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  • Share a PHP class that calculates the distance between two points on the map. Friends who need it can download it for reference. If they have better ones, they can upload them to our PHP Chinese website for everyone to learn and share together.

    Baidu map class library52772017-06-09
  • The PHP Tencent Map Longitude and Latitude Conversion to Baidu Map Longitude and Latitude class can convert the Baidu Map Longitude and Latitude into the corresponding longitude and latitude of Tencent Map/Google.

    Baidu map class library45442017-04-08
  • Introduces the method of generating Baidu sitemap sitemap class function in PHP, and details the implementation method and precautions of Baidu sitemap, which is of great practical value in the construction of web sites. Implementation: First, take out 1000 pieces of data (which can be flexibly saved for later modification), and then generate xml format files in a loop. file_puts_contens writes files. Then write the name of the generated xml file, the minimum id of the retrieved question, the maximum id of the retrieved question, and the number of retrieved questions into a txt file for index query. The format is roughly like this.

    Baidu map class library46602017-03-23
  • SearchControl class, this class provides city list selection, local search, and bus driving query functions. The main entry class is SearchControl, based on Baidu Map API 1.4.

    Baidu map class library40102017-03-02
  • Baidu Map’s traffic flow control is open to the public. Control the display and hiding of current and future traffic flow layers on the map. The main entry class is TrafficControl, and the PC side is based on Baidu Map API 1.2. The mobile terminal is based on Baidu Map API 1.4 and provides high-definition basemaps.

    Baidu map class library43262017-03-02
  • The GeoUtils class provides several geometric algorithms to help users determine the relationship between points and rectangles, circles, polygon lines, and polygon faces, and provides formulas for calculating polyline lengths and polygon areas. The main entry class is GeoUtils, based on Baidu Map API 1.2.

    Baidu map class library36202017-03-02
  • Baidu map browsing area is restricted and open to the outside world. Developers are allowed to enter the Bounds value of the map area that limits browsing, so that map viewers can only browse the map within the limited area. Based on Baidu Map API 1.2.

    Baidu map class library36212017-03-02
  • The pull-box zoom class is the entrance to realize the pull-box zoom effect. The main entry class is SearchInRectangle, based on Baidu Map API 1.2.

    Baidu map class library37782017-03-02
  • Baidu Map's zoom class is open to the public. Allows users to perform zoom-in or zoom-out operations on the map. Users can customize the animation during zooming, the style of the overlay, and other effects. The main entry class is RectangleZoom, based on Baidu Map API 1.2.

    Baidu map class library39232017-03-02
  • This class represents an overlay on the map, which consists of text and icons and inherits from Overlay. The main entry class is TextIconOverlay, based on Baidu Map API 1.2

    Baidu map class library37642017-03-02
  • Baidu Map's annotation tool class is open to the public. Allows users to add a point label after clicking on the map, and allows users to set the icon style of the label. The main entry class is MarkerTool, based on Baidu Map API 1.2.

    Baidu map class library38492017-03-02
  • The MarkerClusterer marker aggregator is used to solve the problem of overlay when loading a large number of point features onto the map and improve performance. The main entry class is MarkerClusterer, based on Baidu Map API 1.2.

    Baidu map class library37372017-03-02