電腦主機板指示燈亮紅燈,可能表示您的電腦遇到了問題。 php小編草莓將幫助您了解亮紅燈的原因,以及如何解決問題。繼續閱讀以獲取更多詳細資訊。
2、鍵盤燈不亮說明是記憶體、CPU、主機板、或電源問題。解決方法:1、鍵盤燈不亮先用橡皮擦拭記憶體條,檢查記憶體條的金手指是否有燒焦的痕跡。把記憶體更換插槽。 2.查看主機板上面的電容、電阻,看電容是否有鼓包,主機板上是否有焦味,並清理主機板上的灰塵。
析:風扇轉動說明電源已開始供電,顯示器無影像,電腦無法進入正常工作狀態說明電腦未通過系統自檢,主機板BIOS設定還沒輸出到顯示器,故障應出在主機板,顯示卡和記憶體上。但有時劣質電源和顯示器損壞也會造成此故障。 以下是檢查思路和方法:
1、如果有警報聲,表示自檢出了問題。警報聲是由主機板上的BIOS設定的。 BIOS有兩種,分別為AMI和AWARD。大多數主機板都是採用AWARD的BIOS,此處警報聲只列出常見的幾種。長聲不斷響:內存條未插緊。 一短:系統正常啟動。 兩短:CMOS設定錯誤,需重新設定。 一長一短:記憶體或主機板錯誤。 一長兩短:顯示器或顯示卡錯誤。 一長三短:鍵盤控制器錯誤。 一長九短:主機板BIOS的flash RAM或EPROM錯誤。
2、如果沒有警報聲,可能是喇叭壞了,請按下列步驟進行。 A、檢查內存,將內存取出用橡皮將插腳擦乾淨,換個插槽插實試機。如果有兩根以上的記憶體共用的,請只用一根記憶體試機。 B、檢查顯示卡,檢查顯示卡是否插實,取出後用橡皮將插腳擦乾淨安裝到位後再試機。然後將顯示卡與顯示器連線拔掉再試機,看是否進入下一步自我檢測。如有可能更換一張顯示卡試試。 C、如果記憶體、顯示卡、CPU等設備正常,接著將BIOS放電,採用隔離法,將主機板安置在機箱外面,接上記憶體、顯示卡、CPU等進行測試,如果電腦能顯示了,接著再將主機板安裝到機殼內測試,直到找到故障原因。若故障依舊則需要將主機板送回廠商修理。 (這一步表示不是很懂,但有一次和范建琪學長解決類似問題時,他將主機電源線拔掉,再長按開機鍵放電,解決了這個問題)
1. Poor contact between CPU or memory. Check to see if reinstalling or replacing the CPU and memory can resolve the fault.
2. The working frequency of memory, PCI-E or PCI does not match the external frequency, and a fault occurs. Generally, a CMOS discharge is performed to restore the CMOS to its default settings. Turn on the phone and try again.
3. The most common fault is poor contact of the memory module. Pull out the memory module, sweep the memory slot with a brush, and try plugging and unplugging it several times.
1. Check whether the monitor cable is firmly and reliably inserted into the host interface, and then check whether the contact between the graphics card and the motherboard I/O slot is good. You can re-insert the graphics card once to ensure that the graphics card is in place and in good contact;
2. Change to a confirmed normal monitor. If the screen is no longer black, the monitor may be damaged;
3. If the monitor is not Damaged, please check whether the CPU fan is running;
4. If a black screen still appears, remove all components except the CPU, graphics card, and memory module, and then power on and start the computer. If the memory is faulty, there should be an alarm sound. If it is not due to the memory, please change to a normal CPU and start the test again. If a black screen still appears, it is recommended to replace the motherboard;
5. Whether the system has installed software and update patches, if so, please uninstall the update files;
6. The computer is restarting after installing the software and is updating, resulting in a black screen , just wait for the update to be completed;
7. You can enter safe mode to repair the computer. If you cannot enter safe mode, please reinstall the system.