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我離不開的 10 個最佳 Android 小部件

2024-06-30 08:10:531033瀏覽


1 OnePlus 天氣

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

最非正統的小部件之一必須是 OnePlus 天氣小部件。雖然我只有一部 OnePlus 手機(OnePlus 3),但它的天氣應用程式一直讓我著迷。該應用程式從天氣頻道獲取天氣預報,因此相當準確。該小部件會告訴您當前和即將到來的天氣預報,並且它有一個漂亮的刷新按鈕以及有關上次更新時間的資訊。

我如此喜歡這個小部件的原因是它的美觀。與大多數其他天氣小部件一樣,它會根據當前天氣改變其外觀,但這個小部件採用了經典的 Google Material Design 語言。儘管還有其他使用類似風格的天氣小部件,但我還是太懷舊了,因為自 2017 年以來 OnePlus 天氣小部件一直在我的主螢幕上增光添彩。

OnePlus 天氣應用程式的唯一問題是您可能無法使用直接從 Play 商店安裝。相反,您必須旁加載 APK 才能在非 OnePlus Android 智慧型手機上獲取它。

如果您不喜歡或無法安裝 OnePlus Weather 應用程序,請查看 Overdrop。這是我的同事 Cory 最喜歡的 Android 天氣小部件應用程序,因為您可以從單個小部件打開多個應用程式(例如,單擊日期打開日曆)。我喜歡它只是因為它有 70 多個很棒的小部件可供選擇。如果我不是那麼沉迷於 OnePlus 小部件,我會使用 Overdrop。

2 Google 時鐘

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

十多年來,Google 時鐘小部件一直在我的主螢幕上增光添彩,它是我拿到新手機時安裝的第一個應用程式。大多數智慧型手機製造商現在都有自己的時鐘應用程序,但我很喜歡“如果它沒有壞,就不要修理它”的方法。儘管我擁有一隻便宜的智慧手錶,並且可以在常亮顯示器上查看時鐘,但我仍然喜歡在主螢幕中間放置時鐘小部件。

老實說,Google 時鐘應用程式或小部件沒有什麼特別之處;它非常簡單,唯一值得注意的功能是您可以使用 Spotify 作為鬧鐘(當它沒有出錯時)。它的簡單性正是我如此喜歡這個小部件的原因。

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

許多智慧型手機的主螢幕上都帶有 Google 搜尋小工具,這是有充分理由的 — 您可能一直在使用 Google。我知道我知道,這就是為什麼我不能沒有 Google 搜尋小工具。

您可以使用搜尋列、語音搜尋或 Google Lens 來尋找內容,但您也可以點擊 Google 圖示開啟 Google App,在 Google Discover 上閱讀 How-To Geek 文章。

4 Google Keep 和任務

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

Google 在任務應用程式方面存在嚴重問題,因為他們仍然沒有將任務整合到單一應用程式中。這就是我在手機上同時使用 Google Keep 和任務小工具的原因。這兩個小部件都允許您調整它們的大小,這就是為什麼我允許它們佔據我的一半螢幕並且幾乎從不使用實際的應用程式。

我更喜歡 Google Keep 並使用它的小部件,因為它有一個可以在我的 PC 上使用的網絡應用程序,但我也有 Google Tasks 來處理我想保留在日曆上的重要任務。幸運的是,這種雙小部件的情況只是暫時的,因為 Keep 和 Task 今年將同步。

5 Google 日曆

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

Google 日曆有兩個同樣出色的小部件可供您使用。一個顯示整個月,另一個僅顯示一周(或接下來的幾天)。由於我已經為當前任務設定了“保留”和“任務”,因此我使用顯示該月所有事件和任務的小部件。我沒有列印的日曆,所以這就是我掌握生日和假期的方式。

6 Shazam

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

Shazam is an app that can identify a song playing in the background, such as in a coffee shop, gym, or retail store, by listening to it for just a few seconds. I love music, and when I hear a new song that I really like, I have to whip out my phone and tap the Shazam widget to save it.

While the Google Search widget has a "Search a Song" button, I always forget to use it. Plus, the Shazam widget only requires a single tap before it starts listening to the song, so it's faster.

7 Spotify

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

Spotify is my go-to music app, so it's only natural that I have a widget for it. It only has the most basic music player functions without shuffle or repeat, but the expanded version of the widget lets you play recent playlists. Since I mostly listen to Spotify on my PC, I can use this widget to control the music when I'm not at my desk.

8 ChatGPT

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

You need to have at least one chatbot on your home screen in 2024, and I quite like the ChatGPT widget. While it doesn't let you type a Message in the widget directly to speed up your prompts (it just opens the app), you can use the buttons below the message bar for quick access to images and voice typing. If you have a ChatGPT Plus subscription, you should use the ChatGPT widget to get the most out of it.

9 Asana

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

Asana is one of the best work management apps, which is why we use it to track our projects at How-To Geek. I use the widget to review my current assignments and keep track of due dates at a glance. I have also used Notion and ClickUp previously, and you can't really go wrong with any of the three, even if it's just to keep track of your personal projects.

10 Focus To-Do: Pomodoro & Tasks

The 10 Best Android Widgets I Can't Live Without

A Pomodoro app with a widget gives you an easy way to utilize the Pomodoro Technique. Without getting into the weeds, the Pomodoro Technique allows you to split your workflow into 25-minute chunks with 5-minute breaks in between so that you never feel overworked.

While I actually prefer using a Pomodoro timer on my PC, I use the Focus To-Do widget for personal projects, such as working on my car or around the house. The app has a few other nifty productivity widgets that you can check out.

11 You Can Also Create Custom Widgets

The widgets that I showcased today are pretty basic and mainstream for the most part. I no longer have the time or patience to customize stuff on my phone, but if you feel the opposite way, you should know that some apps let you create custom widgets. The most popular is KWGT. It gives you plenty of heavily customizable widgets (both in the free and paid version), and you can use it to make a whole custom Android theme.

以上是我離不開的 10 個最佳 Android 小部件的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
