首頁 >手遊教學 >手游攻略 >《崩壞星穹鐵道》2.3更新了什麼


2024-07-12 05:22:47560瀏覽

崩壞星穹鐵道 2.3 版本更新內容小夥伴們,你們期待已久的崩壞星穹鐵道 2.3 版本終於正式更新啦!迫不及待想了解新版本有哪些精彩內容嗎?別急,php小編香蕉這就為大家帶來詳細介紹,一起來看看吧!







2024/06/19 06:00 開始,預計5小時完成。


● 停服更新補償


補償對象:2024/06/19 06:00 前,拓荒等級≥4級的拓荒者


● 問題修復補償


補償對象:2024/06/19 06:00 前,拓荒等級≥4級的拓荒者

※請拓荒者於2024/07/19 23:59 前上線收取郵件。



● PC端:關閉遊戲後,重新啟動啟動器並點選更新

● 安卓端:進入遊戲後,依照遊戲內彈窗提示完成更新

● iOS端:進入App Store,點選更新








流螢是使用裝甲「薩姆」進行戰鬥,透過終結技進入「完全燃燒」狀態獲得技能強化的輸出型角色。 「完全燃燒」狀態下,裝甲「薩姆」擊破能力和擊破傷害提高,並且可以對非火屬性弱點的敵人造成部分削韌。此外,還可以透過秘技或強化戰技為敵方添加火屬性弱點。




















活動時間:2024/06/21 12:00 - 2024/07/29 03:59




活動時間:2024/07/05 12:00 - 2024/07/29 03:59

















●末日 幻影





● 「逐光撿金」:常駐玩法「末日幻影」「虛構敘事」及「忘卻之庭•混沌回憶」將交替更新,詳情請參考如下說明。


2.3版本更新後 - 2024/08/05 04:00




2024/07/08 04:00 - 2024/08/19 04:00



2024/07/22 04:00 - 2024/09/02 04:00




● 冒險任務「退房」


● 侵蝕隧道洞•勇騎之徑

成功挑戰位於「『皮諾康尼』- 匹諾康尼大劇院」的關卡「侵蝕隧道洞•勇騎之徑」可獲得全新隧道遺器「蕩除蠹災的鐵騎」《風舉雲飛的勇烈」。






● 位面飾品「奔狼的都藍王朝」

● 位面飾品「劫火蓮燈鑄煉宮」

● 隧道遺器「蕩除蠹災的鐵騎」

● 隧道 遺器「風舉雲飛的勇烈」


● 場景「三月七的房間」的照片牆中新增了部分照片,開拓者可在完成對應開拓任務後前往查看。

● 「夢境護照」中新增了頁面及部分可收集貼紙。

● 新增了部分角色的短信,簡訊將根據劇情在後續版本逐步發放。

● 新增「終末視界」功能,當開拓等級達到21級以上時,可透過「終末視界」功能提前體驗尚未滿足部分前置條件的內容。如「差分宇宙」「末日幻影」。

● 新增「韌性值」與「削韌性」數值顯示,當拓荒者檢視角色技能時,將在技能說明中看到目前技能的「削韌值」。查看敵方詳情時可以看到敵方目標的「韌性值」(當前值/上限值),從而調整策略判斷。

● 新增「位面飾品快速提取」功能,在「差分宇宙」中,拓荒者可使用通關差分宇宙時保存的【檔案】直接進行【首領挑戰】來快速取得「位面飾品」。

● 【任務】清單中的活動和部分玩法相關的任務將增加旅情事記圖標,方便開拓者查找任務並及時參與。

● 當敵方處於【蓄力】狀態時,行動序列中新增對應狀態提示。



● 調整了角色「開拓者(同諧•虛數)」天賦的標籤,由【妨害】調整為【輔助】。

● 調整了部分情況下,角色「加拉赫(豐饒•火)」在自動戰鬥時施放終結技的邏輯。


● 調整了戰鬥中,【積分】模組在螢幕右側的佔比大小。

● 調整了戰鬥內選擇我方或敵方目標時的描邊效果。

● 敵方「『身陷樊籠的往昔』」施放「使者帶鎖鏈」後,【戰鬥實況】界面中新增對應狀態說明。


● 調整及優化了「循星歸程」活動,優化了「循星歸程」活動頁面的展示。移除了「回歸進程」逐日解鎖4個階段的限制,調整了「回歸進程」中回歸任務、獎勵與領取獎勵所需的歸程軌跡,「回歸進程」中的任務可一次全部完成。移除了「禮遇成雙」額外雙倍獎勵的每日次數限制,同時新增了4次隧道洞遺器或位面飾品雙倍獎勵機會。

● 優化了【星際和平指南】的展示,已經完成的【行動摘要】與【機制教學】部分將自動縮小,開拓者可以點擊標識展開頁籤內容。

● 完成「差​​分宇宙」的前置任務後,【星際和平指南】中關於「差分宇宙」「模擬宇宙」的相關內容將聚合在新頁籤中,方便開拓者查看模擬宇宙的解鎖進度與通關情況。

● 使用PC端的拓荒者可以在【背包】介面透過鍵盤快速切換類目分頁及選取的目標。

● 「忘卻之庭•混沌回憶」「末日幻影」「虛構敘事」中的【編隊】介面增加了對調角色的操作,開拓者可以透過拖曳操作調整角色排序位置。此外在前敘玩法編隊時,拓荒者可以讀取並使用【預設編隊】。

● 在好友清單和漫遊簽證介面,或在查看「忘卻之庭•混沌回憶」「末日幻影」「虛構敘事」的好友通關陣容時,點擊對應角色頭像可看到簡要版角色詳情,包含角色等級、配備光錐、行跡等級、遺器等情況。

● 2.3及後續版本更新的「忘卻之庭•混沌回憶」「末日幻影」「虛構敘事」每期最高可獲得星瓊*800及其他獎勵。

● 調整了【更換頭像】介面的寬度,方便開拓者上下滑動查找心儀的頭像。

● 2.3更新後,任務中部分【可選】任務新增了指引圖示。

● 調整了材料「流光餘暉」的取得方式跳轉位置。



● 調整了冒險任務「築夢詩」中,有關「築夢師『巴羅』」的部分文字。


● 調整了玩法「模擬宇宙」中,祝福「寶光燭日月」「回生」「加持」的觸發邏輯,角色「白露(豐饒•雷)」「玲可(豐饒•量子)」「娜塔莎(豐饒•物理)」技能的持續治療效果能夠引發上述祝福的效果了。

● 調整了【旅情事記】介面中,活動「雪原露營」「登棲斂翼」「清龍入夢」的標籤樣式。


● 調整了開拓任務「匹諾康尼」-「在我們的時代裡」中部分背景音樂的表現。

● 調整了部分音訊表現。

● 優化了語音語言為英語時,角色「開拓者」「波提歐(巡獵•物理)」「希兒(巡獵•量子)」的部分角色語音。

● 優化了語音語言為英語時,開拓任務「匹諾康尼」-「鴿群中的貓」、「在我們的時代裡」任務流程中的部分語音。

● 新增了語音語言為日語時,取得道具「某人的遺失物」時,部分劇情語音。

● 優化了語音語言為日語時,開拓任務“匹諾康尼”-“鴿群中的貓”、“在我們的時代裡”,開拓續聞“仙舟‘羅浮’”-“狐齋誌異”任務流程中的部分語音。

● 優化了語音語言為韓語時,角色「波提歐(巡獵•物理)」「加拉赫(豐饒•火)」的部分角色語音。

● 優化了語音語言為韓語時,開拓任務「匹諾康尼」-「喧嘩與騷動」、「鴿群中的貓」、「在我們的時代裡」,「雅利洛-VI」-「不可製造偶像”任務流程中的部分語音。

● 優化了語音語言為韓語時,冒險任務「熱砂假日」任務流程中的部分語音。

● 優化了語音語言為韓語時,「星際和平播報」中的部分語音。


● 調整了部分影像設定下,場景「流夢礁」中憶質黑洞的表現效果,以優化場景效能。

● 調整了【設定-社交】介面【是否公開線上狀態】開關的提示文字。

● 調整了玩法「《鐘錶小子:美夢往事》完成後,部分場景動畫的表現效果。

● 部分行動端新增【特效模式】,開啟後可調整戰鬥特效效果的渲染模式,以降低功效。

● 使用PC端部分畫質時,角色在戰鬥外場景中增加了即時陰影。開拓者可以在【設定】-【影像】-【地圖探索中角色即時陰影】中手動選擇陰影開關。



●Fixed the problem of the dragon whiskers in the skill animation when the character "Dan Heng·Drinking the Moon (Destruction·Imaginary Number)" casts the finishing move, or when the skill "Yun Yin Roaring" is cast in the level "The Aftermath of Battle·The Immortal God" The problem of abnormal disappearance, as well as the problem of dragon whiskers disappearing in some plot animations of development missions.

● Fixed the problem that some text in the character "Yellow Spring (Void·Thunder)" [Character Story·4] was not marked in red.

●Fixed the issue of abnormal performance of some sound effects when the character "Mirror Style (Destruction·Ice)" enters the [Revolution] state.

● Fixed the issue where the first super hit damage caused by the character "Botio (Patrol·Physical)" would be abnormal under certain circumstances during combat.

●Fixed the issue that after our character casts a taunting skill in battle, when an enemy in a taunting state uses a projectile skill, its first attack may not attack the our character who casts the taunting skill.

● Fixed the text error in the status description in the [Battle Live] interface after the enemy "Star Hunter Sam" casts the skill "SGE-Molten Core". After the repair, the text description is: [...and accept When treating outside oneself,...]

● Fixed the problem of abnormal performance of some character models and special effects.

● Fixed the problem of incorrect special effects and skill description texts of some enemy skills. This fix does not affect the actual effect of the skill.

●Fixed the issue where the prompt text incorrectly displayed as "Light the stove" when "Dream Theater's Seventeen Minutes (Error)" casts the skill "Detonate the Stove".

● Fixed the issue where the enemy's "Dream Troupe's Seventeen Minutes" behaved abnormally when its weak point was broken under certain circumstances.

● Fixed the issue that under certain circumstances, some characters may enter the wrong area when casting secret skills in the scene.


● Fixed an issue that caused some abnormal performance when opening and exiting the [Battle Live] interface under certain operations.

●Fixed the problem that when the character "Yellow Spring (Void·Thunder)" is used as the finishing move, if the enemy is in a frozen state, the corresponding reflection will not appear on the water surface.

●Fixed the issue where additional weaknesses would be refreshed after the enemy "Memory Meme "What's Hidden in the Mirror"" casts the skill "Mirror Identification".

●Fixed the problem of abnormal toughness reduction caused by the character "Snow Clothes (Destruction·Quantum)"'s finishing move under certain circumstances when fighting the enemy "Philosophical Fetus "Sunday"".

● Fixed the issue that under certain circumstances, when fighting the enemy "Philosophical Fetus "Sunday"", breaking the enemy's toughness bar would cause the enemy's action sequence to be abnormal.

● Fixed the problem that under certain circumstances, the character's "Silver Branch (Intellectual·Physical)" finishing move "Standing in the Flower Garden, Granting Perfection" icon in the battle had an incorrect icon and could not be cast.

● Fixed the problem of the [Performance Points] effect of our character disappearing abnormally and obtaining the wrong amount under certain circumstances.

●Fixed the problem that under certain circumstances, during the battle with the enemy's "Repertoire of the Past, Present, and Eternity" and "God's Day", the enemy target could not be inflicted with [Broken Plum Blossom]. .


● Fixed the issue where the achievement "Just a Bug" could not be completed under certain circumstances.

● Fixed an issue where the achievement "Just Dance!" may be triggered abnormally when the achievement conditions are not met.

● Fixed the issue where the "Dream Passport" picture stickers [iris family motto] and [alfalfa family motto] were placed in the wrong position in the scene.

● Fixed the problem that [Light Cone Strengthening] [Realm Anchor·1] and [True Listening] in the teaching catalog cannot be unlocked under certain circumstances. After the 2.3 version update, pioneers who have encountered this problem before can go to the teaching catalog to view and receive stars. Joan rewards, relevant entries will be unlocked automatically.

● Fixed the issue where the game process would be abnormal when entering the light cone details interface during some tutorial guides.

● Fixed the problem that under certain circumstances, if the character "Botio (Hunting·Physical)" has 2 layers of "Advantage Pockets" when winning the battle, when returning to the scene, the [Status Effect] interface will incorrectly display that 3 are retained. The issue of "advantage pockets".

● Fixed the problem that some text messages could not be triggered under certain circumstances.

● Fixed the issue where incorrect results may appear when searching using UID in the [Friends] system.

● Fixed the issue where the character "Botio (Hunting·Physical)" was incorrectly classified into the camp in the [SMS] system.


● Fixed the issue that under certain circumstances, part of the tutorial guidance was not triggered correctly during the plot battle of the pioneering mission "Pinoconi" - "Then, on the eighth day...".

● Fixed the issue where the camera angle may be abnormally locked during some task processes.

■How to play

● Fixed the issue where the blessing "Basically Harmful" did not take effect in the gameplay "Simulated Universe".

● Fixed the issue where the blessing "Tainted Albatross" caused additional damage to be triggered an abnormal number of times under certain circumstances.

● Fixed the problem that the events [Fort Builder] and [Wrong Items] were not displayed in the picture book of the gameplay "Sim Universe: Locust Plague". This problem only affects the display of the illustrated book and does not affect the acquisition of illustrated book rewards.

● Fixed the issue of abnormal sound effects in some scenes in the gameplay "Simulated Universe".

● Fixed the issue where the capture or release sequence deposit in "Simulated Universe·The Ninth World" could not be counted towards some related achievement counts.

●Fixed the problem that under certain circumstances, the friends' clearing lineups in some levels of "Court of Oblivion" and "Fictional Narrative" could not be displayed normally.

● Fixed the issue where the "Weird Anecdote" effect of "Fictional Narrative·New Word Confusion" was incorrectly displayed in some action sequences. This fix does not affect the actual effect of "Weird Anecdote".

●Fixed the problem that some function buttons on the interface of "Clock Boy: Dreams of the Past" in "Travel Story" did not fit properly when using a controller to experience the game.


● Fixed the issue where the [Return to Fight] voice would be incorrectly triggered when the character "Jeppad (Storage·Ice)" triggers the talent effect.

●Fixed the issue where part of the voice of the character "Pioneer (Homonic·Imaginary Number)" would be played at the same time.

● Fixed the abnormal performance of some voices in the development mission.

●Fixed the issue where part of the voice in the development mission "Pinoconi" - "Wait until you wake up and cry again" is incorrect when the voice language is Chinese.

● Fixed the issue where part of the audio was missing during the development mission "Pinoconi" - "Walking Through the Shadow of Death" when the voice language is English.

● Fixed the issue where the character "Toppa (Hunting·Fire)"'s voice [Team Formation·Gold] behaved abnormally when the voice language was Japanese.

● Fixed the issue where part of the dialogue voice was missing during the development mission "Pinoconi" - "After the Hotel Closes" when the voice language is Korean.

● Fixed the problem of abnormal performance of some sound effects when the character "Yellow Spring (Void·Thunder)"'s finishing move is cast.


● Fixed the problem of some abnormal light spots in the memory black hole in the scene "Drifting Dream Reef".

● Fixed an issue where the water surface behaved abnormally in the scene "Existing Horizon" under certain image settings.

● Fixed the issue where the character may be temporarily unable to operate after teleportation in some scenes of "Pinoconi".

● Fixed the problem of abnormal light and shadow performance in some scenes.

● Fixed the problem of abnormal models of some NPCs.


● Fixed the issue where the size of the dialog box [Dream Chase in the Cinema] is larger than other dialog boxes.

● Fixed the issue where the scene screen may not be hidden correctly when opening and closing the [Settings] interface.

● Fixed the problem of incorrect data display on the [Collection Display] interface when entering "Roaming Visa" through specific operations.

● Fixed the issue where some special effects and light effects were missing when vulkan mode was enabled on certain Android devices.

● Fixed the issue where the game frame rate setting would abnormally change from 60 frames to 30 frames after certain operations.

● The in-game text in 13 languages ​​has been adjusted, optimized and repaired. Such adjustments will not affect the actual effect. Trailblazers can switch the game language through "Mobile Interface-Settings-Language" and view the changes included in the announcement.

Among them, the repairs and improvements of Simplified Chinese include (without affecting the actual effect):

● Fixed typos, incorrect punctuation, bad sentences and formatting errors in some achievement descriptions, think tank entries, light cone descriptions, rare object descriptions, prop descriptions, text messages, enemy skill descriptions, and system text. The above modifications do not affect actual skill effects or system functions.

