在線上玩多人遊戲時,您可能需要將 NAT 類型從嚴格更改為開放。嚴格或適度的 NAT 類型可能會導致加入遊戲聚會時出現網路問題,例如突然斷開連接、延遲、難以舉辦比賽等。
您可以變更 Windows 上的 NAT 類型以緩解限制,從而獲得更快、更可靠的網路連線。但在更改 NAT 時,您必須平衡您的需求和潛在的安全風險。
網路位址轉換 (NAT) 是路由器(和防火牆)中的一項功能,可將家庭和辦公室設備中的私人 IPv4 位址轉換為 ISP 分配給路由器的公共 IPv4 位址,反之亦然。 NAT 有助於解決全球可用公共 IPv4 位址數量有限的問題。
NAT 類型描述了網路連線的狀態。三種 NAT 類型是嚴格、中等和開放。
您的預設 NAT 類型取決於您的路由器設定。如果您遇到與網路相關的問題,將 NAT 類型從「嚴格」或「中等」變更為「開放」會有所幫助。但是,請警惕與將 NAT 類型變更為開放相關的潛在安全風險。
無論您要使用 UPnP 方法或連接埠轉送來變更 NAT 類型,您都需要一個靜態 IP 位址才能使其運作。由於大多數路由器指派動態 IP 位址,因此您必須為 Windows 裝置手動設定靜態 IP。
如果您已為裝置指派了靜態 IP 位址,請跳到下列步驟以變更 NAT 類型。如果沒有,請依照下列步驟在 Windows 電腦上設定靜態 IP 位址:
<code class="hljs ">ipconfig </code>
Network Discovery is a built-in Windows feature to help you allow other computers on the network to detect your computer. You can turn On or Off the Network Discovery mode on Windows 10 from the Settings apps. Here's how to do it on Windows 11:
You can change your NAT type to Open by enabling Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) in your router settings. This is the easiest way to change the NAT type, provided you can access your router configuration page. However, there are security concerns with the UPnP method, which hackers may exploit.
Note that the following steps apply to a TP-Link router. The process to enable UPnP may differ for routers from other manufacturers. Check your router's user manual or manufacturer knowledge base online for instructions.
Follow these steps to enable UPnP:
You can now close your router's web-based utility and check for any improvements in your network connectivity.
Alternatively, you can use the safer port forwarding method to change your NAT type for a specific game title or application. While the process is a little complicated compared to UPnP, port forwarding gives greater control over open ports and their usage with enhanced security.
To create a new port forwarding entry, you'll need to know the TCP or UDP ports used for your specific game. For example, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War uses the following ports:
<code class="hljs xml">TCP: 3074, 27014-27050UDP: 3074-3079</code>
To find your game's UDP and TCP ports, perform a web search with your game title for port forwarding. Often, the game developers include port information for the game on their website.
Alternatively, go to portforward, select your game, and then your router name and model using the given options. On the following page, scroll down to locate the specific ports for your game. Port Forward keeps a database of ports for games on multiple platforms and for different router makers.
To change NAT type using Power Forwarding:
可能需要變更 NAT 類型才能解決與網路相關的問題。您可以啟用 UPnP 或開啟網路發現來緩解網路限制。但是,我們建議使用連接埠轉送來減少網路限制,同時又不影響網路安全。
以上是如何在 Windows 11/10 上變更 NAT 類型的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!