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  • PHP query ip location class library How to use it: $ip=new iplocation("qqwry.dat"); $address=$ip->getaddress("123.57.138"); //$address=$ip->getaddress(www.111cn.net); echo '<pre>'; print_r($address);

    ip library51852017-02-27
  • A simple PHP anti-injection class library. Note that the information to be filtered is basically get, post, and for sql, our commonly used query, insert, etc. sql commands are what we want to focus on filtering.

    Security class library40352017-02-27
  • A Php Aes encryption program, an extension suitable for Yii. If it is not used in the Yii framework, just replace Yii::app()->params[\'encryptKey\'] in the code with your corresponding default key. AES encryption algorithm – Algorithm principle The AES algorithm is based on permutation and permutation operations. Permutation is the rearrangement of data, and permutation is the replacement of one data unit with another. AES uses several different methods to perform permutation and permutation operations. AES is an iterative, symmetric key block cipher that can use 128, 192 and 256-bit keys, and uses 128-bit (16 bytes) blocks to encrypt and decrypt data, unlike public key ciphers that use key pairs ,Symmetric key ciphers use the same key to encrypt and ,decrypt data, the number of bits of the encrypted data returned ,through the block cipher is the same as the input data, ,iterative encryption uses a loop structure in which the ,input data is repeatedly permuted and replaced.

    Encryption and decryption class library28192017-02-27
  • A PHP multifunctional image processing library, basic image processing, used to complete image indentation and watermark addition. Friends who need it can refer to it to facilitate everyone to learn the php code

    Picture library16152017-02-23
  • A PHP class library for generating thumbnails that can generate: 1. Generate distorted thumbnails 2. Generate scaled thumbnails 3. Generate minimally cropped thumbnails 4. Generate thumbnails with background fill

    Picture library15912017-02-23
  • A simple php paging library Note: You also need a table during testing with at least the fields announceID, announceContent.

    Pagination library17292017-02-23
  • This class is suitable for database query paging and array paging. The output content and style can be easily adjusted in the class. For detailed instructions, please see the file in the compressed package.

    Pagination library98732017-02-23
  • You need to use the shopping cart when doing projects. Considering that it may be used frequently, we encapsulate it into a class for future call. You can also simply modify this class slightly and use it in your own program. .

    Other libraries17792017-02-23
  • A PHP object-oriented database operation class library. When using it, be sure not to forget to close the data connection $SqlDB->Close(); Of course, this sentence is optional, PHP will automatically log out! But this can develop a good habit, and the best It’s better to add it!

    Database operation class19742017-02-23
  • PHP static file generation class How to use it: <?php $s=new CreateHtml(); $s->start(); ?> <html> <body> asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf<br> adfasdfasdf<br> </body>> </html> <?php $s->end(); ?>

    Other libraries16772017-02-23
  • WeChat public platform service accounts can apply for custom menus. Other accounts do not support custom menus for the time being. Not only can this be operated using the API, but the menus and parameters can also be defined directly in the background. Apply for custom menu Service accounts can apply for custom menus. Official accounts that use QQ to log in can be upgraded to email login. Official accounts that use email to log in can modify the login email address, and group messages can be synchronized to Tencent Weibo.

    WeChat interface library66072017-02-23
  • A practical PHP paging class. You only need to pass in a few parameters (total number of information, total number of pages, number of items displayed on each page, current page number, starting position of query) to instantiate and use it. Friends who need it can refer to it for convenience. Let’s learn php code.

    Pagination library15512017-02-23