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Runway和Luma又打起來了! Yann LeCun炮轟:你們再牛,也不是「世界模型」

2024-07-03 09:13:06952瀏覽






AI 影片界又「打」起來了!

6 月 29 日,著名生成式 AI 平台 Runway 宣布,其最新模型 Gen-3 Alpha 向部分用戶開啟測試。

同一天,Luma 推出關鍵影格新功能,並向所有用戶免費開放使用。


Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」這可把網友們高興壞了,「6 月,多麼美好的一個月!」

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」「瘋狂的5 月、瘋狂的6 月,瘋狂到根本停下來!」

「瘋狂的5 月、瘋狂的6 月,瘋狂到根本停下來!」

「瘋狂的5 月、瘋狂的6 月,瘋狂到根本停下來! Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」



Alphaway 遊戲



Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

6 月 29 日,Runway 兌現承諾,宣布其最新推出的 Gen-3 Alpha 向部分用戶開啟測試。

Gen-3 Alpha 之所以備受追捧,是因為它與上一代相比,無論在光影、質量、構圖,還是文本語義還原、物理模擬、動作一致性等方面,均實現大幅度提升,就連宣傳語都是「For artists,by artists(為藝術家而生,由藝術家而生)」。

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Gen-3 Alpha 效果究竟咋樣?向來整花活的網友最有發言權。接下來請欣賞-


Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」


Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」


Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」


Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」


Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」




Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」



Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」



Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」



Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」



Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

網友們的整活還炸出了 Runway 聯合創始人 Cristóbal Valenzuela,他為自創的蜜蜂相機生成了一段影片。


Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」


視訊連結:Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」https://www.php.cn/link/dbf138511ed1d9278bde43cc0000e49a


AI 再這樣進化下去,好萊塢的演員們又要鬧罷工了。 Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」



6 月 29 日,Luma AI 推出了關鍵幀功能,而且大手一揮,直接向所有用戶免費開放使用。

用戶只需上傳起始和結束圖片,並添加文字描述,Luma 就能產生具有好萊塢等級的特效影片。

例如,X 網友 @hungrydonke 上傳了兩張關鍵影格照片:

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」
Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

然後輸入提示詞是:A bunch of black confettiddenly falls(突然,黑紙屑網友@JonathanSolder3 先用midjourney 產生兩張圖片:

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」
Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Then use the Luma keyframe function to generate an animation of Super Saiyan transformation. According to the author, Luma does not need a power-up prompt, just enter "Super Saiyan".

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Video link: https://www.php.cn/link/dbf138511ed1d9278bde43cc0000e49a

Some netizens use this function to complete the transition of each shot, thereby mixing and matching classic fairy tales to generate a segment called "The Wolf" , The Warrior, and The Wardrobe” animation.

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Video link: https://www.php.cn/link/dbf138511ed1d9278bde43cc0000e49a

Devil turns into angel:

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Orange turns into chick:

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Starbucks logo transformation:

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」
Some netizens used Luma to seamlessly connect 20 memes:

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Video link: https://www.php.cn/link/dbf138511ed1d9278bde43cc0000e49a

The AI ​​​​video industry is so anxious. God knows how Sora can keep his composure and not show up until now.


Yann LeCun "Bombardment": They don't understand physics at all

When Sora was released at the beginning of the year, "world model" suddenly became a hot concept.

Later, Google’s Genie also used the banner of “world model”. When Runway launched Gen-3 Alpha this time, the official said it “took an important step towards building a universal world model.”

What exactly is a world model?

In fact, there is no standard definition for this, but AI scientists believe that humans and animals will subtly grasp the operating laws of the world, so that they can "predict" what will happen next and take action. The study of world models is to let AI learn this ability.

Many people believe that the videos generated by applications such as Sora, Luma, and Runway are quite lifelike, and they can also generate new video content in chronological order. They seem to have learned the ability to "predict" the development of things. This coincides with the goal pursued by world model research.

However, Turing Award winner Yann LeCun has been "pouring cold water".

He believes, "Producing the most realistic-looking videos based on prompts does not mean that the system understands the physical world, and generating causal predictions from world models is very different."

On July 1, Yann LeCun posted 6 posts in a row. Generative models for bombardment videos.

He retweeted a video of AI-generated gymnastics. The characters in the video either had their heads disappear out of thin air, or four legs suddenly appeared, and all kinds of weird pictures were everywhere.

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Video link: https://www.php.cn/link/dbf138511ed1d9278bde43cc0000e49a

Yann LeCun said that the video generation model does not understand basic physical principles, let alone the structure of the human body.

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

"Sora and other video generative models have similar problems. There is no doubt that video generation technology will become more advanced over time, but a good world model that truly understands physics will not be generative "All birds and mammals understand physics better than any video generation model, yet none of them can generate detailed videos," said Yann LeCun.

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

Some netizens questioned: Aren’t humans constantly generating detailed “videos” in their minds based on their understanding of physics?

Yann LeCun answered questions online, "We envision abstract scenarios that may occur, rather than generating pixel images. This is the point I want to express."

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」
Some netizens believe that the brains of birds and mammals Detailed "videos" are being generated all the time, but they cannot externalize them.

Yann LeCun retorts: No, they don’t. They just generate abstract scenarios of what might happen, which is very different from generating detailed videos.
Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」In the future, we will bring more AIGC case demonstrations through new columns, and everyone is welcome to join the group for communication.

Runway和Luma又打起来了!Yann LeCun炮轰:你们再牛,也不是「世界模型」

以上是Runway和Luma又打起來了! Yann LeCun炮轟:你們再牛,也不是「世界模型」的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
