首頁 >網路3.0 >Robinhood加碼加密佈局:2億美元收購老牌合規交易所Bitstamp,股價今年大漲九成


2024-06-12 09:52:191219瀏覽

成立於2011年的Bitstamp被認為是合規性較高的交易所之一,業務遍及盧森堡、英國、斯洛維尼亞、新加坡和美國,不僅是英國FCA過去1年批准的4家加密公司之一,也成為第一個在新加坡獲得原則性批准的歐洲加密交易所,也多次作為以太坊創始人Vitalik Buterin的「御用」交易所。而如今,Bitstamp即將成為傳統證券交易軟體Robinhood的加密板塊。



6月6日,Robinhood發佈公告宣布將收購Bitstamp,該筆交易會以2億美元的現金形式完成,預計在2025年上半年完成,具體取決於常規的成交條件和監管審批。在本次收購中,Barclays Capital將擔任Robinhood的獨家財務顧問,Galaxy Digital Partners則將擔任Bitstamp的獨家財務顧問。


對於收購原因,Robinhood Crypto總經理Johann Kerbrat近期在接受Unchained採訪時表示,Robinhood希望藉助收購Bitstamp擴大潛在市場,這家交易所在全球50多個國家或地區擁有有效許可證並進行了註冊,能為Robinhood帶來歐盟、英國、美國甚至亞洲部分地區的客戶。

對此,《財星》雜誌預測,這筆交易除了能為Robinhood增加400萬至500萬名新的加密客戶。同時,Bernstein也在研究報告指出,Robinhood收購Bitstamp將使Robinhood能夠向更多機構客戶提供更廣泛的加密貨幣產品。從目前在美國的15種和歐洲的30多種代幣,擴展到Bitstamp的85種以上,也將使Robinhood獲得全球流動性,從而改善其自身平台的經濟效益。 Bitstamp的多元化服務(如質押、穩定幣、交易、託管和主要經紀業務)將幫助Robinhood吸引更多的機構客戶,並有可能加速其在歐洲市場的擴展。

另外,美國監管環境也是促成此次收購的重要原因,今年5月Robinhood也收到了美國SEC的韋爾斯通知。 「美國缺乏監管清晰度正是我們選擇擴展歐盟市場的主要原因之一。SEC主席公開表示加密公司需註冊後,Robinhood一直在嘗試註冊並與之會面了16次,同時為了安全,Robinhood僅在平台上列出15種資產,且從不提供質押服務,但仍收到SEC的韋爾斯通知,我們對SEC的反應失望至極。

投資銀行Architect Partners認為,SEC的韋爾斯通知是告知Robinhood監管機構已掌握足夠信息,可能對其採取執法行動,而該平台收購Bitstamp將擴大Robinhood的全球影響力,從而減弱SEC的強監管影響,無論美國採取何種行動都能確保Robinhood參與。




例如,今年1月,Robinhood上線11支現貨比特幣ETF的交易服務,其在退休帳戶與經紀帳戶中面向美國所有客戶開放;2月,Robinhood的錢包服務Robinhood Connect集成MetaMask,允許其用戶使用後者的聚合服務來購買加密貨幣;3月,Robinhood正式向Android用戶推出加密錢包,支援以太坊、比特幣、狗狗幣、Arbitrum和Polygon等上的加密貨幣發送、接收和存儲功能;5月初,Uniswap Labs宣布與Robinhood合作,用戶可使用金融卡、銀行轉帳或直接向Robinhood餘額購買加密貨幣。同月,Robinhood Crypto向歐洲客戶推出質押功能,並推出在地化應用程式。另外,Robinhood也透過上線TON、WIF、BONK等熱門資產來吸引投資人。

These initiatives also drove Robinhood to achieve a surge in revenue in the first quarter of this year. According to Robinhood’s previously announced financial performance data for the first quarter of fiscal year 2024, its trading-based revenue increased 59% year-on-year to $329 million, mainly driven by $126 million in cryptocurrency revenue (an increase of 232%) and options revenue. Driven by $154 million (up 16%). Robinhood Q1 cryptocurrency nominal trading volume increased by 224% year-on-year to $36 billion. This growth rate is much faster than the growth in stock nominal trading volume (40%), although the latter has a larger trading volume, reaching $225 billion.


#However, as retail investors’ interest in digital assets cooled, Robinhood’s cryptocurrency trading volume also fell sharply. According to its operating data for April, Robinhood’s crypto trading has dropped 57% from March to $10.1 billion, exceeding the decline of rival exchanges, but still up 173% from the same period last year, and the stock trading platform Average daily revenue transaction volume also fell 43% to approximately 400,000 transactions.


Thanks to asset growth and increased trading volume, Robinhood’s stock price has also surged this year. Wall Street investment bank JMP even raised Robinhood’s target price to $30, and Reaffirmed its "market outperform" rating. However, the agency also believes that since the profitability of Bitstamp, the acquisition target, is minimal, the transaction is not expected to bring substantial value added. As of the publication of this article, Robinhood's stock price is US$23.43, which is only nearly 2.1% higher than the closing price of the acquisition announcement, but has increased by more than 89.3% since the beginning of the year. Not long ago, Robinhood also announced that its board of directors approved a $1 billion stock repurchase plan, which is expected to be executed within two to three years starting in the third quarter of this year.

Overall, Robinhood is increasing its influence in the encryption field through multiple business layouts, but it is not yet known whether it can use Bitstamp to bring more users and funds to the platform.

