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對話 Maverick COO Ada :如何打造 DeFi 領域的一站式行動作業系統?

2024-06-24 20:02:531163瀏覽


嘉賓:Ada,Maverick COO




曾在傳統金融領域做出優異成績的Ada,現擔任Maverick COO,其在接受ChainCatcher採訪時表示,

Maverick V2使該平台不僅僅是一個AMMM或DEX方案供應商,而是一

Maverick V2使該平台不僅僅是一個AMMM或DEX方案供應商,而是一帶站式流動性作業系統(LiquidityOS)。

她解釋道,Maverick提出的LiquidityOS概念類比了蘋果的IOS作業系統,支援開發者在平台上自訂開發和定制任何流動性工具和方案等。 在Maverick V2上,代幣專案方可以一站式解決全部流動性相關的問題,從開始的流動性構建佈局,到流動性增長的激勵措施選擇,及最後流動性的粘性提升。

數據顯示,Maverick交易量在多條鏈上排名前三,產品也得到了DeFi核心玩家的認可,新的Layer2網絡在上線選擇引入DEX或AMM時,都會優先選擇在Uniswap、Curve、 Maverick中挑選。此外,Maverick V2吸引了Lido、Swell、EtherFi、Ethena、USDe,Liquity等知名專案前來合作部署。


对话 Maverick COO Ada :如何打造 DeFi 领域的一站式流动性操作系统?1、ChainCatcher:Maverick V2作業系統(LiquidityOS)系統(LiquidityOS)概念具體指什麼? V1與V2之間有何不同?




Maverick V2不僅是AMM方案供應商,更多的是吸引DeFi創業團隊或開發者,支持他們在平台上自訂開發和客製化流動性工具和方案。

2、ChainCatcher:Maverick V2產品想要解決的痛點和困難點有哪些?



Maverick V2想要幫助更多代幣能夠更合理和更有效率的去擴展流動性。



Maverick V2新功能:低Gas費AMM、支援客製化的可程式池、ve代幣

3、ChainCatcher:Maverick V2產品的核心功能有哪些?做出了哪些重大升級和改進?推動產品改進原因是什麼?

Ada:Maverick V2版本更新了四個核心部分,包括:優化後的高資本效率V2 AMM、支援開發者自訂的可編程池(Programmable Pools)、MAV代幣的新激勵分配方式veFlywheel 、ve代幣模式工廠veFactory。

首先是AMM產品的最佳化,V2 AMM經過程式碼最佳化更新,可大幅降低每次交易時的Gas費。

对话 Maverick COO Ada :如何打造 DeFi 领域的一站式流动性操作系统?

測試數據顯示,Maverick V2每筆交易Gas費不到Uniswap V3和Balancer的二分之一、 Curve的三分之一,是目前市場上Gas費最低的AMM。


第二個產品是可編程池(Programmable Pools),支援開發者根據自身需求定制一些交易池,可以和Uniswap V4的Hooks(可以理解為是一個插件)產品做一個類比,該功能會提高Maverick整個產品和生態的可組合性。


與Uniswap Hooks相比,Maverick原創的可編程池上線時間會更早,且Gas費更低、更亦構建產品。

对话 Maverick COO Ada :如何打造 DeFi 领域的一站式流动性操作系统?


对话 Maverick COO Ada :如何打造 DeFi 领域的一站式流动性操作系统?


V2’s veFlywheel guides incentives through matching. There are two main matching mechanisms to allocate MAV tokens: Direct Match and Vote Match. Among them, direct matching can match about 100% of MAV token incentives, and these incentives can be given to specific fund pools and customized emission duration; on the basis of direct matching, the "voting matching" function can be applied to enhance incentives, and the rewards will increase to 2-3 times the original amount.

The fourth innovative product is veFactory (also known as ve token foundry), which supports any project party to create and issue veToken with one click. For example, Swell can directly deploy tokens as ve models through the veFactory factory on the Maverick platform with one click.

4. ChainCatcher: What is the working mechanism of the "programmable pool and AI-DEX" introduced in V2? Can you explain it with some specific use cases?

Ada: The programmable pool allows fund pool creators to deploy specific transaction logic in a dedicated contract, and there is only one access (Accessor) address. Only people with access address permissions can change the liquidity pool. Trading logic, fees, add or move liquidity operations, etc.

Developers can design a variety of programs on the programmable pool and can also be applied to a variety of scenarios.

对话 Maverick COO Ada :如何打造 DeFi 领域的一站式流动性操作系统?

Specific usage scenarios are:

AI capital pool is also called AI DEX, which mainly means that developers can integrate AI transaction logic into specific capital pools for transaction flow processing.

Dynamic fee optimization: Developers can flexibly change the fee rate of the fund pool based on the transaction volume of the fund pool, token price and oracle data.

Unilateral trading pool LPing: Supports the creation of unilateral directional trading capital pools. This is very common in LST and LRT protocols. The project party only accepts the exchange of native assets to LST or LRT.

KYC pool: Mainly refers to fund pools with KYC requirements, such as RWA project parties, stable coins or credit products, etc., which will provide relevant KYC tools.

5. ChainCatcher: How do the innovative features of Maverick V2 work together? What are the specific application scenarios? What practical benefits can it bring to users and project parties?

Ada: For project parties, such as Swell, which has two assets, swETH and rswETH, you can create several different fund pools in Maverick, such as creating a dynamic fee adjustment pool through a programmable pool to help the LRT asset rswETH price keep pace with the ETH is stably pegged, and then the veFlywheel mechanism is used to increase the liquidity incentives of the capital pool. You can also deploy your SWELL tokens as veSWELL through the ve factory, and provide additional incentive emissions to users holding veSWELL to deepen the depth of the liquidity pool and Stickiness etc.

For users, the UI page of Maverick V2 has been completely adjusted and optimized. Users can not only see all the fund pools on the chain on one page, compare and analyze the income of different pools, but also One-click operation for cross-chain liquidity layout.

In addition, projects such as Lido, Swell, EtherFi, Ethena and other projects will all deploy liquidity pools in Maverick. By then, users can eat more than one fish and obtain multiple benefits.

6. ChainCatcher: How does Maverick V2 solve the current liquidity fragmentation problem in the DeFi market?

Ada: On the one hand, the MAV token is a full-chain token developed using Layerzero’s full-chain technology OFT. If you use the veMAV incentive policy, you can cross-chain the native MAV to any chain. Deploy incentive emissions on the chain;

On the other hand, C-side users can filter and manage the income of multiple fund pools on multiple chains on one Maverick page, and manage the asset liquidity of different chains with one click.

Maverick pays more attention to capital efficiency indicators

7. ChainCatcher: Since its launch on the Ethereum mainnet in March last year, Maverick has been online for more than a year. How has Maverick been operating during this period?

Ada: For Maverick, the criterion for measuring the success of a liquidity platform is not just simple TVL, but also the capital efficiency of liquidity and whether it can be actively used.

At present, the TVL of many DEX platforms is static and has not been used to achieve any capital efficiency. In terms of capital efficiency, Maverick has always been far ahead, and its results have been verified and recognized by the market.

For example, with a TVL of less than 40 million US dollars, Maverick’s transaction volume on Ethereum surpassed Curve and ranked second on the entire network; on zkSync, although Maverick’s TVL was only 50 million US dollars, its transactions The transaction volume ranks first in the entire chain, and most of the time more than 50% of the transaction volume on the chain occurs on this platform; the transaction volume in the Base chain ranks among the top three.

8. ChainCatcher: In June last year, Maverick completed US$9 million in strategic financing at a valuation of US$200 million. Are the operating data in line with expectations? What support do investment institutions provide?

Ada: Maverick’s data performance is quite impressive.

Before Maverick went online, the products on the DEX or AMM track were basically Uniswap and its Fork products, Curve and its forked products.

Nowadays, when a new Layer 2 goes online and introduces AMM or DEX products, it will choose one of Uniswap, Curve, and Maverick, which fully illustrates the recognition of Maverick products by real DeFi developers and core players.

Investment institutions have provided a lot of help in the Maverick team expansion recruitment and business development.

9. ChainCatcher: How big is the Maverick team?

Ada: There are more than 20 people in the Maverick product consultant and lawyer team, and about 10 core developers. Most of the members are based in the United States. The background of the team members is more academic research and technology research and development, among which the CTO has achievements in AI and network security. Extraordinary, with more than thirty related patents.

10. ChainCatcher: What positive impact will the launch of Maverick V2 have on the DeFi liquidity market? What changes will it bring to the token MAV?

Ada: First of all, we look forward to the growth of TVL on the platform. In the past, Maverick did not provide any emission incentives for TVL growth.

Secondly, we hope to have a sustainable impact on the cognitive growth of the entire DeFi liquidity, so that liquidity can be used more sustainably and efficiently.

Specifically, token projects can deploy liquidity more accurately, and LPs can obtain more tangible and sustainable returns.

For the token MAV, the most important usage scenarios have been developed. For example, MAV can be locked to veMAV, and then veMAV can be used to vote to determine the liquidity incentive emission distribution of the capital pool. Once a token has more specific usage scenarios, its true value is more likely to be discovered.

DeFi is the cornerstone of the development of the blockchain industry

11: ChainCatcher: Some people believe that the current DeFi product mechanism design is too complex and difficult to understand, which is very unfriendly to users. What do you think for this?

Ada: From the perspective of the development of the entire DeFi market, if you want to show explosive growth, you need to have a complete infrastructure. Product technological innovation often occurs on these infrastructures. This is actually a correct decision. development direction.

Nowadays, the products in the DeFi market are also focused on the development of infrastructure. The product mechanism has a threshold for users. The main reason may be that in the development process of DeFi products, the marketing and education of C-end users have not kept up.

Currently, Maverick has made attempts in terms of products, such as optimizing the user operation page to make it simpler and easier to use; it has also cooperated with some developers to develop robot Bot tools for novice users who are not familiar with LP operations. Help users automatically deploy portfolio liquidity with one click.

12. ChainCatcher: What are your views on the future development trend of the DeFi market?

Ada: In the usage scenario of blockchain, DeFi is the cornerstone product of the on-chain economy, and diverse on-chain behaviors need to rely on the trading market provided by DeFi infrastructure.

In the long term, DeFi as a blockchain usage scenario has proven its market feasibility, but DeFi should not only be compared with usage scenarios on the blockchain, but should be compared horizontally with the entire financial market Compared.

Now compared with traditional finance, DeFi shows that although the overall traffic is still very small, the future prospects are very big.

Many traditional financial practitioners believe that for finance, DeFi’s on-chain transparency and lack of middlemen can solve many problems of traditional finance.

以上是對話 Maverick COO Ada :如何打造 DeFi 領域的一站式行動作業系統?的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
