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iPad 原生計算器,一塊遲到 14 年的拼圖

2024-06-23 18:05:04695瀏覽

iPad 計算器,為什麼遲到了 14 年?

蘋果軟體工程副總裁Craig Federighi 在談及全新的iPad 計算器時說:「Apple 更願意在技術成熟,可以作為最終體驗呈現給用戶時再談論它。」

2010 年,iPhone 3 歲,而Mac 電腦已經30 歲。在創造了這一切神奇設備之後,Steve Jobs 依舊把蘋果定義為一家「行動裝置」公司。

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图

於是 iPad 的誕生變得順理成章:一台便攜的,可以上網、看影片、玩遊戲的行動裝置。經過 14 年的升級迭代,它甚至喊出了「你的下一台電腦,何必是電腦」的口號,一副勢要篡奪筆記型電腦的姿態。


iPadOS 缺少的一角:原生計算器

長久以來,iPad 缺少兩塊軟體拼圖:天氣和計算器。

從誕生開始,iPad 和 iPhone 共享著同一套系統邏輯。儘管後來被命名分為 iPadOS 和 iOS,但在用戶看來,iPad 只是一個放大版、沒有通訊功能的 iPhone 而已。

因此 iPhone 有計算器,而 iPad 沒有,顯得十分奇怪。

或許是賈伯斯的偏執造就了這段歷史。事實上,iPad 的原型機裡是有計算器的,就像iPhone 計算器等比例放大版本—— 這對團隊來說,是高效率的優選,因為那會兒沒人認為計算器是什麼大事兒。

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图

然而,賈伯斯在體驗原型機之後,對團隊沒有單獨設計計算器感到非常不滿,他要求團隊在 1 個月時間裡重新設計一款 iPad 專版計算器。

後來的事情顯而易見了。團隊沒能在時限內交出令人滿意的答案卷,iPad 計算器就此擱置了十餘年。

有趣的是,彼時負責 iOS(iPadOS)開發的 Scott Forstall 在 2012 年離任,而 Craig Federighi 接替了他的職位,並繼續負責 iOS 和 macOS 的開發。

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图
1984 年,賈伯斯讓團隊專為 Macintosh 電腦設計的計算器

在這段時間裡,用戶們沒有停止對蘋果要求上線 iPad 計算器的呼籲。於是 2022 年,Craig Federighi 在接受採訪時表示,蘋果想要做出計算器易如反掌,但他們想要做出一種用戶驚呼「這就是 iPad 上最好的計算器」的感覺。那時候的他胸有成竹,現在來看那會兒他們已經在構思全新的 iPad 計算機了。

用戶們哪有時間等,在 iPad 原生計算器缺席時,iPad 上冒出了無數第三方計算器。雖然很多廣告,雖然很難用,雖然只是等比放大版,用戶也得咬牙用下去。

若是你還沒更新 iPadOS 18,那麼我會推薦你下載一款名為「Solves」的第三方計算器作為過渡。

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图

Solves 的優點包括但不限於以下幾種

- 沒有廣告,介面乾淨整潔

- 支援多種複雜運算,例如百分比計算、指數運算和各種百分比函數


- 支援查看歷史記錄,支援多裝置記錄同步

這或許是除了原生iPad 計算器之外,最好看最好用的計算器之一。不過正如 Craig 所說,其實它只是 iPhone 計算機的放大版,並沒有為平板電腦的型態特別設計。



介面顯示不完整,按鈕漂移,UI 拉伸比例出錯......Android 平板的惡夢,就是軟體無法適配。蘋果的開發生態相對更封閉一些,官方對於軟體開發有著極高的要求。

儘管如此,時至今日,仍然有大量的軟體在平板電腦上是等比例放大,並沒有真正為平板電腦這種新形態專門開發顯示頁面和操作邏輯。蘋果想要的一定不是這樣的結果,他們認為平板電腦是一種介於手機和筆記型電腦之間的新形態設備,如果它只是放大版的手機,那麼為何不直接叫做 iPhone Note?

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图
AppStore specially selected apps for iPad

In addition to Apple, other brands in the industry have joined the tablet computer track, enriching the "tablet computer" ecosystem.

Apple provides a magnetic keyboard, Apple Pencil... Various accessories make up the tablet product framework - it can use the keyboard to type, click on the touch screen, draw, take photos... In addition Microsoft's Surface, Samsung Galaxy Tab tablets, and Huawei's MateBook series of computers are all developing in this direction.

At this point, you will find that the tablet has completed its self-interpretation, it can do something that a laptop cannot. On the iPad, there is a soul accessory: the Apple Pencil, perhaps the best stylus in tablets.

Around Apple Pencil, Apple guides and encourages developers to introduce richer features to make iPad even more iPad-like. Drawing and note-taking software are the basis, such as Procreate, Notability, Goodnotes, etc.

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图

And Apple itself is also developing new features that are strongly related to Apple Pencil step by step.

- In 2020, iPadOS 14 has a freehand writing function, which allows you to write text wherever there is a cursor

- In 2022, WWDC22 launched iPadOS 16 with Wubianji APP, which is equivalent to the official collaborative whiteboard tool

iPad successively With the ability to "write anywhere and recognize handwritten fonts anywhere" and "recognize complex handwritten words and patterns", this laid the foundation for the current iPad calculator.

No matter how users respond to new features, Apple is indeed determined to provide new features that “only iPad can do”, or in other words, provide new usage scenarios for Apple Pencil.

iPad calculator, the last piece of the puzzle

If you understand Apple’s definition of iPad, then you also understand why the calculator is late.

The current iPad native calculator also achieves "only iPad can do":

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图

- Math memo function, supports writing advanced mathematical expressions

- Supports basic and scientific operations

- Added more A kind of unit conversion function

- Maintaining the same black and orange tone as the iPhone

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图

Among them, the most important update is the "Math Memo" function, which allows you to write formulas as simple as writing in a workbook. Write out complex mathematical formulas.

- When you write the equal sign, the expression is established and the calculation result is automatically obtained

- When you modify any element in the expression, the calculation result will also change accordingly

- The iPad can even Expressions directly generate charts

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图

A short chain of operation logic. Apple has done two things that make people feel comfortable: First, avoid using the keyboard to enter complex mathematical formulas, and convert And use the handwritten formulas we are most familiar with; second, automatically calculate the result of the expression, no matter how complex it is - provided that it can accurately recognize the expression you wrote.

After actual testing, I found that as long as the fonts you write are not too deformed, mathematical expressions can basically be accurately recognized, and the calculation results are relatively fast, at least faster than the human brain.

What can be confirmed is that the entire process does not yet have the help of Apple Intelligence, because this feature will not be launched until the fall, and we can even imagine what the experience will be like if AI is added to the calculation process?

If when Steve Jobs and his team conceived the prototype of iOS, the first consideration was to be "intuitive" so that people who can't use touch screens can easily get started, then today's calculators also follow this logic. As long as you have learned mathematical formulas, you can use iPad to perform more efficient calculations without having to press keys to find complex mathematical symbols. At the same time, it also helps you do the most brain-consuming calculation process.

iPad 原生计算器,一块迟到 14 年的拼图

But before achieving this goal, Apple made too long preparations, and it was indeed too late.

From the birth of iPad to the present, Apple’s CEO has experienced a succession from Steve Jobs to Tim Cook, and the head of Apple’s software engineering has also changed from Scott Forstall to Craig Federighi. Product lines such as iPhone, iPad, and Mac have a more unified software and hardware design style, and it was even rumored that iPadOS and macOS would merge.

Craig's predecessor, Scott, was once called "Little Jobs" because his personality and behavior were similar to Jobs. Unfortunately, he failed to design the iPad calculator under the impetus of Jobs. Craig has added this piece of the puzzle, and so far, the calculator has indeed made the iPad more productive.

In recent years, people are always willing to talk about whether Apple still has innovations as a way to measure the value of Apple. Judging from the birth process and results of the iPad calculator, the greater innovative change "Apple Intelligence" brewing by Apple will meet everyone in the fall.

Oh, by the way, you can actually write formulas on iPad without Apple Pencil, and you can even experience digital projection simulated by Apple Pencil Pro.

This article comes from the WeChat public account: Unobjective Laboratory (ID: gh_719281df296b), author: Tang Jianbo

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