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2024-07-24 14:15:23512瀏覽

我多年來一直隨身攜帶 Light Phone 2,但作為一款僅支援 LTE 的手機,它在我居住的地方並沒有得到強烈的接收。儘管如此,我仍然關注著極簡主義手機場景,在看到另一款帶有配對啟動器的手機出現在網路上後,我突然想到,我可以使用我已經擁有的手機來製作自己的手機。

從 LineageOS 開始

LineageOS 是一個自訂 ROM,您可以安裝它來替換 Android 手機的預設作業系統。這是一個開源項目,世界各地的志工共同協作,確保即使在製造商停止官方支援後,受支援的 Android 版本仍可用於裝置。

還有 CalyxOS 和 GrapheneOS 等替代 ROM,但 LineageOS 支援的手機數量最多。這使得它成為我手邊的手機 Moto Edge+ 2023 的可行選擇。

Moto Edge+ 2023,在美國以外被稱為 Moto Edge 40 Pro,是摩托羅拉 2023 年的旗艦手機。它配備了 Snapdragon 8第二代處理器,使其成為最強大的手機之一,並有定制 ROM 的支援。如果您要購買新手機來試用此功能,請記住一些事情。

LineageOS 僅包含 Android 的開源部分。用外行人的話來說,這意味著你的設備感覺就像 Pixel,但你無法獲得任何 Google 應用程序,除非你採取額外的步驟來安裝它們。從積極的一面來看,您確實獲得了足夠的預裝應用程式來完全複製啞機的功能。您可以使用用於撥打電話、發送簡訊、管理聯絡人、拍攝和查看照片、設定鬧鐘和計時器、播放音樂以及瀏覽網頁的應用程式。

How I Made a Minimalist Dumb Phone With Free Software

坦白說,如果你願意,你可以就停在這裡。您的手機已經比大多數啞機功能更強大,並且您可以保留現有智慧型手機可能喜歡的大螢幕和高級相機。但是,您可能希望停用瀏覽器,以免自己無意識地滾動(或者,如果您發現自己只是重新啟用瀏覽器,請使用 ADB 將其完全刪除)。

避免誘惑 — 不要安裝 Play 商店

安裝 LineageOS 後,您可以選擇安裝一個名為 GApps 的軟體套件。這將為您的手機提供 Google Play 服務和 Play 商店。它是讓您的手機感覺像是從商店購買的傳統 Android 手機的必要組件。

為了讓您的手機保持簡約手機,請避免此步驟。 Play 商店是一個無窮無盡的消遣場所。關閉 Play 商店意味著您不必抵制數千種遊戲、串流媒體平台或專用社交媒體應用程式。不必對您使用的應用程式設定限制,即使您仍在運行 Android,它們也根本不可用。

下載 F-Droid 來安裝一些應用程式

How I Made a Minimalist Dumb Phone With Free Software

雖然 LineageOS 提供了手機正常運行的必需品,但有一些我喜歡的功能並未內建。例如,沒有播客客戶端。雖然你可以說極簡手機不需要播客,但這是我在 Light Phone 2 上想要的功能,而且我認為擁有它很好。

這就是 F-Droid 的用武之地。 F-Droid 是完全免費和開源應用程式的來源。這使得它非常適合像 LineageOS 這樣的自訂 ROM,儘管您可以在 Play 商店旁邊的任何 Android 手機上安裝 F-Droid。

F-Droid 的應用程式數量沒有 Play 商店那麼多。當這些應用程式包含任何粗略內容時,例如追蹤或依賴特定網站,它們也會被清楚標記,因為它們強調保護您的隱私。所有這些意味著 F-Droid 中的應用程式主要提供實用性,而不是為了最大限度地提高您的注意力以盈利而設計。這是正版工具的良好來源。

我轉向 F-Droid for Auxio,這是我比 LineageOS 中預設音樂應用程式更喜歡的替代方案。有播客的 AntennaPod 和有聲書的 Voice。 Breezy 是一款非常時尚的天氣應用程式。還有整個 Fossify 應用程式套件,提供功能手機所需的一切,例如撥號器、訊息、聯絡人、圖庫、錄音機等。全力投入 Fossify 應用程式並不是一個壞方法,它可以獲得比預設 LineageOS 應用程式提供的更豐富的一致體驗。

Top It Off With a Minimalist Launcher

The launcher that LineageOS comes with is functional, but I'm not a fan. I'm not particularly keen on Android's default launcher in general. An app drawer begs to be filled with apps, as do empty home screen pages. That's the opposite of what I want to do.

There are a few alternate launchers in F-Droid. Olauncher is one that can provide a text-only experience not unlike that of the Light Phone and other minimalist phones. I came across a different option called Kvaesitso. It's a search-based launcher that simultaneously emphasizes widgets in a way I find striking.

The home screen in Kvaesitso looks not unlike a lock screen. There's a clock at the bottom and a search bar on top. Media controls appear under the clock, but that's it. You have the option to add a dock underneath the clock, but it's not there by default, and I've left it that way.

When you swipe up from the home screen, you see your widgets arranged in a column. I've placed widgets for music, weather, podcasts, and my calendar. Tapping on any of these widgets opens the full app. This means most of what I want to use the phone for, aside from placing calls, is accessible in one place.

How I Made a Minimalist Dumb Phone With Free Software

I really like this way of presenting functions, and it reduces how much I interact with my phone. I don't find myself opening an app drawer to do something, get distracted by a screen filled with gorgeous app icons, or swipe back and forth a few times only to click on an app unrelated to what I wanted to do in the first place.

Swiping down from the home screen brings up an app drawer and opens your keyboard. You can tap icons in the app drawer if you want, but you're encouraged to search. As you type, app names appear, but so do contact names and file names. You can have the launcher search the web or a specific app, like Wikipedia. Again, this approach makes it easier to do what I want and reduces the likelihood that I get distracted.

How I Made a Minimalist Dumb Phone With Free Software

With Kvaesitso, my minimalist phone doesn't feel like a paired-down broken smartphone or a relic from the past. It feels like a thoughtfully designed tool that does quite a few tasks really well.

I've been very pleased with the results of my experiment. I now have a minimalist phone with the features I value without having to give up top-notch hardware, and I can expect many years of software support. If, like me, you find yourself tempted by pricey minimalist phones, you may be better off trying your hands at making one yourself.

