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2024-07-18 07:02:11588瀏覽











筆者也看過很多有關學習Linux的方法,第一部分基本上都是告訴你怎麼安裝雙系統,怎麼便利學習。我也是如此,在自己桌上型電腦上安裝了雙系統,但是學習效果並不明顯,百思不得其解,一次看到破釜沉舟的故事頗有啟發,項羽前鋒軍救鉅鹿,初戰少利,項羽便率大軍渡過漳河,破釜沉舟以激厲士氣。終於殺蘇角,虜王離,大敗秦軍於鉅鹿之野。 楚霸王當初能夠戰勝並不是說他佔了多麼有利的優勢,而是他那一往無前,義無反顧的決心。


如果你想系統的學習Linux,你必需清楚的認識到這一點。如果你真正想系統的學習linux,想用Linux有所作為,那麼請忘記Windows的思維方式,思想性的轉變比暫時性的技術提高更有用, 而思想上的改變往往是受到我們行動所影響的,有不懂的問題就自己思考,查資料, 實在不會再去找別人的電腦去查,這樣就加深了我每次對問題的理解,慢慢感受和習慣Linux的操作方式,總有一天你會真正體驗到他的奧妙所在,從而從自己內心深處喜歡他,使用他,而不是為了趕時髦或向人炫耀而使用他。





因此,討論什麼版本好並無意義,關鍵是你是不是真心想學。不過,為了避免曲高和寡,最好選用的人多的版本,例如RedHat CentOS等等。學習Linux不是逛自由市場,選定版本就要靜下心來學習。不要今天換版本明天要升級。這樣對你沒有好處。例如有些人號稱用過十幾種甚至幾十種Linux,向人談論起來頭頭是到,好像懂的很多,但是如果你讓他去用Linux搭建一個Web伺服器,他就什麼都不會了。他們把時間都浪費在了版本的轉換上了。




現很多人甚至連man文檔都不會看,有什麼命令不會用了就跑到論壇上來問,還裝出一副可憐相,乞討一個命令的用法。有這些時間還不如自己看看man文檔,即使你一個一個單字的翻譯成中文再自己看都比問別人強,因為別人的回答再怎麼詳盡都比不上man文檔詳盡。安裝新的軟體時先看Readme,再看Install然後看FAQ,最後才動手安裝,這樣遇到問題就知道為什麼。否則,表示文檔都不看,結果出了問題再來找答案反而浪費時間! 古人說欲速則不達就是這個道理!


After a period of study, you should expand your knowledge and learn more Linux commands. However, do not systematically learn Linux commands in the beginner stage. In the beginner stage, you only need to master the commands you learned in class. Marco Linux believes: “It is impossible to become a master by simply learning various commands, but it is also impossible to become a master without knowing commands.”

This is like learning English. You don’t understand any grammar. You can’t learn English by just memorizing words from a word manual, but you can’t improve your English level without vocabulary.

The best way to learn commands in Linux is to learn Shell script programming. Shell scripts are simpler to learn than other languages, but they are very powerful. By learning Shell programming, you can master a large number of Linux commands. In addition, it is necessary to buy a command reference manual. If you encounter a command that you don't know how to use, you can check it at any time. This is faster than checking the man document. It is especially suitable for people who are not good at English and cannot read man documents.

In Linux, commands can be divided into basic system commands and application commands. The basic system commands are commands supported by all Unix-based systems and remain unchanged wherever you go. As long as it is a Unix-based system, they must be there.

6. Learning requires a deep understanding of the Linux system structure and Linux system management

After you have a certain understanding of Linux and know the use of the configuration files under /etc, you can understand the system structure. Understanding the system structure does not require you to see what folders contain what content, but to learn some principle things. For example, how the system boots and what things are started after booting. Which are the most basic library files in the system, what are their uses, etc.

You can then learn more about the management system. For example, learning to configure various network servers and building a network using Linux are all good ways to learn Linux system management and network management. At this stage, you can often check information online and read the articles in the highlight area of ​​the forum. The forum can help you learn some little knowledge and skills.

7. Read a lot of books and take a look at more computer-related professional courses if you have enough time

If you are not a computer major and want to learn Linux well, you must take professional courses. It is necessary to study professional courses such as microcomputer principles, operating systems, computer networks, etc. Why do we start learning Linux at the same time? Some people learn very quickly and become masters in less than half a year, while some people play around and play but still don’t make a name for themselves and are still novices after playing for one or two years? Because those who learn quickly have the basics. , they have all studied professional courses. People with no basic knowledge of the same document may not understand it after reading it three times, but those with a solid foundation will understand it after scanning it twice! This is the difference between professionals and non-professionals! Therefore, if you want to reach a higher level, you must Learn basic professional courses.

8. Attitude determines achievement. Finally, always maintain an open-minded learning attitude

I want to repeat the truth that there is heaven and there are people outside the world! Maintaining an open-minded learning attitude will not only help you learn more knowledge, but also make you respected by others.

