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華為Pura 70系列運動大片亮相8大城市:超高速風馳閃拍定格人生一瞬

2024-07-27 01:44:541109瀏覽


华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

7月22日起,2組共計10張華為Pura 70系列拍攝的運動、微距主題照片,在北京、上海、廣州、深圳、成都、南京、杭州、武漢八城重點商圈及地鐵等地戶外廣告看板同時展出,讓我們再一次感受到了華為Pura 70系列超高速風馳閃拍,以及超聚光微距長焦攝像頭帶來的震撼影像魅力。

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

華為Pura 70系列憑藉其獨特的的超高速風馳閃拍功能,向世界展示瞭如何用手機鏡頭捕捉運動中的精彩一瞬,抓拍震撼人心的運動大片。

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

此次華為展出的作品均由華為Pura 70系列手機拍攝,攝影師們透過華為Pura 70系列的鏡頭,詮釋了他們對於超高速風馳閃拍和微距的理解。這其中,既有精彩的運動畫面定格,也有微觀細節的神秘世界,每一張作品彷彿都在訴說一個故事,更傳達出直擊人心的力量。

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

暑假來臨,又到了帶家裡孩子出門運動、撒歡的時節。網球即將落下,當孩子飛身撲救,上演絕地反擊,怎麼能不拿起Pura 70系列,記錄下在運動中成長的關鍵時刻?由於華為Pura 70系列的超高速風馳閃拍,高速飛來的網球,飛濺的草葉子,孩子飛身倒地救球的瞬間都被清晰捕捉。無論是否成功得分,這些寶貴的照片,都會成為日後大家津津樂道的寶貴回憶。

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

夏日炎炎,到海邊度假的你或許也會想來一場熱血的沙灘運動。當沙子和足球隨著動作飛舞,這一瞬間力量與柔美的結合,也能被華為Pura 70系列的超高速風馳閃拍輕鬆定格,完美記錄。

我們不禁要問,現如今很多手機廠家都在卷攝影,為什麼只有華為Pura 70系列才能實現這種震撼人心,彷彿讓時間、空間凝固的抓拍效果呢?

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

眾所周知,在過去12年裡,華為P系列一直是行動影像技術創新者和領導者。如今品牌煥新升級之後,華為Pura 70系列再一次拓展了移動影像的極限——實現了業界最快的抓拍速度,無論是球場上揮拍的英姿、朝你飛奔而來的寵物還是過山車上的人物表情,都能清晰定格。

事實上,拍下快速移動物體的需求一直存在,華為也不是第一台做閃拍的手機。為了實現超高速風馳閃拍,華為Pura 70系列實現了不同維度的技術突破。

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬


Huawei Pura 70 series achieves instant double exposure through the industry’s first XD Motion motion engine. Among them, short exposure records the details of the moving moment, while long exposure retains rich background information and image quality. Then, through AI motion vector calculation, the images captured by the long and short exposures are matched with local features to restore local motion blur, and finally Generate high-definition images of moments in motion.

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

Secondly, Huawei Pura 70 series also solves the common problem of hand shake when shooting. Mobile phone photography is very random, and there is no way to ensure that your shooting hand is stable. In order to avoid blur caused by hand shake during shooting, Huawei Pura 70 series supports sensor displacement anti-shake, using the dynamic motion compensation of the sensor to replace the dynamic motion compensation of the lens.

Through this technology, the anti-shake performance of Huawei Pura 70 series has been improved by 67% compared to Huawei P60 series, making focusing more accurate and shooting more stable. This is why every frame of the motion sample above is like a freeze in time, as if space has frozen instantly.

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

It is worth mentioning that the Huawei Pura 70 series is also equipped with a super-concentrating macro telephoto camera, equipped with the industry’s largest periscope telephoto F2.1 aperture, bringing super light-gathering capabilities and Better telephoto image quality, and the telephoto lens also supports the ultra-high-speed flash shooting function, making it more convenient for users to shoot long-distance, high-speed moving objects, such as airplanes in the sky. The macro telephoto camera also supports a 5cm focusing distance and 35X macro zoom. By changing the microscopic perspective, you can see the mystery of the microscopic world that you usually don't notice.

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

Written at the end:

Capturing is a wonderful feeling. The moment of life under the lens is full of our understanding of life. These images record every step of change in our lives, witness our growth, and become our strength on the way forward.

On May 8 this year, "Warm World - Huawei's Twelve Years of Imaging Exhibition" officially opened at Alserkal Avenue in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This is the largest exhibition of Huawei's imaging works in history. At the opening ceremony, the 2024 Huawei XMAGE Awards also started simultaneously. This is the eighth consecutive global imaging competition held by Huawei.

华为Pura 70系列运动大片亮相8大城市:超高速风驰闪拍定格人生一瞬

Friends who like photography may wish to pick up a Huawei Pura 70 series mobile phone and go to Huawei’s official website to participate, walk with your loved ones, loved ones, and family members while reflecting, record your “moment of life under the lens”, and leave your life behind Those wonderful scenes that cannot be copied.

以上是華為Pura 70系列運動大片亮相8大城市:超高速風馳閃拍定格人生一瞬的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
