XSL-FO zone
XSL-FO uses rectangular boxes (areas) to display output.
XSL-FO Regions
The XSL formatting model defines a series of rectangular regions (boxes) for displaying output.
All output (text, images, etc.) will be formatted into these boxes and then displayed or printed to a target medium.
Let's examine the following regions:
Block areas
Line areas
Inline areas
XSL-FO Pages
XSL-FO output will be formatted into pages. Printed output is usually divided into many divided pages. Browser output often becomes a long page.
XSL-FO Pages (pages) contain regions (Regions).
XSL-FO Regions
Each XSL-FO page contains a series of Regions:
region-body (the body of the page)
region-before (the header of the page)
region-after (the footer of the page)
region-start (left column)
region-end (right column)
XSL-FO Regions (areas) contain block areas (Block Area).
XSL-FO Block Areas
XSL-FO Block Areas define small block elements (usually starting with a new line), such as paragraphs , tables and lists.
XSL-FO Block Areas contain other block areas, but most of the time they contain line areas.
XSL-FO Line Areas
XSL-FO Line Areas define lines of text inside a block area.
XSL-FO Line Areas (line areas) include inline areas (Inline Area).
XSL-FO Inline Areas
XSL-FO Inline Areas define the text inside the line (emphasis lines, single characters, images, etc.) .