DELPHI control properties, methods, events and common functions
1. TmainMemu control
This control is a standard menu control, which is used to provide menus for windows. The hierarchical structure of the object is: TObject—TPersistent—TCompoment—TMenu.
1-AutoMetge: Boolean
Function: Used to determine whether the menu on the non-main Form in a non-MID program should be merged with the menu of the main Form. The main Form menu AutoMerge feature is always False. In addition, set the GroupIndex property of the menu item.
2-BiDiMode: TBiDiMode
Function: Control the layout mode of the menu, whether from left to right or right to left.
3-Handle: HMENU
Function: Menu window handle.
4-Images: TImagList
Function: A list of images that appears to the left of the menu item. Menu items set their ImageIndex property to determine which image in the image list appears to the left of the menu item.
5-Items: TMenuItem
Function: Menu item, describes the elements of the menu.
6-OwnerDraw: Boolean
Function: Determine whether the menu item can be drawn by the application.
7-ParentBiDiMode: Boolean
Function: Determine whether the BiDiMode attribute is inherited from the parent. The parent of the menu is generally Form.
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