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如何為老年人簡化 Android 使用者介面

2024-07-10 17:23:421277瀏覽

智慧型手機可能會讓那些對科技不太熱衷的老人感到困惑。雖然三星等製造商擁有簡化主螢幕和應用程式抽屜的內建功能,但許多其他製造商卻沒有。幸運的是,Google Play 中有很多啟動器替代品,可以讓 Android 手機的導航比開箱即用的簡單得多。然而,在我測試的所有應用程式中,這些應用程式確實脫穎而出。




在三星上,您可以打開“設置”>“顯示>簡單模式。三星的簡易模式還有一個放大鏡,可以放大用戶界面的任何部分。它還具有一個專用屏幕,用於顯示和撥打您最喜歡的聯絡人。障礙的使用者而設計,將預設的Android UI 精簡為僅保留基本要素。一個是常規級別,它允許您與UI 交互,沒有任何觸控延遲。手勢。

即使在常規輔助功能級別,BaldPhone 也預設啟用意外觸摸防護功能。欄,帶有SOS 按鈕(您可以在其中添加緊急聯絡人和緊急服務)、電池指示燈、手電筒按鈕、音量切換按鈕和通知按鈕。 。提醒您服藥。啟動器,它有一個帶有視頻教程的選項卡。

BaldPhone 完全免費、開源且安全。載入BaldPhone。

Big Launcher

Next up is Big Launcher. It looks similar to BaldPhone, except with a more colorful UI. It’s also more customizable because you can change the font and home layout and add multiple home screens with favorite apps. It lacks the extra accessibility features you get with BaldPhone, and it’s missing helpful add-ons like a pill widget or a dedicated keyboard.

You will have to use the default dialer and messaging app. If that works for you, the Big Launcher could be another good free alternative. You can purchase a dedicated Big Dialer and Big Messaging app as add-ons. With the paid dedicated dialer and messaging app, Big Launcher is an almost perfect launcher for seniors.

You can technically install and use the base launcher with the companion dialer app for free. However, the free version of the dialer app isn’t fully functional (and I don’t recommend it). The free version disables the keypad, so you won’t be able to press any keys during a call or view your call logs.

The setup is super easy. You just have to tap a check icon on a few screens and the launcher is good to go.

How to Simplify the Android UI for Senior Citizens

If you’re planning on using the free version, you should replace the Messages app icon (it’s basically just an ad for Big SMS). Tap the three-dot menu on top and select “Set Buttons.” Tap the Messages icon to pull the Application Picker. Here, find your default Messages app or search for it. Tap the default app to make the switch. You can do the same for the phone app.

How to Simplify the Android UI for Senior Citizens

You’ll notice that the default app icons look ugly when scaled up, and they just don’t go with the overall theme. Let me show you how to get back that icon but keep the default app. Tap the three-dot menu and select “Set Buttons.” Tap "App," then select “Change Icon” and “Internal.” Pick an icon, and that's it!

How to Simplify the Android UI for Senior Citizens

You can download Big Launcher and its add-ons from the Play Store.

Elder Launcher

If you just want a lightweight home screen with your favorite apps and contacts, Elder Launcher is for you. It has no fancy customization or advanced accessibility features. You don’t get a dedicated senior-friendly dialer or messaging apps.

How to Simplify the Android UI for Senior Citizens

But it’s also the simplest to download and set up. You can install it from Google Play and it only needs minimal permissions. It’s not as feature-rich, but an excellent alternative if you’re put off by BaldPhone’s complicated setup or the paid add-ons in Big Launcher.

You can download Elder Launcher from the Play Store.

Nova Launcher

Nova Launcher isn’t designed for seniors, but it is an amazingly customizable launcher. If you’re a tech-savvy person who’s setting up a phone for a senior, Nova is a solid option.

First off, you can make the icons on the home screen bigger and set them in a neat grid. You can disable the dock and lock the layout (to prevent accidental taps and changes to the home screen).

How to Simplify the Android UI for Senior Citizens

Android’s native accessibility features can also come in handy here. You can go into the phone’s display settings and increase the overall text size. Enable magnification and remove animations.

How to Simplify the Android UI for Senior Citizens

Nova Launcher is available for free on the Google Play Store.

With that, you’ve learned a few tricks to make Android senior-friendly. Overall, BaldPhone is the best of the bunch. It has a beautiful, friendly interface, and it just works. Big Launcher is a paid alternative of BaldPhone. For seniors who just need the phone or SMS app, you can't go wrong with the Elder launcher.

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