front-end production layout reference specification
1. The default dtd declaration for the page header is: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
2. All css names must be lowercase and html tags must be all lowercase.
3. The fixed width and height part of the layout must be declared as width*height, and the flexible and retractable layout must be declared as width or height according to the situation.
4. The class name, id, quotation marks, and label format must be standardized and complete. For example: <img /> The slash in the label cannot be omitted, and the width and height must be declared.
5. The size and position of the website logo part must be determined first or a place should be reserved for it.
6. <h1><h2>….<h5> After initialization, the usage should be hierarchical from large to small. Generally, h1 and h2 are only used as the website title or logo, and the rest <h3>, etc. and < ;p> tags are used for headings and paragraphs at all levels.
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