-Reduce risk

Staking LP tokens can help users stabilize investment returns and reduce risks caused by market fluctuations. Through staking, users can obtain stable income while reducing risks arising from market fluctuations.

-Diversified investment strategies

Staking LP tokens provides users with more investment options and strategies. Users can earn additional income through staking while retaining their share in the liquidity pool to achieve diversified investments.

DSC project market response and prospects

Judging from the recent price trend, after experiencing a 2000% increase, the price of the $DSC token has risen steadily and is currently maintained at around 0.085U. The market Demand for $DSC remains strong.

By participating in the million-dollar prize pool event, users can enjoy the dividends from the first mine income and project development. DSC's LP pledge activity is not only an important value-added channel, but also a key step in promoting the further development of DSC in the fields of decentralized computing power and AI.

以上是分散式 AI 算力平台 DSC 將於 7 月 28 日 8: 00 (UTC+8) 啟動 LP 質押百萬獎池活動的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
