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2024-07-12 17:27:203862瀏覽

無論你玩的是《Manibus》還是《Once Human》中的《Evolution’s Call》,基地建設都是至關重要的。無論您在《Once Human》中的距離有多遠,本指南都可能會向您展示遊戲中的最佳基地位置。


  • 《Once Human:最佳基地位置》
  • 《Once Human》中的早期遊戲建築位置
    • 森林地區
    • 圍繞礦物質建造
    • 》中到後期的遊戲基地位置
    • 布萊克菲爾附近的油田:
  • 任何污染區
    • 任何靠近懸崖的地方
    • 曾經的人類:最佳基地地點


《Once Human》中的早期遊戲建築地點


Best base locations in Once Human


在《Once Human》的起始區域,你會遇到大量植被。好處是木材是遊戲中的重要資源。你早期擁有的越多,你能創造的東西就越多。一旦你開始砍伐樹木並收集盡可能多的木材,你正在建造的基地就有了一個很好的開始。

也值得注意的是,《Once Human》中的森林點非常適合種植其他資源,可以幫助增加底座的功能。另外,您無需走很遠就能獲得漿果等食物,因為這些地區盛產漿果。

Best base locations in Once Human






Best base locations in Once Human


Mid to late-game base locations in Once Human

At this point, you should be familiar with how the base building works in the game. Instead of surviving, these locations will help you get the more important resource like oil. With that being said, the following locations can be great places to build, provided you’re leveling up quickly in Once Human.

In the oil fields near Blackfell:

Since we’re talking about oil, let’s start with target farming of this resource. To do that, you can build a base east of Blackfell by the river. You can use the image below to help you pinpoint the location. By building in this spot, you can get tons of crude oil which once refined yields a large amount of oil. Because it’s near water, this can be a great spot to collect seawater as well.

Best base locations in Once Human

Be very careful when building in these spots. Stronger enemies can and will attack you. When they do, your base will take more of a beating. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to build defenses around the base.

Any pollution zone

These spots are easy to find on the map. They are harder to spot, but for reference see the image below for one of the earliest ones in Once Human. Building a base in these spots can get you probably the most important resource: Acid. It’s used for almost everything in Once Human. It can be farmed, but by creating a base in any pollution zone, you might be able to stock up on this resource better. That way, creating better gear and smelting can be done more often. Plus, the more polluted the area, the more Acid you can acquire. So when you’re at a good level such as the early 30s, consider building in these spots. 

Best base locations in Once Human

However, the downside is that everything is also polluted like the water. Just like building near a refinery around Blackfeel, you’re going to want to clean out the water first.

Anywhere near cliffs

For a more focused playstyle and if you’re being defensive, building near cliffs isn’t a bad idea. The reason why I’m putting it in the end-game section of this guide is because of how it can operate. Bases seem to be a little more complicated in these areas. Most cliffs I’ve found are near water and forests, so you don’t have to worry about those resources. On the other hand, building this type of base is for the more seasoned players on Once Human. This is because is because you might be attacked more often. Once you figure out the combat, you won’t be overwhelmed by engaging with enemies this way.

As an added bonus, this forces the enemy or other players to move around the base till they get to the edge of the cliff. However, none of this will work if you don’t have any defenses like walls and turrets set up on the sides of the base. If you’re playing Once Human on PVP, having a base set up this way will not only deter other players but also make them focus their fire on certain spots that you can easily counter.

