//實例類別 public class CityModel { int _id; 字串_城市名稱; 字串_城市代碼; public int ID { set { _id = value; } get { return _id; } } public string CityName { set { _hecity = value; } { set { _hecity = value; } }; get { return _cityname; } } 公共字串城市代碼 { set { _citycode = value; } get { return _citycode; } } } //DAL層,傳回DataTable,使用通用SqlHelper public DataTable CityList(string pcode) { string SQL = "SELECT * FROM city WHERE 1 =1」; if (! string.IsNullOrEmpty(pcode)) { if (pcode.Substring(2, 2) != "00") { SQL = SQL " AND RIGHT(城市代碼,2)'00' AND LEFT(城市代碼,4)=LEFT(@pcode,4)"; } else { SQL = SQL " AND RIGHT(citycode,2)=' 00' AND LEFT(RIGHT(citycode,4),2)'00' AND LEFT(城市代碼,2)=LEFT(@pcode,2)"; } } else { SQL = SQL " AND LEFT(citycode,2)'00' AND RIGHT(citycode,4)='0000'"; } SQL = SQL " ORDER BY 按ASC排序"; SqlParameter[] Param ={ new SqlParameter("@pcode",pcode) }; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DBUtility.SConnectionlHelaction.SConnection >{ DataSet ds = DBUtility.SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(conn, CommandType.Text, SQL, Param); 回傳ds.Tables[0]; } } //BLL層,傳回City的泛型清單 public List; CityList(字串碼) { List; list = new List(); 達爾。 CityDAL cd = new DAL.CityDAL(); DataTable dt = cd.CityList(code); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i { CityModel cm = new城市模型(); cm.ID = int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString ()); cm.CityName = dt.Rows[i]["cityname"].ToString(); cm.CityCode = dt.Rows[i]["citycode"].ToString(); list.Add(cm); } } 回傳清單; }
/// /// CityLoader 的摘要說明 /// / ; [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.ComponentModel.Toolbox(false )] / / 若要允許使用ASP.NET AJAX 從腳本呼叫此Web 服務,請取消對下游的註解。 // [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class CityLoader : System.Web .Services.WebService { [WebMethod] public void GetCityList(string code) { CityBLL cb = new CityBLL(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 列表 cm = cb.CityList(代碼); sb.Append(" ["); if (cm.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i { CityModel model = cm[i ]; sb.Append("{"); sb.AppendFormat(@"""c_name"":""{0}"",", model.CityName); sb.AppendFormat (@"""c_code"":""{0}""", model.CityCode); sb.Append("}"); if (i { sb.Append(","); }