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2024-07-12 13:48:081244瀏覽

開機屏保無法啟動,導致無法進入桌面,電腦出現黑屏,影響正常使用。 php小編魚仔為大家帶來詳細解決方法,幫助大家快速解決這個問題,恢復正常電腦使用。


1. 開機有屏保進入不了桌面怎麼辦


2. 電腦開機只有屏保進不了桌面



二、電腦主機面板上的POWER指示燈是否不亮。說明:電腦主機上的LED指示燈,指示電源、硬碟、軟碟遙工作狀況,若是這些LED指示燈不亮,很可能就是電源沒有供電。 三、啟動時是否聽不到軟碟、硬碟或光碟機在工作的聲音。說明:啟動時電腦會對這些硬體裝置做檢查,若是聽不到這些聲音,表示電源根本沒有供給它們。 若是確定電源沒有工作,那要怎麼解決呢,且聽我細細道來: 若是確定電源沒有工作,先不要以為電源壞掉,可檢查以下幾個地方: 一、總開關是否跳電了,插頭是否鬆動,若是有使用延長線,應檢查延長線的保險絲是否燒斷了。 二、電源是否因為電路短路而停止供電:由於電源本身設計有偵測短路的功能,因此它會在偵測到輸出的電路有短路的情況下,自行切斷所有的供電,故造成電源不工作。這種情況可由散熱風扇的運作看出來,如果電源是好的,而且主機內部某處發生了短路的現象,則在開啟電源時,就會發現風扇轉一下就停住,並且發出滋滋的聲音,若是關掉開關後一會兒,風扇又自己轉了幾圈,這種症狀就是典型的短路現象。要找出造成短路的組件,可將所有由電源出來的直流電輸出接頭拔除,如果所有的接頭都被拔掉之後,短路的現象消失了,那就代表某個組件的線路是短路的,可將接頭逐一插回去,直到短路現象再發生時,就可以確認該組件是壞掉的,更換該組件就可以了。要注意在拔接頭及插接頭前電源需先關掉,以免燒掉電腦的零件。 三、電源的直流輸出是否正常:若是以上三點所提到的情況都查過了,電源仍然不工作,此時可用三用電錶來量測電源的直流輸出,若是完全沒有輸出,表示電源本身壞掉,更換一個電源,應該可以解決問題。

3. 電腦進入螢幕保打不開怎麼辦









8、按F8進入模式,選擇最近一次正確配置或正常啟動。 如果上述方法解決不了,則建議重裝系統。

4. 開機有屏保進入不了桌面怎麼辦呢


在開機的時候按住按鍵盤上的F8鍵,選擇進入安全模式啟動介面;接著進入windows之後,滑鼠右鍵電腦桌面上的空白處,選擇「個人化」 /螢幕保護選項; 然後選擇取消「密碼保護」然後重新啟動電腦就可以了。二:只要在進入windows的時候,在鍵盤按下shift鍵不妨,這樣就會略過啟動資料夾內容而不啟動屏保,這樣也可以進入系統了。

5. The screen saver cannot enter the desktop when the computer starts up

Follow the step-by-step instructions below, and you will be able to return to your original account. You have not created a user before! You will know at a glance. You originally used the default administrator user. Once you create a new user, the default user will be overwritten. Follow the step-by-step instructions I told you. Step 1: Open the control panel. Step 2: Step: Double-click "User Account"

Step 3: Click "Change user login and logout method"

Step 4: Click off the check mark in front of "Use Welcome Screen" Last step: Click the "Start" menu and select "Logout" command and then log in with the username "administrator" without entering the password, just log in. If you can't remember this name, just write it down with a pen. Now you can log in with this account, but in order to use this in the future account, so you still need to make the following settings first: Open the "Control Panel" and select "Administrative Tools" inside, then select "Computer Management". After opening, there is "Local Users and Groups" on the left, click the plus sign in front of it. , and then click "User"

There is a user you just created on the right. Right-click it to delete it. Second: Open the control panel, double-click "User Account", and click "Change user login and logout method" ". Re-click the check mark in front of "Use Welcome Screen"

6. The computer screen saver cannot enter the desktop

1. Press the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" key combination to open the task manager (it doesn't matter if you press these three keys) Just reinstall the system, hehe), click the Process tab to see if there is an explorer.exe process in it. If so, close it, then click "File" → "New Task", and in the open "Create New Task" Enter "explorer" in the "Task" dialog box, click the "OK" button, and wait a moment to see the desktop icon.

2. If the above-mentioned creation of a new task prompts that the explorer.exe file cannot be found when confirming or pressing Enter, it means that the file has been deleted. You can use a USB flash drive to copy explorer to the C:WINDOWS folder of another computer. .exe file to the C:WINDOWS folder on your computer.

3. The next time you enter the system after restarting, you may still not be able to see the desktop icon, which means that this method cannot completely solve the problem. You can click "Start → Run" and enter " regedit" (don't enter the quotation marks), press "OK" or the Enter key, open the registry editor, locate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogon, and then check whether the Shell value under this branch is "Explorer.exe". If not, please manually change it to "Explorer.exe".

7. The screen saver is always on when the computer is turned on, and the desktop cannot be accessed

There are many reasons for a black screen after the computer is turned on, and they are generally easy to solve. According to my experience, the general black screen at startup often has the following conditions: Computer Crashes, there are images. When restarting, the screen goes black and there is no beeping sound. The power supply fan, CPU fan, and graphics card fan all spin. The mouse lights up. The keyboard does not light up. Both lights on the front panel are on, no flickering. The optical drive can be ejected. Please try the following steps:

1. Discharge the BIOS for at least 3 minutes, then turn on the computer. If it can light up, it is a BIOS setting problem.

Second, unplug the power cord and press the power button 3 times for 3 seconds each time to discharge static electricity.

3. Minimize the system, unplug the monitor, mouse, keyboard, network cable and all other connections: unplug the graphics card, network card, optical drive, hard drive, memory, front USB connection, etc.: Only keep the power supply, motherboard, and CPU.

If you have a certain ability to assemble a computer, it is best to connect the power button, unplug the reset button, and use a screwdriver to short-circuit the computer. I have encountered a problem where the reset button is stuck and the screen goes black.

8. When the computer boots up and enters the screen saver interface but cannot enter the system

You can follow the following steps to troubleshoot and resolve:

This should be caused by a hardware problem on your computer. The graphics card or memory CPU, or the fan has poor contact and is loose or covered with dust (unplug the eraser). The memory CPU is overheated and has poor heat dissipation! (Don’t turn it on for too long, shut it down to dissipate heat).

There is a malicious comment plug-in on your computer! (Scan it out and clean it up immediately) or the disk has too many fragments (use Tencent Computer Manager) to clean up the fragments! If it still doesn’t work, it means the system files are lost! Or there is a serious error in the system memory!

9. Why does the screen saver interface not go to the desktop after the computer is turned on?

The computer stays on the LOGO interface when it is turned on. You need to go through the following troubleshooting and solutions:

1. Usually as soon as the computer is turned on, the first step is to perform a device self-check. , if the screen is stuck in the motherboard LOGO picture, in most cases the hard disk test has not passed. You can try to replace the data cable of the hard disk. If there is no cable, you can also try to swap the two ends of the data cable, and then change the interface on the motherboard.

2. The motherboard BIOS is wrong. Some motherboards have anti-intrusion mechanisms. If you have recently replaced accessories, it may also be caused by an error in the motherboard BIOS. The solution is to turn on the computer and press the DEL key to enter the motherboard BIOS, initialize the BIOS setting information, and then press F10 to save and exit and restart the computer.

3. Check whether there are external devices connected to the machine. External devices such as U disks and mobile hard disks may be plugged into the USB port of the computer and forgotten to be unplugged, causing the motherboard self-test to fail. The solution is to unplug the extra external devices and restart the computer.

4. Check whether the keyboard and mouse are connected reversely. This refers to the keyboard and mouse with the PS/2 interface. Many people are careless and plug the keyboard and mouse interfaces backwards, causing a self-test error when starting the computer and causing the screen to freeze. The solution is to shut down the computer first and reconnect the keyboard and mouse. Usually the purple port is the keyboard and the green port is the mouse.

5. Returning to point 2, it is still a hardware failure. If the hard drive still does not work after changing the data cable, you can also try to unplug the hard drive's data cable and then turn it on to test. Check to see if it's still stuck on the LOGO screen. If not, it's probably a hard drive failure. The only solution is to replace the hard drive.

10. The screen saver cannot be accessed at startup

The screen saver cannot be turned on or cannot be accessed at startup. Is it related to the improper operation you performed before shutting down? For example: playing games, watching videos, operating large things, using the computer for a long time caused by card?

Maybe you downloaded inappropriate stuff, deleted system files, or shut down the machine, etc. The fault won’t happen for no reason, right?

Press the power button and try turning the phone on and off repeatedly. Leave it for a while and try. If it doesn’t work, just reinstall the system. If you can’t reinstall it yourself, spend 30 yuan to find a repairman to help you.

As long as your computer does not freeze, blue screen, or suddenly shut down, it will not behave like this when you start it up. If you have any questions, please ask me.

