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Layer1有哪些幣值得埋伏? Layer1值得埋伏的代幣詳細介紹

2024-07-19 03:02:001052瀏覽


Layer1有哪些幣值得埋伏? Layer1值得埋伏的代幣詳細介紹











Solana由前高通、英特爾以及Dropbox工程師於2017年末創立,是一個單層區塊鏈,採用委託權益證明協議,其專注點是在不犧牲去中心化或安全性的前提下提供可擴展性。 Solana擴展方案的核心是一個名為「歷史證明(PoH)」的去中心化時鐘,該時鐘旨在解決缺乏單一可信賴時間源的分散式網路中的時間問題。透過可驗證的延遲功能,PoH演算法允許每個節點使用SHA256演算法在本地產生時間戳記。因此免除了在網路中廣播時間戳記的需求,從而提高整個網路的效率。 Solana的願景是支援所有快速成長和高頻的區塊鏈應用,以及讓世界金融系統惠普平民百姓。





Cardano is not just a cryptocurrency, it is a technology platform that will be able to run the financial applications that individuals, organizations and governments around the world currently use every day. The platform is built in layers, which gives the system flexibility for easier maintenance and allows upgrades via soft forks. After the settlement layer that will run Ada is completed, a separate computing layer will be established to handle smart contracts. These digital legal agreements will provide support for future commerce and business. Cardano will also run decentralized applications, or dapps services, which are not controlled by any one party and run on the blockchain.

7. TRX

TRON is a blockchain-based operating system designed to ensure that the technology is suitable for daily use. Bitcoin can handle up to 6 transactions per second and Ethereum can handle up to 25 transactions per second, but Tron claims that its network has a capacity of 2,000 TPS. TRON takes promoting the decentralization of the Internet as its mission and is committed to building infrastructure for the decentralized Internet. Its TRON protocol is one of the world's largest decentralized application operating system protocols based on blockchain, providing high-throughput, high-scalability, and high-reliability underlying public chain support for decentralized application operations on the protocol. TRON also provides better compatibility for Ethereum smart contracts through an innovative pluggable smart contract platform.


The Avalanche (AVAX) project, formerly known as Ava/AVA, is an open source platform for launching highly decentralized applications, new financial primitives and new interoperable blockchains. Using a breakthrough consensus protocol architecture, a smart contract platform that can confirm transactions within one second supports the entire content of the Ethereum development toolkit, making millions of complete block producers possible.

9. DOT

Polka coin, also called DOT coin, is the native token of the Polkadot platform. Polkadot is an open source multi-chain protocol that can support the cross-chain transmission of any data or assets that is not limited to virtual currencies, thus making interactions between blockchains widely possible.

Polkadot aims to build a distributed, decentralized private platform that is controlled by users and can easily create new applications, institutions and services. In order to achieve the above goals, Polkadot connects public and private chains for information sharing and transactions. Polkadot’s native DOT token has three clear purposes: to provide network governance and operations, and to create parachains through bonding.

10. BCH

Bitcoin Cash (BCH), the full name of BitcoinCash, is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. It is a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain on August 1, 2017. Bitcoin Cash uses the Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism based on SHA-256d, the same as Bitcoin. But Bitcoin Cash increased the maximum block size from 1 megabyte to 8 megabytes, which means Bitcoin Cash can process more transactions per second (TPS) at lower fees. Bitcoin Cash undergoes upgrades every May 15th and November 15th. Bitcoin Cash aims to enable a new economy of low fees, large business transactions, and permissionless spending.

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