首頁 >網路3.0 >在港發行穩定幣,京東為何跟加密市場做了「兄弟」?


2024-07-27 04:04:31955瀏覽


7月24日,根據財聯社報道,京東科技旗下的京東幣鏈科技 ( 香港 ) 將在香港發行與港元 1:1錨定的加密貨幣穩定幣,在市場上掀起廣泛熱議。






在22年10月轟動的虛擬資產宣言中,香港更是明確表述將制定之政策對穩定幣進行監管。 「穩定幣是我們的另一個焦點。有鑑於穩定幣據稱能夠維持價值穩定,而其使用情況愈益增加,例如作為加密貨幣和法定貨幣的交易媒介,因此亦具潛力能夠與傳統金融市場(如支付系統)互相建立關聯。等方面訂出適當的監管。今年3月,金管局公佈了穩定幣發行人沙盒政策,允許在監管沙盒內測試穩定幣發行。


在將近2年的探索中,與京東最為密切相關的就是「穩定幣發行人沙盒政策」。以通俗語言表達,香港會在一定監管灰度範圍內,選取合適的測試人,探索穩定幣發行的可行性。 7月18日,香港公佈了5家穩定幣發行人「沙盒」參與者名單,分別為京東幣鏈科技(香港)有限公司(Coinlink)、圓幣創新科技有限公司及渣打銀行(香港)有限公司、安擬集團有限公司、香港電信(HKT) 有限公司。

在港發行穩定幣,京東為何跟加密市場做了「兄弟」?在名單發布後,幣鏈在官網上披露了其的穩定幣信息,聲明京東穩定幣是一種基於公鏈並與港元(HKD) 1:1掛鉤的穩定幣,將在公共區塊鏈上發行,並強調了每個京東穩定幣可按1:1 的比例贖回,其儲備由高度流動且可信的資產組成,這些資產將安全存放於持牌金融機構的獨立帳戶中,透過定期的揭露和審計報告,對儲備的完整性進行嚴格驗證。而在監管方面,京東穩定幣也顯示將積極與全球監管機構合作,並遵守現有和不斷發展的法律和監管標準。



發展至今,我國互聯網大廠也佔據著區塊鏈產業的第一梯隊,涵蓋了從基礎設施到產品應用乃至拓展服務的所有類別,BaaS平台服務端更是眾多大廠區塊鏈發力的關鍵區域。 2022年,中國區塊鏈BaaS廠商市佔率被七單位瓜分,分別為螞蟻(26.6%)、騰訊雲(16.3%)、 華為雲(11.4%)、聯通數科(7.5%)、趣鏈( 6.8%)、浪潮(6.7%)以及零數科技(5.4%),七家佔比高達80.7%。


到如今,在嚴密的監管下,大廠參與加密也顯得更為迂迴,不是暗中設立海外機構進行業務分割,如嗶哩嗶哩在海外推廣NFT,就是作為投資者完成佈局,如騰訊投資Immutable X和Chainbase,多數則另闢蹊徑,主動當起了賣鏟子的人,業務重心放在如何在加密領域推廣雲端服務以及基礎設施上,如螞蟻鏈面向香港和海外市場的新品牌ZAN。








再看現任CEO,領英上其自稱為「微信支付聯創",並提到在微信支付的8年經驗,稱作為微信支付聯合創始人和產品總監,從無到有創立微信支付產品,並作為核心產品人員創造微信紅包這一現象級產品。 2018年,其進入華為擔任全球行動支付產品營運業務負責人及聚合營運部部長。







Take USDT as an example. The parent company Tether is simply making a huge profit. It obtains risk-free interest rates and investment gains by issuing stablecoins at close to zero marginal cost. The net profit obtained in 2023 is as high as 6.2 billion US dollars, and the total number of people in the company With only 100 people, the speed of making money can be described as a money printing machine.

In addition, because the business lines are clear and simple, the operations are not as complicated as the securities business involved on the platform side. In other words, regulatory costs are more controllable and consistent. In this context, as a digital currency payment company, it is natural to target the stablecoin business, which is the most profitable and easiest to enter.

04. Current situation: It is worth a try under the constraints of practical difficulties

Judging from the current situation, JD Coin Chain obviously also intends to imitate, focusing on infrastructure payment, gaining first-mover scale advantages and then expanding its business. However, although the idea is good, the actual implementation is also difficult.

Attracted by the rich cake, many well-known institutions have entered the stablecoin field in recent years, but most of them failed. The core reason is that the head effect of stablecoins is too prominent. In the stablecoin market, the three major stablecoins account for 90% of the market share, especially USDT, which is almost a dominant player. Among the total market capitalization of US$160 billion, there are More than 110 billion yuan is in USDT. Take the world-renowned payment giant Paypal as an example. Although it ranks among the top in terms of payment users and brand awareness, the stablecoin PYUSD it issued in August last year has been tepid, with a total issuance of only US$349 million. However, it is already in the No. 7 in the stablecoin field.


For JD.com, the environment is even worse. The implicit result of the concentration of the U.S. dollar stablecoin market is that the market for other legal currency stablecoins is restricted. Compared with the size of the Hong Kong crypto market, it remains to be seen whether the Hong Kong dollar stablecoin can break through the encirclement, and local regulation will also hinder JD.com’s development in this field. .

From the perspective of local regulatory requirements, Hong Kong has relatively clear regulations for issuers, and the high compliance costs are obvious. Regarding the qualifications of issuers, the Treasury Bureau requires that only licensed fiat currency stablecoin issuers, banks, licensed corporations, and licensed virtual asset trading platforms can sell fiat currency stablecoins in Hong Kong, or actively sell fiat currency stablecoins to the Hong Kong public. To promote relevant services, the Treasury Bureau has set up transitional arrangements for existing stablecoin issuers.

In terms of reserves, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority requires issuers to ensure that fiat stablecoins are backed by 100% reserves of high-quality and highly liquid reserve assets. At the same time, the issuer's minimum paid-up share capital should be at least 2% of the total amount of fiat stablecoins in circulation. , or HK$25 million, whichever is higher. In order to curb the damage caused by stablecoins to the traditional financial system, Hong Kong stablecoin issuers will also ban interest payments to users.

Hong Kong has not directly vetoed the entry of mainstream stablecoins such as USDT and USDC into the market, but emphasized whether they can pass Hong Kong's regulatory requirements. Institutions need to establish entities in Hong Kong and obtain license approval. It is worth noting that Hong Kong has not ruled out banking institutions applying for stablecoins.

This undoubtedly means that even if it is difficult to obtain issuer qualifications, the competitive pressure you need to face will increase. Original issuers, licensed exchanges, and even banks can become potential opponents. Even from short-term practical considerations, stablecoins still have many problems. The issuance threshold is high, there is no direct payment system and stored value method to carry stablecoins, and at the accounting level, the determination of company assets is not clear.

But in any case, given the timeliness and singleness faced by the current payment system, there is bound to be market space for the tokenization of fiat currencies. Especially for Hong Kong, a region that hopes to become a global center for virtual assets, stablecoins are an indispensable foundation. Facilities, perhaps this is one of the important reasons why large manufacturers are willing to get involved.

Mosquito meat is also meat, and JD.com obviously needs this piece of meat. After all, the Troika’s core e-commerce business growth is facing a bottleneck, logistics is in an optimization period, and the exploration of new growth points in digital finance is particularly critical. After Hong Kong's policies opened up, the huge traffic in the virtual asset market has become a profit point within easy reach. Whether it is to test the waters or seek development, there are enough reasons for the establishment of JD Coin Chain. The application scenarios of stablecoins span the B-side and C-side, and include traditional financial markets and crypto markets. Not to mention that crypto cross-border payments are highly compatible with JD.com’s own e-commerce retail business, and eventually became JD.com’s primary entrance into crypto. .

On the whole, JD.com’s involvement still sends a positive signal to the encryption industry. It is worth looking forward to whether it will attract more major manufacturers to join in the future. But on the other hand, it needs to be emphasized that according to the regulations, although it has entered the sandbox pilot, this is only a small-scale test and does not mean that JD Coin Chain is qualified to issue stablecoins. It will still have to go through many steps in the future. Currently, the currency chain has not issued any stablecoins in Hong Kong or other jurisdictions, and sandbox participants will not involve the use of public funds in the initial stage. Investors should also remain vigilant.

