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hive function encyclopedia Chinese WORD version
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This document describes the hive function in detail; it is relatively comprehensive and I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study; interested friends can come and take a look


1. Relational operations: 4
1. Equivalence comparison: = 4
2. Comparison of unequal values: <> 4
3. Less than comparison: < 4
4. Less than or equal to comparison: <= 4
5. Greater than comparison: > 5
6. Greater than or equal to comparison: >= 5
7. NULL value judgment: IS NULL 5
8. Non-null judgment: IS NOT NULL 6
9. LIKE comparison: LIKE 6
10. LIKE operation in JAVA: RLIKE 6
11. REGEXP operation: REGEXP 7
2. Mathematical operations: 7
1. Addition operation: + 7
2. Subtraction operation: - 7
3. Multiplication operation: * 8
4. Division operation: / 8
5. Remainder operation: % 8
6. Bit AND operation: & 9
7. Bitwise OR operation: | 9
8. Bit XOR operation: ^ 9
9. Bit negation operation: ~ 10
3. Logical operations: 10
1. Logical AND operation: AND 10
2. Logical OR operation: OR 10
3. Logical NOT operation: NOT 10
4. Numerical calculation 11
1. Rounding function: round 11
2. Specify the precision rounding function: round 11
3. Round down function: floor 11
4. Round up function: ceil 12
5. Rounding up function: ceiling 12
6. Get a random number function: rand 12
7. Natural exponential function: exp 13
8. Base 10 logarithmic function: log10 13
9. Base 2 logarithmic function: log2 13
10. Logarithmic function: log 13
11. Power operation function: pow 14
12. Power operation function: power 14
13. Square root function: sqrt 14
14. Binary function: bin 14
15. Hexadecimal function: hex 15
16. Reverse hexadecimal function: unhex 15
17. Base conversion function: conv 15
18. Absolute value function: abs 16
19. Positive remainder function: pmod 16
20. Sine function: sin 16
21. Arcsine function: asin 16
22. Cosine function: cos 17
23. Arc cosine function: acos 17
24. positive function: positive 17
25. negative function: negative 17
5. Date function 18
1. UNIX timestamp to date function: from_unixtime 18
2. Get the current UNIX timestamp function: unix_timestamp 18
3. Date to UNIX timestamp function: unix_timestamp 18
4. Convert date in specified format to UNIX timestamp function: unix_timestamp 18
5. Convert date and time to date function: to_date 19
6. Date conversion function: year 19
7. Date to month function: month 19
8. Date to day function: day 19
9. Date to hour function: hour 20
10. Date to minute function: minute 20
11. Date to second function: second 20
12. Date week rotation function: weekofyear 20
13. Date comparison function: datediff 21
14. Date add function: date_add 21
15. Date reduction function: date_sub 21
6. Conditional function 21
1. If function: if 21
2. Non-empty search function: COALESCE 22
3. Conditional judgment function: CASE 22
4. Conditional judgment function: CASE 22
7. String functions 23
1. String length function: length 23
2. String reversal function: reverse 23
3. String concatenation function: concat 23
4. Delimited string concatenation function: concat_ws 23
5. String interception function: substr, substring 24
6. String interception function: substr, substring 24
7. String to uppercase function: upper,ucase 24
8. String to lowercase function: lower,lcase 25
9. Space removal function: trim 25
10. Function to remove spaces on the left: ltrim 25
11. Function to remove spaces on the right: rtrim 25
12. Regular expression replacement function: regexp_replace 26
13. Regular expression parsing function: regexp_extract 26
14. URL parsing function: parse_url 26
15. json parsing function: get_json_object 27
16. Space string function: space 27
17. Repeat string function: repeat 27
18. The first character ascii function: ascii 28
19. Left complement function: lpad 28
20. Right complement function: rpad 28
21. Split string function: split 28
22. Set search function: find_in_set 29
8. Set statistical functions 29
1. Count statistical function: count 29
2. Sum statistical function: sum 29
3. Average statistical function: avg 30
4. Minimum statistical function: min 30
5. Maximum statistical function: max 30
6. Non-empty set overall variable function: var_pop 30
7. Non-empty set sample variable function: var_samp 31
8. Overall standard deviation function: stddev_pop 31
9. Sample standard deviation function: stddev_samp 31
10. Median function: percentile 31
11. Median function: percentile 31
12. Approximate median function: percentile_approx 32
13. Approximate median function: percentile_approx 32
14. Histogram: histogram_numeric 32
9. Composite type construction operation 32
1. Map type construction: map 32
2. Struct type construction: struct 33
3. Array type construction: array 33
10. Complex type access operations 33
1. Array type access: A[n] 33
2. Map type access: M[key] 34
3. struct type access: S.x 34
11. Complex type length statistical function 34
1. Map type length function: size(Map<K.V>) 34
2. Array type length function: size(Array<T>) 34
3. Type conversion function 35

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