首頁 >手遊教學 >手游攻略 >《創世戰車》火焰噴射器最強機種介紹


2024-07-16 10:30:10820瀏覽

創世戰車火焰噴射器哪一款最強?在沙盒戰爭遊戲《創世戰車》中,火焰噴射器是一款威力強大的武器。但不同型號的火焰噴射器強度卻不盡相同。 php小編西瓜將在本文中為你揭曉哪款火焰噴射器型號最具威力。繼續閱讀,了解這款強力武器的各項細節!





















Although "Tempura" and "Medusa" belong to different weapon categories in a strict sense, we still deserve a special mention here.

"Medusa" is an innovative automatic turret system that is unique in that it integrates the function of a flamethrower. This design allows the "Medusa" to quickly lock on the target on the battlefield and cause sustained damage in the form of flame spray, demonstrating its powerful fire suppression capabilities. The Tempura is known for its extremely short range, so much so that it is often classified as a flamethrower in the category of melee weapons. Although the range is limited, the "Tempura" has shown amazing power in close combat, able to quickly and effectively cause devastating blows to enemy tanks. Although these two weapons are similar to flamethrowers, they each have unique advantages and strategic considerations in practical applications.

In Genesis Mobile, the flamethrower is undoubtedly known for its significant heat damage. With the exception of the special "Tempura", most flamethrower-type weapons share a common feature: their ability to heat parts of the vehicle they hit. These hot flames can not only penetrate parts of the tank within the range, but can even affect some terrain structures. As the component continues to be heated, its appearance will gradually turn red, a change that visually reflects the sharp rise in the component's temperature. The most significant thing is that parts heated to the extreme will withstand up to 100% additional damage bonus. This feature makes the flamethrower an extremely powerful weapon type on the battlefield that cannot be ignored.

