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2024-07-17 12:40:201130瀏覽

Custom Transcription and Clipping Pipeline


我正在研究這個項目,並開發了一堆工具來完成重型數據工程組件的發布,因為其中一些工具很巧妙,但大多數都是這樣,以便它們被下一個Gemini 模型取代並納入到愚蠢的Google Colab Gemini 建議引擎。 - 提姆


  1. 確保您已安裝所需的依賴項(例如 ffmpeg、whisperx)。
  2. 將根目錄設定為包含視訊檔案的工作目錄。
  3. 定義您想要在成績單中偵測的階段。
  4. 運行腳本以產生文字記錄並根據檢測到的階段提取視訊剪輯。
  • 此工具處理根目錄中的影片檔。
  • 它使用 WhisperX 模型轉錄每個影片。
  • 然後腳本根據腳本中找到的階段從影片中提取剪輯。
  • 腳本和剪輯保存在指定的輸出目錄中。


import os
import shutil
import cv2
import numpy as np
import json
from PIL import Image
import random
import string
from rembg import remove
import ffmpeg
from datetime import timedelta
from ultralytics import YOLO
import whisperx
import gc

# Define paths to directories
root = '/

stages = ['apple', 'banana', 'car', 'dog']

transcript_dir = root + 'transcripts'
clip_output_dir = root + 'stage1'
stage1_clips_dir = clip_output_dir

# Ensure the output directory exists
os.makedirs(transcript_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(clip_output_dir, exist_ok=True)

def log_and_print(message):

def convert_time_to_seconds(time_str):
    hours, minutes, seconds_milliseconds = time_str.split(':')
    seconds, milliseconds = seconds_milliseconds.split(',')
    total_seconds = int(hours) * 3600 + int(minutes) * 60 + int(seconds) + int(milliseconds) / 1000
    return total_seconds

def transcribe_video(video_path):
    """Transcribe the video using Whisper model and return the transcript."""
    compute_type = "float32"
    model = whisperx.load_model("large-v2", device='cpu', compute_type=compute_type)
    audio = whisperx.load_audio(video_path)
    result = model.transcribe(audio, batch_size=4, language="en")
    model_a, metadata = whisperx.load_align_model(language_code=result["language"], device='cpu')
    aligned_result = whisperx.align(result["segments"], model_a, metadata, audio, 'cpu', return_char_alignments=False)
    segments = aligned_result["segments"]
    transcript = []
    for index, segment in enumerate(segments):
        start_time = str(0) + str(timedelta(seconds=int(segment['start']))) + ',000'
        end_time = str(0) + str(timedelta(seconds=int(segment['end']))) + ',000'
        text = segment['text']
        segment_text = {
            "index": index + 1,
            "start_time": start_time,
            "end_time": end_time,
            "text": text.strip(),
    return transcript

def extract_clips(video_path, transcript, stages):
    """Extract clips from the video based on the transcript and stages."""
    base_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(video_path))[0]
    clip_index = 0
    current_stage = None
    start_time = None
    partial_transcript = []

    for segment in transcript:
        segment_text = segment["text"].lower()
        for stage in stages:
            if stage in segment_text:
                if current_stage is not None:
                    end_time = convert_time_to_seconds(segment["start_time"])
                    output_clip_filename = f"{base_filename}.{current_stage}.mp4"
                    output_clip = os.path.join(clip_output_dir, output_clip_filename)
                    if not os.path.exists(output_clip):
                            ffmpeg.input(video_path, ss=start_time, to=end_time).output(output_clip, loglevel='error', q='100', s='1920x1080', vcodec='libx264',  pix_fmt='yuv420p').run(overwrite_output=True)
                            log_and_print(f"Extracted clip for {current_stage} from {start_time} to {end_time}. Saved: {output_clip}")
                        except ffmpeg.Error as e:
                            log_and_print(f"Error extracting clip: {e}")

                        transcript_text = "\n".join([f"{seg['start_time']} --> {seg['end_time']}\n{seg['text']}" for seg in partial_transcript])
                        transcript_path = os.path.join(clip_output_dir, f"{base_filename}.{current_stage}.json")
                        with open(transcript_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                            json.dump(transcript_text, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
                        log_and_print(f"Saved partial transcript to {transcript_path}")

                        partial_transcript = []

                current_stage = stage
                start_time = convert_time_to_seconds(segment["start_time"])

    if current_stage is not None:
        end_time = convert_time_to_seconds(transcript[-1]["end_time"])
        output_clip_filename = f"{base_filename}.{current_stage}.mp4"
        output_clip = os.path.join(clip_output_dir, output_clip_filename)
        if not os.path.exists(output_clip):
                ffmpeg.input(video_path, ss=start_time, to=end_time).output(output_clip, loglevel='error', q='100', s='1920x1080', vcodec='libx264',  pix_fmt='yuv420p').run(overwrite_output=True)
                log_and_print(f"Extracted clip for {current_stage} from {start_time} to {end_time}. Saved: {output_clip}")
            except ffmpeg.Error as e:
                log_and_print(f"Error extracting clip: {e}")

            transcript_text = "\n".join([f"{seg['start_time']} --> {seg['end_time']}\n{seg['text']}" for seg in partial_transcript])
            transcript_path = os.path.join(clip_output_dir, f"{base_filename}.{current_stage}.json")
            with open(transcript_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                json.dump(transcript_text, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
            log_and_print(f"Saved partial transcript to {transcript_path}")

def process_transcripts(input_dir, transcript_dir, stages):
    """Process each video file to generate transcripts and extract clips."""
    video_files = [f for f in os.listdir(input_dir) if f.endswith('.mp4') or f.endswith('.MOV') or f.endswith('.mov')]

    for video_file in video_files:
        video_path = os.path.join(input_dir, video_file)
        transcript_path = os.path.join(transcript_dir, os.path.splitext(video_file)[0] + ".json")

        if not os.path.exists(transcript_path):
            transcript = transcribe_video(video_path)
            with open(transcript_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                json.dump(transcript, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
            log_and_print(f"Created transcript for {video_path}")
            with open(transcript_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                transcript = json.load(f)

        extract_clips(video_path, transcript, stages)

process_transcripts(root, transcript_dir, stages)


  • 關鍵字:轉錄、影片處理、剪輯、WhisperX、自動化、舞台、影片剪輯
  • 標籤:#TranscriptionTool #VideoProcessing #ClippingTool #WhisperX #VideoAutomation #StageDetection #VideoClips


由來自加拿大中西部的 Tim 創建。
2024 年。
本文檔已獲得 GPL 許可。

