首頁 >資料庫 >mysql教程 >mssql返回表的创建语句


2016-06-07 16:09:541424瀏覽

if OBJECT_ID(sp_create_table_sql,P) is not nulldrop proc sp_create_table_sqlgocreate proc sp_create_table_sql ( @tablename varchar(255) ) as begin -- exec sp_create_table_sql Ad_AdGroup -- 0. 弘恩 -- 1. 不支持非主键类的索引 -- 2. 不支持主

if OBJECT_ID('sp_create_table_sql','P') is not null
drop proc sp_create_table_sql
create proc sp_create_table_sql ( @tablename varchar(255) ) 
	 -- exec sp_create_table_sql 'Ad_AdGroup'
	 -- 0. 弘恩
	 -- 1. 不支持非主键类的索引
	 -- 2. 不支持主分键的非默认排序
	 -- 3. 不支持DEFAULT
	 -- 4. 不支持计算列
	 -- 5. 待完整 
	declare @sql_create varchar(max) = '';
	declare @sql_column varchar(max);
	declare @sql_primary varchar(max);
	with cte as 
		select  QUOTENAME( c.name )+' '+
				TYPE_NAME(c.system_type_id)+' '+
				case when  TYPE_NAME( c.system_type_id) in  ('char','varchar','decimal')  then ' ( '  else ''  end +
				case when  TYPE_NAME( c.system_type_id) in  ('char','varchar','nvarchar'  )  then cast(max_length as varchar)  else ''  end+
				case when  TYPE_NAME( c.system_type_id) in  ('decimal'  )  then cast(c.precision as varchar)+','+cast(c.scale AS varchar) else ''  end+  
				case when  TYPE_NAME( c.system_type_id) in  ('char','varchar','decimal')  then ' ) ' else ''  end +
				case when c.is_nullable = 1 then ' null ' else ' not null ' end +
				case when c.is_identity = 0 then ' ' else ' identity ' end  sqlstr ,  
		 from sys.objects as o
		 join sys.columns as c on o.object_id = c.object_id 
		 where o.name = @tablename and o.type = 'U'
	select @sql_column = stuff(
	(select  ',' + sqlstr  + CHAR(10)
	from cte 
	order by column_id asc 
	for xml path('') ),1,1,'')
	select @sql_primary = stuff(( 
	 select ',' + c.name
	 from sys.index_columns as i 
	 join sys.indexes as ix on i.object_id = ix.object_id  and i.index_id = ix.index_id
	 join sys.columns as c on i.object_id = c.object_id  and i.column_id = c.column_id
	 where OBJECT_NAME(i.object_id) = @tablename
	 and ix.is_primary_key = 1
	  order by i.key_ordinal
	 for xml path('')

	 set @sql_create = ' create table ' + @tablename + '( ' 
	 +   @sql_column  
	 + case when len(@sql_primary) >= 1 then  (', primary key ( ' + @sql_primary + ')') else '' end 
	 + ' ) '
	print ' -- @sql_create -- '
	print @sql_create
