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2024-07-15 13:32:44896瀏覽








3.林霆宇的盒子線索(1940):線索1中的唱片信息再結合剛剛得到的yue/yuan/hua/hao可以嘗試聯想到歌曲,而嘗試搜索之後可以發展確實有首名為《月圓花好》的歌曲,且它的發佈時間也同樣為1940年,與盒子上標註的年份相同。接下來,《月圓花好》的歌詞與線索2紙一的字數行列完美符合,例如,歌詞第一句「浮雲散,明月照人來"和紙第一句「xax,xxxxx"格式相對應,那麼把歌詞一一帶入則可以得到“a”處的對應漢字“雲,戲,並,開,對”,“b”處的對應漢字美,恩,兒”,而紙2的信= 9,仰=6可以得到提示可能為筆畫數,那麼將剛剛得到的所有筆畫數相加可以得到a=25,b=21。25,21帶入字母表可得到Y,U,而線索3的帶著經緯度的中國地圖可以讓人聯想到城市,而YU作為簡稱有“渝”和“豫”,但是看筆畫,只有重慶的筆畫與前文線索中的9+6=15符合,所以目標城市鎖定為重慶,同時重慶也是一座充滿戰爭年代氣息的城市,且地圖還提示了主城區,而重慶主城區的經緯度坐標為(106.33°E,29.35°N),線索4的摩斯密碼翻譯出來可得到數字組2685721195546,而這一組數字與線索5結果數組提示格式個數相同,依照線索3+線索4的提示,就能得到2685721195546+10633+2935=26857212再轉換為相對應的格式,就為26 /8/5/7/21/20/9/1/14。過這個結果,那就是那封舊信里辛棄疾的《鷓鴣天》,那麼可以斷定最終結果將就是在「燕兵夜娖銀胡謐,漢箭朝飛金僕姑"這句詩句裡。

4.林慕銀的盒子線索(1949):線索沒有指針的手錶和線索二的時間可以暗示該步驟解題的關聯就在於把二組時間還原回手錶中;而分成兩組的時間也應該就與題目的二字名字相呼應,於是把時間分別還原,第一組十二點和六點兩個鐘錶畫出來,會組成一個數字1,同理第二組的三個時間畫出來,可以組成數字5 (如下圖),那麼於是可以鎖定最後的兩個關鍵字是盒子二最後解出來的詩句中的第一個字和第五個字,也就是「燕」和「銀」字。 (孫子林慕銀的名字也是最終笞案的暗示之一,慕「銀」。)


Yan Yin was born in a scholarly family and was Mr. Lin's childhood sweetheart. Like Mr. Lin, he was also a student in the Chinese Department of Yenching University. After graduation, he separated from Mr. Lin and went abroad to study alone. In the autumn of 1937, Yan Yin returned to China. At that time, the two were already members of the Party. They only met once briefly. Before leaving, Yan Yin gave Mr. Lin a watch, which was the watch in the clue. Later, Mr. Lin He continued to stay in Shanghai, but Yan Yin went to Chongqing. The two went to different battlefields, but fought for a common belief. They kept in touch but could not meet each other; in 1940, the two met in Shanghai by chance. After a New Year, the hit song "Full Moon and Happy Flowers" became their favorite song. But in 1946, the two completely lost contact, but it was already the War of Liberation, and Mr. Lin had no way to find Yan Yin. When he finally learned that the other party had sacrificed, it was already 1949 after the founding of the People's Republic of China. So in fact, Mr. Lin only learned after the war that Yan Yin died in Zhazidong, Chongqing in 1949, and the clue "Five Thoughts on Parting" also hinted at this result (the poem was written by the poet Yuan Zhen in memory of his deceased wife) This is why Mr. Lin chose Chongqing as the clue city. At the same time, he also chose 1937, 1940, and 1949, three years that have special meaning to him, as the clue prompts on the box.

Answer analysis

The Morse code in the clue is a string of numbers: 2685721195546. Current guesses for the old man’s first love include Chen Xuan, Yuan Yin, Ye Yin, etc. Many players think the name should be composed of y+silver.

Lin Tingyu (son)

personal information

Lin Tingyu, male, 60 years old, 178cm. Born in 1960, he was in the period 1959-1963

Lin Muyin (grandson)

During the Great Famine, Ye Tingyu was killed... Expand


Lin Jingshen (deceased)

The box is marked 1940 on the surface.

Lin Tingxuan (daughter)

Records (Clue 1)

A record that was meant to be used with a record player, and the wear and tear showed that the deceased had used it frequently.

Strange note (clue 2)

The content of note one is:


xxbX, XXX


China Map (Clue 3)

-A map of China marked with longitude and latitude, which seems to mark the main urban area of ​​a certain city.

Morse Code (Clue 4)

