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DB2 db2mtrk用法总结

2016-06-07 17:12:001702瀏覽

DB2 db2mtrk用法总结,当我们对db2内存使用清理进行监控检查的时候,经常需要知道db2当前的内存使用情况。通过参数instance_memo

当我们对db2内存使用清理进行监控检查的时候,经常需要知道db2当前的内存使用情况。通过参数instance_memory并不能准确的看到这些信息,因为instance_memory包括了mon_heap, audit_buf_sz and FCM, database shared memory segment (bufferpool, locklist, dbheap, pckcache, util_heap, catalogcache)这些内存池集合,而db2mtrk就可以指定数据库和实例级别查看实时的内存使用情况


db2inst1@marven ~]$ db2mtrk -h
Usage: db2mtrk -i | -d | -a | -p [-m | -w] [-v] [-r interval [count]] [-h]

   -i  Display instance level memory usage
   -d  Display database level memory usage
   -a  Display application level memory usage
   -p  Display agent private memory usage
   -m  Display maximum usage information
   -w  Display watermark usage information
   -v  Display verbose memory usage information
   -r  Run in repeat mode
          interval  Amount of seconds to wait between reports
          count     Number of reports to generate before quitting
   -h  Display this help screen


   1. One of -i -d -a -p must be specified.
   2. The -w and -m flags are optional.  An invocation of the application
      is invalid if both flags are specified.
   3. The -m flag reports the maximum allowable size for a given heap
      while the -w flag reports the largest amount of memory allocated
      from a given heap at some point in its history.

Usage scenarios:

   db2mtrk -i -d

      Report current memory usage for instance and all databases

   db2mtrk -i -p -m

      Report maximum allowable size for instance and agent private memory

   db2mtrk -p -r 1 5

      Report agent private memory five times at one second intervals

Heap Legend:

   When running in normal mode (i.e. -v flag not specified) heaps are named
   using the following codes:

   agsh      - Application Group Shared Heap   lockh     - Lock Manager Heap
   appctlh   - Application Control Heap        monh      - Database Monitor Heap
   apph      - Application Heap                other     - Other Memory
   appshrh   - Applications Shared Heap        pckcacheh - Package Cache
   bph       - Buffer Pool Heap                queryh    - Query Heap
   catcacheh - Catalog Cache Heap              shsorth   - Shared Sort Heap
   dbh       - Database Heap                   sorth     - Sort Heap
   dlfmh     - DFM Heap                        stath     - Statistics Heap
   fcmbp     - FCMBP Heap                      stmth     - Statement Heap
   ip        - Import Pool                     utilh     - Backup/Restore/Util Heap

-m 参数选项是显示最大的内存使用上线
-w 参数选项是显示使用过程中内存达到的最大值,既watermark

-r  参数选项是重复显示 interval是重复显示的时间间隔数 count是要重复显示的次数

