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如何使用船隻並到達 Murky Divers 的潛水地點

2024-06-21 10:19:103907瀏覽

Riding on the high of the Content Warning and Lethal Company hype, we now have Murky Divers to contend with. However, typically little is explained on how the mechanics work. If you’re left wondering how to even use the ship to reach a dive site in Murky Waters, here is your guide.

How to operate the ship in Murky Divers

First, you’ll want to head into this game with a few friends—the more, the merrier. Navigation alone is going to be a real chore, as there are a lot of elements at play. Two players are certainly possible, but to operate the ship effectively, I would suggest four players.

The goal of Murky Divers is to locate a blue dive site on the compass and navigate the boat into it. You need to assess the risks involved and then dive into the site to collect resources. This is done using the four instruments.


To the left of the large compass on the wall, you will see a green radar machine. This is what you must use to find a dive site in Murky Divers. Have someone man this station and keep an eye out for the Blue Circles that appear. These are where the ship needs to head.

How to use the ship and reach a dive site in Murky Divers

Using the compass points, the navigator needs to guide the ship into the blue dive sites. However, they are also responsible for looking out for hazards, which are marked as yellow coded dots. These not only tell you of the risks around dive sites but also the potential hazards the submarine could crash into in Murky Divers.

Avoid things like the Kranken and the police but try to capture things like fish and experiments. They can be collected when you reach dive sites. The navigator needs to use the radar to guide the Pilot and the Code reader.

Pilot 1+2

Facing the huge compass on the wall is the motorcycle handlebar-style steering area, and to the right of this is the throttle. This can be operated by one person as they switch between the two, but it is easier to have two.

How to use the ship and reach a dive site in Murky Divers

By listening to the instructions given by the Navigator, it is up to the Pilot to drive the ship to the blue circles. They cannot see the navigation, so they need to use instructions given by the navigator, using the huge compass as a reference. Steer and stop using these two consoles.

Code reader

On the opposite side of the hull to the navigation area is the code reader. It is possible to use this to decode the letters and numbers that show up on the green radar. This will give some idea of what it is the submarine is about to crash into in Murky Divers.

Catch fish, avoid Krakens, and never talk to the police.

How to reach a dive site in Murky Waters

It took us a while to figure out just how to actually access the sea outside of the ship in Murky Waters. However, it’s simple once you know.

First, make sure your submarine is positioned over one of the blue symbols on the map. Bring the submarine to a complete stop. Then, check for what enemies might be outside.


How to use the ship and reach a dive site in Murky Divers

出口左邊有一個面板,必須打孔。這樣做會打開外門,讓您和您的團隊游到 Murky Divers 的潛水點。收集你需要的東西並將其放在船上,然後重新啟動氣閘室。只要注意外面的各種怪物即可;很多比《致命連》裡的還要可怕。

以上是如何使用船隻並到達 Murky Divers 的潛水地點的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
